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How to Create Social Influence

Lesson 4 from: Social Media Design Toolkit

Janine Warner

How to Create Social Influence

Lesson 4 from: Social Media Design Toolkit

Janine Warner

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4. How to Create Social Influence

Find out where you want to be online according to the audience size you want to reach.
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How to Create Social Influence

all right. So we talked a little bit about some of these sites. And what sites since you should you be on, and I think this is specific to the U. S. But just looking at these statistics will give you a sense about where you might want to be if your goal is to reach the biggest audience. So if your goal is to reach the biggest audience, you should be on face and you'll see in a minute, also on YouTube. I didn't find the thing percentages on YouTube, but I have some other stats about their usage. Lincoln is a much smaller audience, but again, if you're trying to be, make professional contacts. If you're job hunting, especially if you're job hunting in a high level marketing vice president, you know those kinds of jobs linked in a very powerful place to be very popular with recruiters. If you're in the kind of position where recruiters might help you get your next job, being active and involved in Lincoln can be a very powerful part of that. Twitter is kind of a funny goose. It it lays go...

lden eggs for a lot of people. Forgive me from strain in that metaphor, but, uh, it confuses a lot of people to So in the Twitter segment at the end of the day today I'll talk about 20 designs because there's some challenges that have come out of the new redesign, for sure, but also get down to just a little bit about how you tweet. Because I think a lot of people are just intimidated about with Hashtags and at symbols. And when do you use that? And how do you say anything in 100 140 characters? And do I retweet or modify the tweet and do I reply? And if you direct messages that private, didn't that politician get, like, really embarrassed for sending that picture out that he thought was private but wasn't You all know what I'm talking about? Uh, so I'll try and shed a little light on some of the ways that we use Twitter because I think just getting more comfortable if that will make you more comfortable using it. But as you're looking in this first session at all these different tools and why should use one, Twitter is a great platform for people who want to establish themselves as an expert, Twitter is a great place for connecting with people. We talked to my friend Khari Anderson. Tomorrow. She's been brilliant at using lists to organize and find people around different topics and really good at connecting and complimenting and calling out people on Twitter in ways that help introduce them to each other and endear them to her. And there's some very powerful things you can do it Twitter. It's also a great tool for journalists if you're interested in breaking news, if you're trying to get information quickly in the middle of, ah, news breaking situation, Twitter is the place for breaking news. And then I think looking at this last circle here, 42% of people in the U. S. Air using multiple social sites. That's a pretty high number off us who are on one site Ron. Multiple sites. So the fact that all of you are using more than one reflects that and probably speaks to why you're interested in this class. But it is rare, I think, for anybody to find one social media site that does it all for them anymore. That side you don't necessarily have to be on 10 because that makes my do two things. So finding that balance of 12 or three that you use regularly seems to be what works best for most people, which the which two or three. I hope this kind of overview helps you make a more informed choice. So users per social network, these air global numbers and then you start to see wow YouTube in Facebook, both huge, huge audiences. An estimated 9% of Facebook users are not really who they say there. Have you ever come across a profile on Facebook? You? That wasn't the person they said? Yeah, and I think of that night the person that 9% fake profiles, 90% of them have a picture of an attractive woman. So if you get a request from a strange, attractive woman and you just don't know who she is and you go and it kind of looked through the profile and you're not sure um, my friend Roberto from Mexico, he has a site called You Are What You post Paris. Look at us. Locate, bonus. And he has a wonderful YouTube video in Spanish about how to recognize a fake profile that really cute girl may not really be that into after all this one of his tips, but I'll have him talk more about that tomorrow. That said, you know, probably 90% of the Facebook profiles aerial that's pretty pacing of they're not all active. They're not all used, but definitely the £800 gorilla YouTube. Also huge Google plus growing. And it's a little hard to tell because pretty much anybody with a YouTube channel or Gmail address kind of gets lumped into the Google plus world automatically. It's not completely automatic, but there's certainly reason to believe there are a lot of people in Google plus who aren't actively using it. But they do claim that there number two if you take you to out of the equation in terms of active social users and the integration between Google Plus and YouTube is really interesting. So if you're using YouTube a lot, that's another reason you might want to get more active on Google Plus and then Twitter. We talked about not as big but definitely very powerful, very effective, and it's niches. The other places Twitter really reaches an audience that might surprise you is inner city youth again thinking about young people instagram being very popular. But YouTube also, I mean, Twitter also seems tohave an unusual following of urban youth and sports stars. So if you're interested in football, particularly basketball, Twitter is a very popular place. And some of the sports personalities will say that Twitter is a little like having their own private press conference whenever they want it, and the fact that fans can contact people