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Guest Speaker Roberto Ruz

Lesson 18 from: Social Media Design Toolkit

Janine Warner

Guest Speaker Roberto Ruz

Lesson 18 from: Social Media Design Toolkit

Janine Warner

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18. Guest Speaker Roberto Ruz

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Guest Speaker Roberto Ruz

So Roberto runs a company, and one of the things he pushes is called. It is located Publicas. It's Ah, campaign that he has, which translates to you are what you post and really is a message for young people to be more conscious and thoughtful about what they put online. I'll let him talk some more about that, but he has a website. Of course he has a Facebook page. You'll see he's following my guy lines with a very consistent look and feel across Twitter across Facebook from his website. You recognize immediately the brand of this company, the nice little icon that they have that they use is their logo. And then you get to his YouTube channel and you know it's him. You know it's this message. So this is Roberto. He has a number of videos of this one's kind of fun about funding, which talks about being rude with your cell phone in places like movie theaters and why you shouldn't play your cell phone out in a movie theater. And he's in a movie theater where he videotapes that he's got so...

me some pretty good design for you in there. So so without further ado, Technician. Technical wizards behind the screen if you would magically make my friend Roberto appear Allah. Roberto, cool with us. Hi. Thank you very much for the invitation. It was so good to see you here. Thank you for speaking with me in English. Thank you for joining me. I know it's been a very busy week. Yeah, I too much too many talks are in the country from way have bean seven in Mexican states less than a week. I think you too much. You have done speeches in seven different Mexican states in the last week. That's a lot. And you mostly speak to young people. Is that true way? We're trying to deliver these talks not only for Joan people also for their parents on, uh, people in universities, government wear start with 18 years for them. Now we are with all the people that have social media accounts. Huh? Excellent. I really admire the work that you're doing and your company's officially called responsibility that the heat tell right digital responsibility. I don't know. Is that war or you use that term in English digital responsibility? I don't know. If you are uses that United States already sounds like an audience poll to me. One of the things I do Roberto, is to use the fact that we have lots of people watching over the Internet. And sometimes I will ask a question like that. So I'm gonna ask Jim to put that out there. Does digital responsibility sound right in English? Is there another term that you would translate that Teoh for my friend Roberto? You also use the campaign Harris lo que publicas and talk a little bit about what you mean by you are what you post well, John, what you posted. Because when you share on Facebook, of course, or any social media account is more important than what you are speaking. Maybe the table with your friends, maybe in the school or in the office way reach a broader audience on. Of course, there are a consequences off the appropriate use social neighbors that we have to attend the teenagers. They are not able to understand that this'll long term consequences that what they are sharing now is maybe and be exposed in an interview in a job interview thing years later. Or maybe the people that is one office working in a place on release confidence, confidential information, maybe give or bad talking is when you say that I'm talking about the boss. Sure, a lot of people workers is maybe getting getting in trouble after what they post. Of course, there is a lot off different consequences. Way went toe raise awareness off this risk. 40 A cyber crime, for example, or online reputation problems. Yes, and that is a term we use a lot in the U. S. Online reputation. And I think, you know, we've gotten to a point in the U. S. Where a lot of people are starting to understand that if you're posting things on social media that are critical of your boss, critical of your colleagues maybe demonstrate aspects of your life that are less likely to get you hired, that that can really hurt. But I know that in Mexico and other parts of Latin America, some people are still learning this there certainly people in the US who are still learning this as well, and Mexico is becoming a fairly mature Internet market. But you seem really busy with this message there. Clearly, a lot of people who need to learn this. Yeah, you Where you were saying about the digital natives? There's people that are saying that we are digital natives. No, no, no. Because even if we have the privacy settings, teenagers, even if we are usedto play with different or use different maps, for example they may be are not very well prepared to change the privacy settings, for example, toe improved and the quality off their involvement on Internet. For example, there is a lot off off things we have to share with the audience off with nine off 10 intern abusers in Mexico, almost everybody is using social networks. I think in United States the same four. Then, according to Norton, are having or report to have a cyber crime or any way have to understand that the risk of having a inappropriate use of social networks are not the source of several sites are not only, um, cybercrime, because if we posed that we are traveling on, we go back to our home like a week later, for example, and the delinquents are able toe later. This information maybe a lot the way easier for them to rob your house work, you know, I don't know if I've ever told you this. There was a website in the U S started several years ago to help people understand this problem. That when you go on a vacation and you post on social media that you're away from home criminals were using that as a way to identify which houses to rob. And in an effort to educate people about this, a company in the U. S. Started a website called Rob my House and they started posting the