Lesson Info
5. 6-Step Video Creation Process Part 1
Day 1
1Why YouTube
1:09:51 2Case Study: Skype Call with Marie Forleo
29:34 3Case Study with James
11:27 4YouTube in 3 Steps/Video Optimization
1:16:59 56-Step Video Creation Process Part 1
28:17 66-Step Video Creation Process Part 2
22:57 7Hot Seat: Script Writing
29:49Day 2
8Student Script Review
12:42 9Do it LIVE! Live Filming Case Study: Randy
20:10 10The Right Camera
08:39 11Do it LIVE! Live Filming Case Study: Kate
20:33 12Your "Shoestring Set"
18:12 13Recap of the 6 Steps
18:42 14How to Make Videos WITHOUT Being on Camera
18:12 15Editing for Non-Editors
26:16Day 3
16Contest Time! Students Share Videos
26:16 17Warp Speed Editing
18:07 18Visual Storytelling with Stu McLaren & Dean Rainey
51:46 19Visual Storytelling Q&A
17:45 20The Video Aftermath
52:18 21What Happens Beyond YouTube?
24:42 22The Video Aftermath Part 2
09:46 23Case Study: Jeff Rose, Financial Planner
06:17 24Promoting Your Videos
19:45 25Contest Winner Revealed
13:34Lesson Info
6-Step Video Creation Process Part 1
you have heard the big process that Marie takes with creating her videos. And here's a six step process. I'm going to talk about the 1st 3 steps today in the 2nd 3 steps tomorrow, Step one. So choose your intention, and this applies for any video. It really applies for anything you do. I feel so many times that when people do something, they don't have an intention. They don't know why they're doing it. And so when they do it, they don't know how to measure their success or their results. And everything was for nothing. So I always start out by saying, If we're gonna create this video, what's the goal? Randi could be well, want to sell more of my units based off the keyword that I chose? I want people. I want to get a video ranked for IPhone, Tripod Mount and I want to get it ranked viewed, and I want more sales where Rachel's might be well. I want to get local clients in Ann Arbor to find me so they can watch my video learn a little bit about my style and what I provide so they can go...
to my website and call me on the phone and hire me or request a cup quote the next step that I would just say it say, Well, what is it gonna look like? What's the execution method? You know, start to visualize now, like, Well, is this, um is this gonna be a crystal style video where I'm just drawing on my virtual chalkboard? Or is it going to be Kate and I'm in front of the camera? I'm just gonna be talking for a few minutes like a Marine for Leo style video. Get clear on that. There's several different types. We're gonna be talking about tomorrow how to make videos without having to be in front of the camera, All which is great. Plus, we're gonna teach you guys how to make videos without looking like you're stuttering or memorizing or something. Um, then step three and even Marie said this and I'm so glad she brought this up scripting and story boarding. A lot of times, people want to just be like, just grab your camera, press recording, go and do it, and and and and people actually do that and then don't understand why. You know, they get thumbs downs on the videos. No one watches it. No one shares it. Then you're getting results from it. If you literally just take the time to plan and prepare something now, you could be so much better then if you just fly by the seat of your pants with something, it's so challenging for 99% of people that just press record and go and produce something that's worth watching, it's It's hard for challenging for most people, and I don't know how to teach that. That's like it's a skill that you learn, you know, like being a good painter, painter, artist. Okay, um, being great on the fly. So the more we can plan to prepare, and I'll be honest, like I do a lot of that scripting it saves. It saves me time in the long run. Um, but all my great ideas come from a lot of that planning and preparing. Okay, so we'll talk about scripting today, and then tomorrow it's all about filming your video, editing your video and uploading it and getting it found so makes makes sense. Right is pretty simple. 1st 3 of the six steps are pretty much done. Zo, this here. We're gonna kind of go through this a little fast today. I think I think we are. This is our This is the template I created for you guys that I like to call it a perfect YouTube video template. If we were to see our video on a timeline, here is what it would look like from left to right. I even put little time codes and for you, and we're gonna discuss all these. Um, the ideal length of a video is gonna be different for every marketplace. But the magic word, as Murray was saying this morning, is to keep it as not necessarily short. It's possible the goals in to keep your video short goals, keep your videos concise. And if that still leaves some confusion or fogginess how I like to look at a video and I want you guys, everyone write this down. Every video to me on YouTube is a mini transformation. So this is the beginning of our video, and this is like it's like a before and after photo. Right? So here's the person right before they watch my video. And I asked what's gonna happen to them by the time they get here. What type of Ah ha. What type of light bulb will kind of like before, After many transformation is going to occur and take place in the next X amount of minutes. And once I come up with that, it's like, Well, great. How long is the video need to be in order to do that? And I've done videos that are 30 seconds long. I've done videos that are five minutes long, videos that are 30 