Day 1
1Why YouTube
1:09:51 2Case Study: Skype Call with Marie Forleo
29:34 3Case Study with James
11:27 4YouTube in 3 Steps/Video Optimization
1:16:59 56-Step Video Creation Process Part 1
28:17 66-Step Video Creation Process Part 2
22:57 7Hot Seat: Script Writing
29:49Day 2
8Student Script Review
12:42 9Do it LIVE! Live Filming Case Study: Randy
20:10 10The Right Camera
08:39 11Do it LIVE! Live Filming Case Study: Kate
20:33 12Your "Shoestring Set"
18:12 13Recap of the 6 Steps
18:42 14How to Make Videos WITHOUT Being on Camera
18:12 15Editing for Non-Editors
26:16Day 3
16Contest Time! Students Share Videos
26:16 17Warp Speed Editing
18:07 18Visual Storytelling with Stu McLaren & Dean Rainey
51:46 19Visual Storytelling Q&A
17:45 20The Video Aftermath
52:18 21What Happens Beyond YouTube?
24:42 22The Video Aftermath Part 2
09:46 23Case Study: Jeff Rose, Financial Planner
06:17 24Promoting Your Videos
19:45 25Contest Winner Revealed
13:34Lesson Info
Case Study with James
what I want to dio, which I'm really excited about. You show this to you guys in real time How I do this week after week, how I follow this very similar strategy to Marie. Um, but this, uh, this steps of video optimization video, Valium, video aftermath, how I've decided what my topic was. I created a video about it, and then what I'm doing on YouTube to promote it, to get it ranked to get it found and get it views each and every day, each and every month. Uh, hopefully for years to come. So we're gonna go ahead and I'm gonna just show you guys like the 1st 20 seconds of the video. And then I think we're gonna cut to my YouTube channel. Um, and well, I just go over there, guys. Is that how it is that how I do it? I don't really ask beforehand. And I'm just gonna, like, make this thing live in real time and we'll be checking back on it so you guys can kind of see behind the curtain home doing it. So we're just watch 20 seconds real quick of the video, which is on how to do a jump cut vi...
deo. So how to make basically, how to edit your YouTube videos? Video cut job cut, jump cut video? That's all your getting today. To see the full version, you guys will have to go to my YouTube channel youtube dot com. Force us. James would more go ahead and you guys can click on the edit button. This is really funny for 10. Like it's my mouth. Okay, all you're gonna dio see privacy settings right there. Click there and you're gonna go public and you can click that. Yeah, save and share. It's life. That wasn't really hard, right? Did not take a lot of effort. No. So that videos now public and live. You guys can go to youtube dot com ford slash James Wetmore to see that video. But what we'll be doing is checking in on it over the next three days. I have some other stuff. What's really cool is it's not just about getting the views when it's not about getting, um, you know, thousands and thousands of years of it is what we do with those views, and what I actually have set up is a little back and funnel. Where people I'm sending people to a website. They're gonna be capturing their name and email address. I'm actually promoting to them one of my products, and we'll actually see how that, um, that all works over the next three days would be really, really cool. See results without having to get thousands and thousands of views. Now this is, in my opinion, something something Maria already said. And to me at the end of the day, this is not some sexy secret, not some like, mysterious, like, Oh my gosh, it's just plain simple. This is all you need to do, and it's and it's the power of consistency. So what will be showing you is one video in three days. But if you can make this a consistent habit, that's when you'll start to see momentum and growth. Because the and the reason I look at it this way is that they look, anybody can upload a video today. Anybody can. The rial people now are the ones that oh, they upload one every week or every month or every other week. Doesn't that's irrelevant. Some people do it every day. It's crazy if you ask me, but, um, but consistency breeds momentum. Tweet of all tweet ball, sweet ball consistency breeds momentum. And that's what people like Marie have seen. That's what I have seen. I actually, like did a whole thing on this where I did decide. Okay, James, like, get focus. Stop being like a little squirrel and chasing shiny red balls and do a video every single week. And I saw my views, actually, just compound on top. And then, of course, I decide to stop. And what happens? You see him go back down. So there's there's a lot of magic in that, um, and then you hit this tipping point, and it's just like x evidential. Okay, There are some great questions that came in for Murray. It was just so nice to have you here. All right, Um, you kind of answered the question about Europe. Sky was wondering about your experience with Europe countries, and if you promote to them, or if you just concentrate eyes, that is, that there are, like, international translation options, and you can actually upload transcripts and different languages. You can hire somebody to take your transcript and translate it into a different language uploaded to each YouTube video, and it will do the translations for you. That's the simple answer for that. I have a question from the rainy day story. Hey, says what does James believe in? Regards Teoh. If you have different businesses, should you have multiple YouTube channels or put the videos under one channel? Yeah, this is such a great I get this question all the time. The question is, let's say I have a cooking channel and then I teach dating advice, which are to like, Well, they could kind of interact a good first date, I guess. But they normally are not mixing right there. Just like wait, I thought you were the cooking expert. Why are you teaching me about relationships? Um, so I do recommend different channels, and the way I like to say it is is one audience per channel. So when you know who your audience is? My, this audiences all interested in my cooking suffer this audiences all interested in learning calculus and math and and anything math related. That's one channel. Um, because