names of people who had announced that they were traveling on vacation and it got so much attention. People started screaming, How can you post that? I'm away from my home and they said, Well, that's the whole point. We're trying to tell you that you're already posting that you're away from your home. So this reverse psychology right toe let people know that I take a little different tact because when I'm not at home, there's usually somebody in my house. My husband is there. We have somebody stay in our house when we're away, and I like to let people know I'm traveling, but I think that is a very careful thing. You have to manage, and you have to figure out it. Is this something where I am leaving myself vulnerable by giving too much information on the Internet? So, Roberto, you give tips to young people, and if there are a couple of their tips, you've already given some good ones about being careful about what you post. Do you give different tips to adults than you do to young people? Or is it generally you think it's pretty much the same message? I think the same way have to understand that the social networking sites are channel. What you What you can change is not the age difference between the people who is involved in social media, but the the audience. If you change the audience, you have to change the message. Way have to understand that is not only a privacy issue when we are participating in the social media social networking site, huh? It's also the communication skills we have to take care of spelling. We have to take care off how we right or messages, For example, long message normally are not, well, Mexico. The people are not very used to read, so you have toe be lunch Really short messages. Of course, Without any spelling mistake, I hold it like a way Whiplash is when you you have to really a strike your obvious, for example, in the same way that journalists used to write the title off New is the same way on injury, you have to be really short and precise on effective no. So it's not only a the way you use your privacy, you have tow lead on shoes on, right for audience you're delivering, for example, there is something Facebook, old friends, least even Facebook help you toe achieve these lists. There is a website that this goal friends Facebook friend, organizer e Think you can use that to separate your friends on When? Once you do this, you can, like, select precisely the the audience, and you can like right post for different people, you have to remember like someone that is in social networking sites that not all of your posts are for all the public. You have to separate what you're writing about and choose the target off message. That's really sound advice, and I think I'm Google. Plus, it's really easy to see that cause the circles air so obvious you organize friends in the collections. Many people don't even realize that you can use lists on Facebook. Teoh identify certain groups and send messages specific to them different from other people. And my guest. This afternoon we'll talk about how she uses list on Twitter in a very different way. So this whole idea that lists are important in social media, I definitely concur. The thing about how you're right for social media. Yes, writing in headline format is a very good that the titles of a news story like you, said a headline, is a very good model for how you get attention in social media. And many people are critical that young people are destroying the language in English, Spanish, whatever language they speak because they right so cryptically in social media. I think that's something we definitely have to watch if we want to keep our young people literate. Roberto, In the US, young people are leaving Facebook and they're going to instagram. It seems to be a trend. Facebook is for moms and Grandma's. It's a great place to reach an older demographic. If you want to go to the young people they're all going to instagram. Do you see that in Mexico and other parts of Latin America? Are you seeing that same trend? Is there another site that's gaining popularity among young people? Yeah, of course. Of course. The need. Yeah, of course. They want 18 years. They don't want adults on social media, A one thes spaces. We're interact now with rays of crime, for example. With race off not very good places talking out teenagers are understanding that the only way to interact privately this is a privacy issue. The only way to indirect privately is finding this place is with. For example, Twitter is commonly used for talk about famous people 20 years on Easter course, your teachers interesting for woman or there are different places on the Internet. So they're trying to achieve the thesis, Private. Oh, are they trying to find these special acts or s social networking sites that empower them toe interact with peers in the same topic, For example, face on Twitter, of course, are really important. But there are a lot off not only instant we're talking about, for example, ask if then I don't know if it is important, what's the fight. Ask us. No, you said what is the site you just mentioned? Ask FM asked that if you ask, That s not Chuck Snapchat Tinder. That is a problem we're facing right up along the the adults. Or are people who have on the other Because kids, Because this tinder app is making them like, for example, you choose among the friend's basement you have around. I mean, that is not necessarily your friend. You choose like or who you like. And when the fines that two people in common like each other you now you're able toe message, there've been many attempts. I explain how teen awards. But I mean, he sang over a tumbler, for example, Santa wrap. This place is 49 years are perfect, but we have to understand that the only thing they are trying to achieve this privacy. Sure. So just for everybody who's trying to follow along with this conversation, I'm bringing up these websites I think mentions them. So tinder, tinder Snapchat, ask FM. I'll show them right after this call because I'm bringing them up in a browser window. But this is why it's fun to talk to somebody who works with other people and who works another country can open your eyes to social media sites. I've heard of