minutes of me talking. But concise is the magic word there. Okay, So for most people, 4 to 6 minutes ends up being a really good time. You can totally do shorter. And for your guys videos. We're giving you a limit of, like, 2.5 3 minutes. Okay, You're gonna keep him short for for creative life purposes, so we can watch them all. So we're gonna go into this, we're gonna break it down, and we're gonna use a case study. This is a really fun video that, um I was so fortunate to work on on the topic of armpit fat would lives the auto, and she's great because she's just awesome in front of camera. Like I think she's She's naturally good. All the stuff that I had to like practice and practice and practice for years to get like, half is good. But what she didn't have was the technical camera know how and really the conceptual of like, here's what I see in my head I have no idea how to make it come to life. And so she was able to give me a script for goes We came up with keyword armpit fat and she came to me and, uh, gave me a basic set up here. So I'm gonna teach four exercises. I'm gonna do the workout. Here's the workout. What do I do with the rest of it? I basically, like, just breathe a little bit of life into the script here. The results from that's actually my hand right there. Um, it's I get credit for that. Um, the keywords armpit fat. It's ranked at the top of Google. How cool is that? If you can, it's Someone can type in your target keyword and your videos air showing up inside of Google. You didn't pay some S e o guy. Thousands of dollars a month. You're not doing all this s e o stuff on your website. You're getting your videos ranked right up there at the top. She's number two in YouTube. She was number one, and Blogger Lottie's beat her out so mad at her for that, um, so she's number two, but she has over 45,000 views. Tunnel likes town of comments, and she's got just a lot of great opportunities come from this. Let's hear from lizzie alto dot com. As always, teaching you how to get a tighter body on a tight schedule. Today's topic is how to get rid of armpit fat o r hit. Uh, it's a pesky area right around here where your boob meets your arm. It's the number one most Photoshopped area on the female body and professional photo shoots, and it's what prevents you from wearing sexy sleeveless tops every single summer. So today I'm gonna give you a four exercise circuit that you can dio three or four times a week to get rid of that forever. Let's go, OK, it cut here. I don't know what happened, but it was really cool. This is a really cool cut. She's sitting in the couch and she stands up. Now. Shes outside. I'm gonna give you arm pit fat busting exercises, but you also need to stick to a clean die if you want to get the best results. The four exercise in the circuit are push ups, plank rows, chest flies and a front to side shoulder raise. The only piece of equipment will need our Senate dumbbells, and it's so much we're gonna perform each exercise in the circuit for 30 seconds, resting as needed. Then repeat the circuit as many times as you can. This is gonna force you to push it. Awesome. So that was just a little clip of it, right? So we had a lot of fun with this. Obviously, it's a great keyword to have a lot of fun as well. Um, and we'll break down now. I think that was the end. I think that we're gonna show good will break down how we structured the whole thing. You guys only got a stem snippet of it. The first thing that I say is everyone, um, at home to with your computers. Go support Liz. Her YouTube channel is youtube dot com. Ford slash Liz de Alto allies e d I a l T o so you can see more of her. Hilarious. Ah, and, um, Finance six with her fitness videos. That's kind of break it down and I'll show you guys some other examples. This is our perfect YouTube template is what we take people through. We started the attention grabber. This is just like the headline at a news article or a block post. This is what's going to get people to actually stay on your video. They click over your thumb now, and they're either gonna decide in three seconds or less whether or not they're going to stay. So the easiest way, it's great. A great attention grabber is to just tell people what they're gonna learn in the video. So if you have a video on how to get rid of armpit fat, it's Hey, guys, this is going to show you how to get rid armpit fat. I mean, that's the simplest version is to just tell people what the value is. The reason this step is so important is because so many people say Hi, I'm James and I've been in business for years and have had hundreds of different clients who say amazing things about me and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And all of a sudden, three minutes later, maybe we're gonna talk about armpit fat, Uh, when we need to get right to it immediately needed. Tell him exactly what this videos about, what type of value you're gonna provide and why they need to watch it. That's your attention, grabber. And oh, yeah, you got to do it in less than six seconds. Okay, so you got to get right to the point. I don't even say my name anymore. I just say Like like you saw that job caught video like That's all that was it. It was just, like were to make a video about how to make jump cut videos. That's it. It's not like hi, James James Wilmer dot com and blah, blah, blah. People don't care. Trust me, they don't. Um, not yet. At least then we take it to the next step, and I put a question mark over poor loses face because she actually didn't actually do it for