they're not People are gonna skip a beat when they see like, Well, wait a second. Are you the expert of this and man like, Why are you qualified to do both these things? However, I really don't recommend people having a ton of channels there. It's It's enough work, Teoh. Maintain one. Eso I on a different note. Just be wary of spreading yourself too thin of trying to bite off more than you can chew. Um, you know, make a video. A week is one thing. Make a video week for three different channels. Now we're talking about a whole different ball game, so be careful. I would always start with one pick, one that you want to go forward with and start with that. OK? At aha is asking. I want to develop my YouTube channel as a media outlet. I don't want to make sales or direct viewers or direct viewers to my website, but I'd like to expand my YouTube audience. So what's my strategy? Do you consider monetization wrong and does media exists on advertising? So what's wrong with monetizing my channel? Well, we're talking about two different things. If you want to do the advertisements yourself versus having YouTube, do the do your advertisements because, as we showed with Chris's example before the break. She has 1.5 million views and just making $500 a month. That's basically she's getting rot. Sorry. Uh, you know, I'm not here to make a case and say anything's wrong anything. But it's not a lot of money for what you're doing for the amount of, like content you're creating like you're getting undervalued. Um, and what one thing you could do right now is like buying a company like, maybe it's Texas Instruments and they're like will pay 1000 bucks a video. Do a 32nd commercial were of our video. That's fine. Do it because you're already making more money. Then you were five minutes ago. So that's always one option for someone who doesn't want to drive traffic. But at the end of the day, with that strategy that are, user ass is like, what is the real intention? Um, for most people, they have a business where they are selling something. They are generating revenue of some sort, and YouTube just simply ties into that, um, the you have to be making a lot of use in order to be making some decent money. The people that are in the like 10 million views, plus of the ones that are like, OK, this makes sense. I could monetize my channel and uh, that's not everybody. So the good news is we don't have to get there to see results with our with our business is that we have. So, yeah, didn't we have a question from Tracy Trends? If my video lacks the energy, should I delete it and re upload and lose the views or just do better next time? And there are a great question. So here's someone who's like on learning all the stuff I did wrong, but I've already made videos. What do I do with these old ones? And the answer is, um, I mean, you could do whatever you want with them, but the answer is if it's working like if if it's ranked, if it's getting views if it's getting found. If it's sending people somewhere, don't don't delete it right. So don't don't get rid of old videos if they're working, if they're not working and they look atrocious and you know it's gonna hurt your brand in the long run, you can just make it unlisted. You don't even need to lead. And you could just make it unlisted, and it will disappear from the search results. So that's the very simple answer to that one. We have a question from tiny telecast. Is it smart to ask other you tubers to make collaborative videos or have guests to drive viewers and potential subscribers? Um, yeah. And let me let me address this question. So a lot of what the YouTube superstars do is is they collaborate, and that will be like their advice. Like, you want views, find somebody you see first already has views and do a video with them or get them to promote you and stuff like that. The strategy I'm gonna teach you has nothing to do with any of that stuff. So you don't You don't need to be doing any of that stuff if you don't want Teoh. Um, but the magic word of leverages anytime you have someone who has an audience, who has views, who has exposure, has traffic, and you can get him to your stuff. Yeah. We always want to be looking for synergistic relationships. Um, you know, Marie always brings on people to her show that she's interviewing. And then, hey, what do you know? They get a ton of traffic that day? You know, I'm on CREATIVELIVE and my subscribers and views. They're going to go up today, so we always want to be looking for that. But it's not like I need to do that. That's what needs happen. What I'm gonna be showing you in those three steps. It doesn't. It doesn't matter if you don't have anyone on your email list. It doesn't matter if you don't have any views already. Doesn't matter. If you don't know don't know any synergistic partnerships. It can work with anybody with any videos. That's the really good news. With that We got we got some order. One more question from Moses. Can you run pre roll and inside in stream ads on your own channel before and during your own videos? Well, if you're doing you could do. You could always do your own ads and have people pay you. Um, so the answer is yes. If you're using the YouTube ads, what is that 15 2nd piece they put at the beginning? They don't have an option for putting it at the end though, is that as an actual like video, that place. But is that the only two places you can? As far as I know, those Those are the only two places that you can have the commercial run. But you can have the little pop up ad, like near the beginning in the middle, or like like 1/3 of the way through and then 2/3 of the way through Cool. Yeah, and you know your limited when you're doing a you Too bad people are watching the ad, not your video. I just I don't I don't get that.
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a Creativelive Student
I am POSITIVE that this is going to be an AMAZING course! James ROCKS and is an AWESOME teacher with REAL actionable steps! I am UBER EXCITED to see this! :-)
a Creativelive Student
I just started this course and its really great, very interesting and fun course, James is a great teacher.