directly. So if you're interested in sports, that's another reason to consider Twitter. All right, so then you get into If I've got all these profiles, how do we manage them all? I mean, it's, ah lot to keep track of eso one of the last sessions tomorrow, I'll talk about some sites like Rebel Mouse, and I think on the syllabus it just says rebel males. I'll actually talk about a few. But rebel mouth seems to be the most popular right now, and the whole idea of rebel miles. This is my profile in Rebel else. You do have some design options. You can create a banner at the top if you want, but it also lets you bring in your tweets your Facebook posts and others and gives you one place toe, have many different social profiles, represented just kind of interesting and kind of an evolution of social media. Now, those of us who have multiple profiles looking for a place where we can manage those multiple profiles in one place about me is similar to that. It's trying to give you kind of a mini personal website and again integrating social media profiles into personal profiling about me. So another place that people are creating a site about themselves relatively simply and then pulling information or connecting with their social profiles is about me. This is a very simple example of an about me page news Lee you may not have heard of, but it's starting to get some real traction is really if you're particularly interested in articles about people that matter to following the news, you're one of those people who is kind of a news junkie and likes to keep up on things. You may be very interested in news Lee. I'll talk more about that tomorrow, and if you're really into journalism, forgive my bias for that. But actually, this came from my friend Khari Anderson, who's been talking about how effective this is for her as a speaker author consultant, getting more interviews from the press by being involved with meth crack and u. C K R A. C K. And if you're in PR marketing, you could join on the one side. If you're a journalist or a blogger, you join on the other side, and it's kind of a matchmaking site. Toe Help people use social media to connect really reflects something that we're seeing all over the world already, which is that journalists often find sources now on social media. It's a great place to find sources, whether it's an emergency situation or you're looking for a particular expertise. And many of us are trying to distinguish ourselves as opinion leaders in a particular area or develop a platform of expertise. And traditional media is still a very powerful way to reinforce and build that platform so much a social media is taking over in the Internet's taking over. If you want to really drive traffic to your social media sites, get written in the newspaper, get a little time on television, and traditional media can definitely pop some numbers for you on social media, so connecting with journalists on a site like a crack can really make a difference. And then there's clout. Anybody know they're called score. Maybe they care about their cloud score. JB's like Thank approximately. Okay, I'll revise all reveal mine. Today is I think today it's 67 you know, it goes up and down. Cloud tries to measure your social influence. So again, thinking this is a site that cuts across many other social sites. You connect clout with your various social sites, and it looks at how involved you are, how many friends you are. I'll go through the list of kind of how cult comes to that score. It's somewhat controversial. Some people will tell you Cloud is terrible. And who are they to say I'm a 20 or 80? It's a scale to 100. Very, very, very few profiles ever reach 100 I think. Justin Beaver, President Obama. A few people like that, I wouldn't put them in the same category, but they will have similar popularity. Social media Um, I believe the statistic is that more than 50% are in the 20 range, so just put in perspective. It's not that easy, Teoh. Get your numbers up there. But it could be an interesting indication of social influence, and it can be a very powerful way to gauge your own effectiveness. So if you haven't ever signed up on cloud and you haven't ever looked at your called score, it can let you know how you're doing in the world of social media. One other tip about clout when you first sign up, it takes a little while to kind of get enough information about you to give you a reasonable score. So if you sign up in your seven, don't take it personally against the scale to 100. If if you get a lot of activity, sometimes it seems to take out a day or two to catch up to that. So if you like, Wow, I got retweeted 60 times today. How come I caught score? Didn't go up? Try again tomorrow, the next day, and you might finally see that bump in general. Here's how called scores you. First of all, it's the idea is that it's measuring social influence, and Cloud is getting more and more attention from big companies that are looking for opinion leaders who are likely to have greater power in their social networks. So if I sell tennis shoes and I want to make sure that lots of people here about my great tennis shoes, I'm gonna be looking on clout for people who have that that audience and maybe the football players there, the basketball players of the obvious place to go. But you may find some people with hike, outscores and ah, hi quotient for talking about tennis shoes and fashion that you wouldn't otherwise identify and cloud can be a very powerful way to find those opinion leaders. And because of that, companies actually give things away to people with high called scores. If you have ah, cloud score over 70 and you're in the San Francisco Bay Area, you might get a free Microsoft phone because they're trying so hard to compete with Apple and Android. That kind of thing can happen, so there are a lot of giveaways through cut called for that, but the idea is measuring social influence. It could also be a tool for you if you're trying to think, Hey, this person just reached out to me and I'm trying to figure out if they might help me my business. If they'd be a good journalist to talk Teoh, if they'd be a great Blawg to be interviewed by going and looking at what somebody's called score can, being one of many