this. I think was because she didn't have one yet, and I didn't want to wait, like, two weeks to get anything like that. Your intro bumper is Joe has ever watched the office. Still my favorite show. Um, or at least the old episodes where they would have the this great opening scene and then it would cut to the office music and the office opening. A lot of shows do this, obviously, but it caused a laugh right away. But it was it also just like it starts the show on the right pace. And we can do this as well. I call it an intro bumper. Some people call it a sizzle peace and intro logo, riel. Whatever you wanna call it. It's up 4 to 7. And even Sex seven is stretching it intro where you could have your logo on your information coming up, I think I'm gonna show you guys an example. Yes, we are going to show you an example. Uh, this is a random video. I did, So we'll just show it to you. Um, hopefully it works. Hey, guys, James would were here. You're probably asking yourself the question. Why are you running? So if you must know, I'm using my go pro and I wanted to get in some action shots. We'll go broke. Okay. So I had my intro which, even though it didn't tell anything about what we're talking about, like a break my own rules all the time. But I did. I was like, I did do something that was attention getting like, What is he doing? But then I cued my little intro real A lot of people will take. Get those made. I'm gonna show you guys. Resource is hopefully in a second. Um, and they put it right at the beginning, and and that's that's a mistake. You want to lead people in first, you want to hook up with what you're gonna talk about. So it's like, Hey, we're going to talk about some killer calculus problems that you probably can't solve. And it's like, 10 and that CAC with Krista, right? That's what we're gonna do it Is that the tone of this song is that awesome? So before we go there, I got some Resource is for you guys. I think I haven't somewhere else, but I don't remember where. So just share with you now. Flicks press f l I X p R E s s dot com was a cool website. I found, like, two weeks ago, and they can make these things for you for dollars. Like, I think I got one made for three box, um, unreal and, um, totally custom intro bumpers with your name and logo and tagline and stuff like that. The next option that I love from there is a sight. I'll probably mention a lot of times because it's so cool, which is video hive dot net and video hive dot net. We'll have a ton of custom logo templates in after effects files and motion files. They're just pre made. And what I do is I'll buy the template for 10 to box. If I go, what, like that, and then I'll find somebody who knows after effects and say, Hey, can I pay you to just put my logo in there for me? Not I don't want you to go learn after effects. We don't know how to do it. Just an animation program. You can find someone on ods dot com. To do that, you can put out a message on Twitter and Facebook. You guys know anyone who can do a quick, quick project on aftereffects with a template. I have. And you can have someone in day turn this thing around and you've got a custom thing. Okay, um, I'm gonna move forward on that, but if you guys have any questions, we'll get to that at the end. Um, we will have time for questions at the end. Content, middle part, the meat of our video sandwich. Most important part, cause you gotta get value here. We're gonna create this many transformation. You got to give that content. Obviously, Liz is telling here about the three or four exercises that she's gonna give for them. That's the content that she's teaching. And she shows them how to do those exercises and in which order. That's how she's providing value. How are you guys gonna be providing value in your videos? Let me show you little template. Some people say things like teach them what you're gonna tell him. Tell him and teach him what you told them. Uh, I like to do the same thing. I just add to it a little bit. Tell him what you're gonna tell him, and then tell him why it's important you know, if I'm gonna give you the secrets of the universe, sometimes it just like people have it in front of them. And they don't even know how valuable the information you've just given them. You could be saying stuff like this this this one thing alone with something that took me four years to figure out myself. And I spent thousands of dollars doing it the hard way. And I finally figured out a simple way to do it. Here it is, You know, I mean, like, that's so much more and just be like, Hey, you should just go to Flix press dot com, You know? So if I was sharing making a video about how to do your own custom, Lois, that's a great idea for your your video bumpers. I would say, You know, the 1st 1 I got done caught costing $500 it wasn't done. The right and blah, blah blah. Um and you know, now I found a template that someone made and it saved me all this, you know, time and money. And it was exactly what I wanted. Tell them why it's important. Then obviously tell him Go to video hive dot net Here is a great resource. Do it. Here's how you would do it blah, blah, blah. Then tell them what you told them. Recap it and tell him what to do next. Final stab. Most important step. This is a call to action. Is what I kind of talked to guys a little bit on your hot. See what we got to get your people to do next once they watch that video because at this point, if they're still staying to the end of the video, they like what they're seeing. They like you and they're