all these, but maybe didn't realize how important they were becoming too young people. So that's really helpful, Roberto. The other thing that I think makes you a great guest for us is that you're not only somebody who's teaching people how to use social media. Well, you're somebody who has built his own business using social media as a tool. So can you talk a little bit about how you use social media personally versus professionally and how you've used social media to build your own business around social media? Well is a very good questions. I mean, the the question. I old time asking myself, Why separate? Or I don't separate the my personal profile, because now that I'm giving talks around the country, I am now receiving a lot of messages from people from the audience on. I think I don't want to tire my friends off the topics I usually give because when you start giving talks, you realize that you are giving the same talk 100 times. So maybe the first time to talk about these topics is interesting for a friend for friends for later on is not good enough now because you have to change subjects. But people is always asking the same talk. Three only way toe separate your personal life and professional life is, of course, having this supervise book. But of course, you have to really think about this because you lose a lot of impact if your start and again if you start the person is a a professional side or in case of Facebook, up a page, a break Facebook page is start alot over again on If you have already friends and followers in your personal account. Is that really difficult decision facing give you the opportunity to change your personal account, toe a life or facing page without losing your friends? For friends, become a lights. No maybes correctly you are. It's exactly what my understanding, too, that you can take a photo Facebook profile when it gets too big. You can migrate it into a page, and you can bring your friends along with you. But you have a different interaction on your page than you do on your personal profile, so that you do give up some of the connections that you have That way you don't lose the followers, but you have a different kind of interactivity on a page than you do in a profile. Totally different, totally different. In fact, when I migrate my Facebook account, I regret so I asked Basement, even if he's no, supposedly is not possible. But I asked Facebook, give my personal come back and they did it. Waas. It was better as a Facebook account, even for advertised off my talks on off my company and the campaigns we have on Facebook. Give me both of them. I recover my Facebook account and I keep my facing page with this six with 6000 likes, So it waas a really amazing that Facebook. Give me this this opportunity on having this. I'm starting on a strategy in my personal account on at the same time in my Facebook page. In this, in this way, I'm able toe control both these characters, but it's not extremely necessary that you, you hope in your Facebook page if you are a person of figure, is not immediately is not necessarily a onto you have a lot of followers, of course, more than 10,000 for example, on but having a Facebook page on interacting in alors social networking sites like three or for example, it's extremely important link getting, for example. It's extremely important. We have to be there. We have to share content. We have to be extremely creative. We have to do it all the time is incredible. In Mexico, even important companies are not using Facebook as they show that they are asking me a lot of help. Their hiring me to have this strategy and the best way to do it off course, is we're not a lot of messages is, I think less is more social networking sites. If you share a lot of time, Dio reviews equality. I think what you're sharing off course if you have great content all the time, like like, for example, in your case, your cases journey time have great content if you are able to have people that create incredible or great content for the media, well posts along the time. But if you don't choose the best moment in the week one or two times, three times four times, there is no rules about this, but try to do it Excellent on your teaching faithful that your account is always posting into president content. 40 people on every time you post on Facebook or on Twitter. He Stites have the system to give more importance to your post, because facing know that every time you posed more than 40 or 50 people immediately like your post. So for raising your important, you have to teach the associative working sites through the assistance they have. You have to teach. Decide that you are a constant deliver on important content paper, but the best way to do it is share less, but sure, important things. I definitely agree with share important things, and I definitely agree that sharing too much can lose followers. So that's that's really found advice. I'm gonna wrap up with you here talking about, um, and we may have a few questions from the audience or others, but this actually, before I go to YouTube, is there a burning question there that not a burning question but wanted us to chime in on what we were asked about earlier on this one? A lot of folks in the chat rooms are really liking Thea from the witness ist who said Internet accountability interesting and someone else posted that they didn't think there was a Latin translation for that. And then it often goes to that I can. Ability actually translates to responsibility. Sore about. So this is for you asking about, should we say digital responsibility and one of the people in the chat room that seems to be liked by others said Internet accountability. And they're wondering how you would translate that culpable. They mostly say their son, Espanola. And, uh, I think there is no translation. Great weight state. Let me let me check on tell you what did the responsibility. That's correct. This is not the best way to save in English, but in Spanish. As part of that is the best way to translate this expression in a Spanish is correct in English. I don't think so. I think the way this person from the audience mention it, like digital accountability. I think that's a really