factors you might consider as you assess the social influence of someone else, and you can search for anybody on count and see what their scores in general there measuring the quantity and quality of connections, the frequency of posts, shares and comments will make a difference. The number of tweets, retweets and mentions really matters, so it's not enough. If I'm just posting every day thousands and thousands of things and nobody ever comments where he tweets or shares call, it's probably not gonna give me a very good score. It's not just about your activity. It's about how other people respond to your actively so the more often you get shared on Facebook, the more often your name gets mentioned in a recognizable way, the more often your name appears on Twitter with the at symbol in a recognize him away. Those things can really help your cult score and, interestingly, the clown score of the people who mentioned or retweet you can have an influence. So if you get retweeted by CNN, you may really take a bump in your called score. Where is getting retweeted by? You know your girlfriend who lives next door, maybe nice and may get, you know, party invites this weekend, but it may not improve. It called scores much so the influence of the people around him. And like I said, I believe the average called scores about 20. So if you log in for the first time and I think your number's a little low, don't take it personally. It may not be a reflection, but if you start developing a social media plan and one of the things I have heard over and over from Social media experts is you, really, if you really want to do something like change your cloud score, you need to have a strategy and in need of a plan. In one of the ways to measure whether that plan's working, whether you're having the impact that you want is then to go look at how did this affect my cloud score? If my college scores going up, I'm probably doing something right, Whether you think their system is perfect or fair or flawed, it's definitely an indicator of how people are doing OK, another thing I definitely recommend. So we just talked about a whole bunch of different social media sites, right? And over the next two days, I'm gonna hone in on the big ones on the ones where you have the most designed power and the ones that seem to be the most popular and worth spending some time tricking out the look and feel. But even if you haven't decided to use all of these social media sites right away, I highly recommend that you consider getting your name registered on the most popular ones and the emerging ones. So if you don't have an INSTAGRAM account yet because you're over 40 and you're not sure it's for you, trust me. Mom and Grandma will be on Instagram soon, and the kids will move somewhere else, and you might want to save your name there before it's taken. So one of the things that I recommend is that you register your own name as a domain name. If you could do that, if you haven't already and then that you choose a name, title and profile photo that you can use across all your social sites and that you register your name on the top social sites, even if you don't plan to use them right away. So what I'm saying is, and I'm gonna give you two tools that will help you do this even if you're not an INSTAGRAM yet, even if you're not on Twitter yet, even if you've never set up a link an account, one of the things you might want to do tonight or while you're listening to me in the background and working on your computer is just go over and sign up for those sites and here as a really cool tool for doing that, we show you two tools. This one's called Noam, and it's K N O W e m dot com is the URL. Their business model is to let you search for yourself for free, and then if you want, they will be happy toe charge you to go do all this on your behalf. But you can use this tool yourself for free. What you do is you type in a name into that field and then click the little Check it button. And what it does is go compare that name on some of the top social sites, and it'll look it even more. If you want to go further with it. It doesn't actually register for you. It just makes it easy for you to see where your name is still available and then click a link. Go do the registration there. Come back, see where else your names available. Click a link, go to the registration there, come back to the next. Again. They'll be happy to do that for you. I don't work for them. We're with them. But I found this to be a very useful tool. You can use it to check any name you want to make sure you type in your name exactly as you use it. And don't panic. If that means says not available. It may be because you're the one who's already registered it. It can't tell whether it's you or somebody else that's taken it. But the idea is that it's just a quick gauge. What I'm doing here. Somebody said they didn't You couldn't take her husband's name cause it didn't improve your originality of me, right? Jessica Drake is a common name used by others. And your husband's last name is what? Jessica? So I'm guessing you're not the only Jessica Johnson in the world either. Well, I'm Janine Warner. My husband is La Fontaine that beautiful, shiny and LaFontaine. I would use that, except when we got married. I'd already written a dozen books, so it's kind of as he likes. It was kind of marketing challenge for me to change my name kind of branding issue for me to change my name. So I kept my maiden name. My father's name is good name. I own it If you Google Janine Warner. I score pretty high on that. If you Googled, you mean by itself here on your own. Oh, the mortar with mine. But I started realizing that sometimes I'm with my friends and family. I'm starting to use Janine La Fontaine and sometimes only travel just cause it makes it easier for people to recognize this is a unit. I'm starting to use his name that maybe I should search for that and go register that just to own it, because over time I may start using that more. So This is an example of where I typed in Janine Lafontaine and you can see here what's available, what's not. And then I just clicked through and signed up for those, and it just makes it quick and easy to do that. There is another site that