gonna do what you tell him to do next. If you don't tell him what to do next, they're gonna go click on someone else's YouTube video you've lost. That's the big one. By circle date eso we do a call to action and thats me actually from one of my videos trying to tell people what to do next. Here's how you do a call to action. Um, because we do want to get people off of you to believe it or not. We want him on your stuff. You don't tell people what to dio. Why? To do it and how to do it. Um, so who wants to give me an example? Uh, we'll do. We'll do Randy real quick. Um, to get your mill amount head on over to mill amount dot com uh, and investing mill now for just 24 1924 95 So you can start making more amazing videos with your IPhone or mobile device. Whatever. Click the link below to learn more about the mill amount. Now, if you want to do Kate, maybe she has something like a free chapter from her upcoming book before it's released and say Thank you so much for watching this video. If you want to learn more about how to take control of your financial destiny, uh, and make more money without having to work harder or longer hours, go ahead and click the link below to get free access to one of my chapters of my upcoming book Money. A Love story. Go ahead and click that link right now, right below this video, and we'll talk about how now we have links. We can put links in the video. We'll talk about that in a little bit, and you can get that chapter immediately. Does that make sense? Guys tell people what to do, Why to do it, how to do it. And I pretty much on every video that way. Um, then I do an Altro bumper, which is this kind of the same as the Inter Bumper. It's like ending your show. But but I usually put the called action in there. Like, if I just told them to click a link, I'll have something that says, like a little animated video. Come click the Link Teoh Get this or to do that or Blood Boga. And at that point, you guys might be asking, Well, how do I get that? I'll tell you in a second, Um, here's something else I dio and this is called the Video Directory, and this is kind of Marie does this. I'm seeing some other people doing it, and I just I just love it. Basically, when your video ends, you can have all these other options like, Oh, make sure to subscribe. You know, here's here's a free report I offer. Maybe it's the next video you want to send them to, and then you can still have something playing here is me. Paddleboarding catching dolphins on my go pro. Um, so people could be, like, subscribing or go to the next page called Video Directory. Here's a close above it when you guys purchase on the Internet people. When you guys purchased this course, that's one of the cool special downloads that you guys get. Is the the PSD template for this, and you get the ready made videos All these different What I call call the action animated videos. So any time you want someone to submit a name and email or click a link or like a video, or subscribe or purchase or register for something or even pain your video of urine Pinterest We have animated videos that you can drag and drop in throwing your video. Um, and you guys get those win, you purchase those or one of the cool bonus goodies we got for you. But moving on, I'm gonna share with you guys the last part of the outtakes. And this is my favorite section of the whole thing because it tends to be the audience's favorite section, and people think I for the longest time, thought, yeah, I'm not gonna do that like this Great James, All don't do it. I'm just gonna in the video, no out takes. I tell you time and time again that the amount of people come back in the feedback like I loved your outtakes. So what it's doing is two fold Number one, when you put out, takes the into your videos, you train your audience to stay to the end. And that's what we want because you're called actions at the end. But number two, we are building report and a relationship with people on so much of a deeper level. Because how many times have you guys watched the video looking for someone to mess up like I just did We do it. We were looking where and are they reading a script is that it's help pronto. How do they they being honest, like, who is this person you're judging? Judging, judging a little bit when you show riel transparent shots of you messing up, making a mistake, your human again, you're relatable again and and that those guards come down and like, man, she's just having a blast doing this. That's awesome. So cool. I like her Go to good, great sense of humor. Okay, so it's extremely powerful, and it really empowers you to really say it's okay, a mess up because that's gonna be the best part of your video. You should be messing up. Um, so those of five parts. Oh, I have some bloopers for you. Oh, good. The more you guys say I could do with more, I doubt myself. This introducing could go a little quicker now because I have to take it introducing no quicker and one No one shot wonders. One take wonders if I sound stupid. It's my fault. That was really bad. It's small and it's light and it shoots Klis crystal clear Now, even though I still love shooting with my DSLR, The GoPro is great for action shots. Shooting videos on the go and one take wonders. Well, this video has even come out yet. So you guys got a sneak peek that's next week. Um, and so people enjoy those. So we put him in there. I got the video directory around it and are called. The actions are always just sitting up there so pretty cool stuff. Um, let's see. Um, how much time we have left. We like down, like, five minutes. We're down to exactly, like, five. And how much time we have after this Isn't like let's get back from break. You'll have about an hour. Cool. So let me see. I want Teoh. I want to discuss scripting when we get back. Okay, Um, how to now take our keyword and a template and put that into words on a piece of paper so that we can plan something out and make something that's really good. Just unbelievable. Remarkable. And share a bowl because people will be sharing your stuff when it's that good. So I would love to take some questions. Let me go back to our to a five part video template for reference questions in studio. You guys, how you doing? So far, we're hanging in. There were good, Kate. Slightly unrelated. But would you recommend doing all that keyword stuff also for like, a block post? Yes, Ok, Okay. Thank you. Yes, Absolutely. How about some Internet? Yes, the internet control. Right now. All right. Lots of questions on titles and keywords. I'm going to try to group maybe a couple general questions for the titles altogether. one from re arena. Nicole, can you upload the same video more than once and use a different title description and tags? Or is that a bad idea? Rina, She knows the answer to this. No, Uh, no 11 video per keyword. Don't Don't try and like, think. Oh, I hear what James says. But I'm gonna come up with something smarter because I've tried all those smart, sneaky stuff YouTube knows YouTube knows when you're uploading the same video twice. They're smarter than all of us. So don't try and game the system. It's one unique video per per keyword. Okay. And then, with that beauty of the lake, should your title just be the keyword phrase or is it all right to have the phrase within a longer title? Such a great question? The question is, we have a keyword and we need to make a title. How does that fit together? We will. We will go much deeper with that on the third day when the videos up on YouTube. But what I like to start with is the key word. Nine times out of 10. If this is our line for our title, I want my keyword phrase at the front. And then, if I want to add anything else to it, I totally can. One of the examples, I believe I'll be showing you. I have no idea when is, Ah, video that has, like 34 35,000 views. And it's really not that old and that this is the one that gets me about up to 20 leads a day. The key word that I chose WAAS royalty free music. But the title is royalty free music for YouTube. And then now I don't have room. So bear with me and then parentheses. I wrote copyright free. I just put that in the parentheses at the end because I found out people were typing and copyright free music and this royalty free music. It's ranked at the top or towards the top gets me like 15,000 searches, views based off of people typing that in. But then I have people. This is really important guys. People are typing in royalty free music for YouTube and finding my video. And then I have copyright free music. My videos ranked for that and then copyright free music for YouTube. I'm getting that so I just turned that one, 23445 different keywords from from one main keyword. We'll talk more about that on the on our third day. Day number three. But I like toe overlap, but I would start with one strong one first. That helped them make sense. Guys that clarified a lot of questions out there. Thank you very much. Um, we have a question. Someone's trying to link their blawg with their YouTube and they wanted to know if they should include their blawg title in the YouTube title in the title. No, you don't need to. Some people, some people do it, but you don't. You don't need to, and you don't need to it for every video, anything like that. Um, there is a lot here. Let's see here. Uh, Brendan asked, Why not have the out takes up the front of the video as kind of a catcher. I've done stuff like that. Um, if it the end of the day like you saw Marines video, that was kind of a non take. It was it was just like I don't want to sweat in this dress. And that was at the beginning of a video totally can't. There's no the rule saying you can. The only rule is that you need to get people's attention at the beginning of your video. That's the most important thing. It's all about them first. How can I provide value or entertain them or tell him what's coming? Getting excited about the video? Someone s Also they were creating a chocolate product. This was a while back, so I'm trying to find the name. But they were curious. If they should approach it from the how we create our chocolate or someone enjoying the chocolate. What would be a more? It's such a great question. Um, it's it's really up up to them. That's like a creative question where, yes, you could trade a whole channel about my sister was actually a chocolate here. Don't even know that was a real name. Over in Scotland, she learned how to make chocolate and learned there's actually a whole like science about it, very interesting stuff. So I'm sure it's a niche. I'm sure there's tons of information about it, and you could go down a hole channel of different keywords and videos about that, so I think it's a great way to go
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a Creativelive Student
I am POSITIVE that this is going to be an AMAZING course! James ROCKS and is an AWESOME teacher with REAL actionable steps! I am UBER EXCITED to see this! :-)
a Creativelive Student
I just started this course and its really great, very interesting and fun course, James is a great teacher.