does. This is called name check. This one's a little older. It doesn't have some of the newer sites. I think Noam has, ah, more contemporary list of sites that are particularly popular, but I'll help showing the screen just because people go OMG, how many social media sites are there? So, you know, here I'm just searching for two need Warner, and you see, I'm already taken on a lot of these. I don't know that I need Teoh. Reserve my name on every one of these sites, but you should be aware that there are a lot more social media sites than you might have thought of and take a little time to just click through these you might discover one that has your particular niche audience that I would never even think to tell you about. That really becomes the place that is most effective and successful for you. So again you search for the name, make sure you're typing it exactly as you want it to be. And another strategy. I definitely recommend the same way I use the same profile picture across all my sites. I use exactly the same name. I'm transparent. I'm Janine Warner. You confined to need Warner on Twitter or Facebook. All of the others? Exactly the same. You may use ah, shorter version of your name or a nickname or something like that. But being consistent is a very powerful way to help make yourself more recognizable. So if I had put a space there, Janine Space Warner, it would not give me the same result. You want to type it in exactly as you use it, and then a photo bucket, for example. Is this like you've never signed up for? You just click on the link for photo bucket here on the name check site. Gore. The photo bucket Sign up, go back and it's easy to go back and forth between us. So just too quick. Handy tools to see their name on your name before somebody else does, especially was starting to get popular. It's really tragic. How many celebrities, journalists, successful bloggers don't own their names on places they really wish they did, because they started to get some traction and some audience and somebody else realized there was value and went and registered that name. It's very hard to get them back, if not impossible. So taking a little time to do that upfront, Really nice part of the strategy of building your your social media profiles. So what's the best social media site for you? Anybody change their mind? Based on this? We could throw that out there. Audience poll spontaneous. Hear anybody online? Who's now thinking that they need to be on another social slight. Just based on this quick overview, A lot of people trying it or actually our buddy, huh? Defrost Say hi. Uh, chimed in about coder wall stack exchange and stack overflow. Oh, cool. Those air Really geeky site. Yeah, yeah, but say those again so that people can hear them. Yeah, it's a coder wall, because I don't dare bring them up here on the screen, you know, and stack, exchange and stack overflow. So if you are in the world of the true geeks and I love you guys. Defrost your awesome. You humble me with your multi monitor strategy. Yes, thank you for sharing that, and it's a great place to find each other. And those of us who spent a lot of time sitting alone in front of a computer? No. I think that's why people like defrost like toe have creative live on in the background because it gives you somebody to kind of keep your company learning your tip. Have a place to the water cooler that not all of us have. If we work at home or work in a more isolated profession, great ideas, any others not right now. Love it. Well, Like I said, I think the ultimate thing is there is no best social media site. There is no right or wrong social. Yes, I there is ah lot to be said for taking the time to explore different sites, enough to find a place where you're gonna find the audience that's most useful to, and then to remember that that might be multiple audiences. So you might promote yourself on Twitter, but find your next job on lengthen. You might build a channel on YouTube that ultimately makes you a lot of money, but you might use big hands to find the designers and the videographers that help you create. So difference like to have different purposes and should definitely be used accordingly. And I would kind of throw in. This was just kind of being silly. Are you a fox or a hedgehog? Think they know where this comes from? Very, very old story. The hedgehog knows one big thing. You know, if you're somebody who just codes and that's your whole world, one of those geeky coder sites might be the right place for you. But if you're like most of us, you're more of a fox and you're involved with lots of things. You probably are going to be in that 42% of U. S. Adults who on more than one social site, because we do use multiple social sites. And when I was looking for illustrations for this, I went to flicker, which I'll show you in a second, and I found this authentic. Don't if you've ever seen authentic there, the Cubist little foxes and I just thought this was kind of a cute image, and it's just a tip for you. A flicker is another side I'm not going to spend a lot of time on. But photographers like Flicker for obvious reasons. It's all designed around sharing images. It's been here for a very long time. You can actually put a banner in this at the top. Now let's one of my photos across the top so you can put any photograph you want up there. It'll get cropped and changed a little, based on the size. But overall, the design on flicker is pretty straightforward. Um, but one of the things you can do on flicker if you're not a photographer, a designer, as you can search for other people's images, and there are a lot of images on flicker that you can use in your own profiles in your own posts. So if you're trying to do something like illustrate the fox on the Hedgehog Hogs story and you don't want to pay for soccer, which is what I usually dio or get my wonderful photographer friends to share their villages with me, you can search, flicker and notice. Here I'm looking at under Creative Commons, and Creative Commons is a special kind of licensing for images and other works that flicker actually helped create. And there are many different kinds of creative common license. But if you choose the commercial use allowed option, then you're searching images that have the broadest use rights. And I have every right to use that in a class in a book in anything else that I might too, so flicker can be a great source of images. Kind of unusual images, images from all over the world. And if you search correctly, you can actually find things you can use even on your Facebook page or more commercial places. Definitely look to make sure that it's commercial use allowed. Ah, lot of Creative Commons license is out there, but it's only for non profits or educational groups, so just make sure you notice that if you're using it in a class, of course that's one. But if you want to use it on your Facebook page to promote your photography business or your design business or your dental business, or whatever your practice might be, you want to make sure you're getting the commercial use allowed. And when you finally get to the image, I always look to double check. No known copyright restrictions. Sometimes that's because the images so old that the copyrights expired. Sometimes it's because somebody chose to just give their image away freely. But you can find a lot of things that that's kind of cool. So one of the things that comes up a lot when we first start thinking about social media profiles is, How do you choose a photo for your site? And how do you pick the right photo? And let me tell you, this is a great opportunity for photographers. The next time you're doing a photo shoot, think about adding as an additional part of your package social media profile photos could definitely extend it. So, yes, it's a great opportunity for photographers. My friend Shelly do yard work with a lot of photographers. She's a makeup artist on an entrepreneur, and I think the very one of my all time favorite photographs of me was because she did my hair and makeup first. But she's great at getting good photos of herself, and you know, a lot of personality in that picture. So how do you think about having photos that really tell your story, right? I love how she describes herself here. This Facebook profile really makes me want to get to know her better. So as we get more into Facebook in the next couple of sessions, one of the things I'll try and see if you know when I get that first impression from your Facebook profile does this tell me who you are? What your about? Does it make me want to know more about you? Doesn't make me want to connect with you, does it make me laugh out loud sometimes. Just kind of, you know, looking off towards something a really simple technique. But I've seen used in a lot of different connection, you know, two photos that actually have some interaction just looking toward that You may already have a photo where you're in profile. That would work really well with another photograph that you have can make him were interesting design. This idea of being in a box I've seen play. This is my friend. Hair to heat. Her days actually lives in Holland. I met her on an airplane on the way to Moscow years ago. We became good friends, and I just always thought this was such a fantastic profile image. But if you go to her page now, she's blowing a kiss. It's kind of fun. So, you know, changing. She uses Facebook very personally, very socially. Um, but the other tip there is while everyone's dressed up with wedding, the party of the graduation. And if you'd like, I'd be happy to do some profile photos for you as well. When you send out those packages, make sure you're including I can give you digital images optimized for Facebook, linked and etcetera. That might be a very nice Upsell for your photography business, especially some most beautiful creative things you do J. D. Or, you know, not all of us dress up all the time. This my friend Andrew Cameron he actually helped me with some of these templates is a little like me, he said, rial geek when it comes to social media design and spends a lot of time taking screenshots and putting them together and figure out where things get cropped. But he also has kind of a creative thinking in the box out of the box. I don't know thinking in the box stuck in the box, but that idea that so many of those Air Square leads people to think about that kind of imagery. The point about being dressed up My friend Alex Randall Alex is a professor in the U. S. Virgin Islands if you ever get invited to teach of the owner of the universe at the U. S. C. Yes, my husband and I had a fabulous week in the Virgin Islands, thanks to Alex really unusual place to teach. He teaches on two islands. I'll just kind of leave with the story the university that the islands are so small that in order to have enough students to really support a university, they have one campus, someone island and another campus on the other. And so, in any given class, half the classes in front of you and the other hat you see through a television screen on the other island and sometimes the professors in front of you. And sometimes there's a TV screen in front of me, but it's all live. If the Internet goes down, they have to take a break in class. Come back up. It was fascinating to teach there and sort of teach on two islands at once, but if you know Alex very well. And you've seen this profile photo. You kind of have to laugh because, I mean, this is where he lives, right? He has the tip of Water Island, which is an even smaller island off the two islands. You literally have to take a boat to go home every night to his house. And although he looks fabulous in that tux, this is what usually looks like. Love you, Alex. So if you know that you're an event where somebody is dressed up in a way, they don't usually dress up, it might be a really great opportunity to capture that perfect profile photo, especially for his LinkedIn profile, where he wants to look all official.

Class Materials

bonus material with purchase

Social Media Design Templates
Creating Animated GIFs with Adobe® Photoshop®
Social Media Design Template Guide
Facebook® Template Guidelines

Ratings and Reviews


I picked up some great tips about the different social media platforms. I found some of the social media templates a bit confusing to use, but the course was useful overall.


amazing course

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