interesting way toe name this. Yes, it's interesting, I'm not sure. I'm not sure either of them is right. I think one of the challenges in my profession and your profession is that we're always inventing new words, and we're always trying to figure out how to say things that nobody's quite said before. Earlier, we did a poll on whether you should say cyber fame or Internet famous. These terms change over time, so I wouldn't worry too much about. I think digital responsibility in English certainly makes sense. We understand what you want to say. I'm not sure there's a perfect equivalent to that, but part of that's because that's not a common profession. What you dio teaching people to be more digitally responsive is still a relatively specialized profession, and one that even in the US there aren't a lot of us that do that. Do you want to know who have the answer for this question? Because accountability that is the same meaning in Spanish, that responsibility. But you know who have this answer hope theme the price off the website Now, for example, if you try toe by digital responsibilities that come, I think is over, um, for maybe $6000 now the website If you went toe choir's website, so just like I have toe check, how much is digital accountability that calm bears is digital responsibly that come on the cheaper as well. Things game. Very clever. I like the way you're thinking in a world where it's hard to know what are the right words that the value of the domain name is an excellent indication. I'm gonna shift to ask you a couple last questions about YouTube. Is there something else or we have one question here that was pretty interesting. And on topic from mini geek to wanted to know about how you both advised females. We talked about the robbing of the houses. But how you the concern space by females related to sites such as foursquare or Facebook, check ins and personal security. So there specifically asking Roberto, when you're counseling young women around safety on the Internet and we have sites in the U. S that are popular like four square, where you can check in and say I'm at the mall right now. Is that a good thing? Because they're finding their friends or a dangerous thing because it could let somebody know where they are. Is that something you worry about? The problem is that junk woman or Joe or teenagers usually share where they are for their friends, but they are actually with their friends. So So why They are sharing where they are If all the people they care No, we're so, uh, the people who is learning this information checking this information is not the people they think they care about. This information, of course, dangerous people out there. I mean, it's not the huge problem. I mean, no, because a teenager share or make a check in is going to be the end of the world, but they have to be extremely care. But can you repeat the question? Because I was one more thing. I went toe to be stopping generally about helping young women to be more safe in the way they used social media to protect. If, for example, you want to share where you are doing in the in past tense, I know that makes perfect sense. Once you get home, you can say where you were. Example. If you go to the beach or do go vacations, wait until you're back. Now, wait until you're at your home again to share their vacations. Not a lot of pictures toward tree, but always shared your location in past tense now because if the teenagers are desperately needed for sherry, where where they are, the only thing we can ask them is to do it. No, in the moment later. That's actually a great tip. If you're worried about security, you don't have to be always in the moment on social media. You can post something that's happened before. So just to wrap up, um, you have a lot of content on YouTube. Just talk a little bit about how you've used YouTube in your business. And is that a good channel for you? As you promote your business? I imagine you get speaking invitations because of the videos you have up there. Yes, yeah, yeah, of course. We're trying now have how to do it a more often or main problem we have a lot off critics is the way to say, because we use a lot of products production on the videos. Normally, we're getting used to see YouTubers that use only the camera off their their star on usedto I know making video in the bedroom. So when we use thes green green screen, I know how to say these green screen when we use these professional process to make a video. Everybody was saying right now why you're doing these uto what's what all the people is doing. But you have to understand or out, since the fierce thing you have to think when you are making a video is what does go off B. What is the audience? This segment, the market. The person was going to watch your view. Yeah, if you're making videos like like your tours for teenagers, it doesn't matter if he's in the bedroom. It doesn't matter if you see the shower, those other anything. They are teenagers, and they're going to enjoy what you are saying, even if it's unprofessional. But when your head interviews Wadhams toe, parents know to teachers toe academic coordinators, toe people from the government. Do you have to do these professional on? You have to story a lot way. Before we release a video, we may be interview the cyber police. We interviewed teachers. We interview people, people from all over the schools all over the country to understand all that this is a state before releasing the video. No. So it's important if you are making a video for teenagers Do you know what to do? If you are making a medium for other professionals, do you have to be extremely professional de fears? Only thing you have to always think when you post something face is who is really the person who is going to watch a video and remember the thing A lot of people say No, I'm making videos for everybody. That is not that you are making videos that a lot of people can watch. But of course there are going to be I m getting American specific audience on. You always have to think about them. That's fantastic advice. And I think I'm gonna leave you on that very helpful note. Any last questions, any last words? I know you have many things to get back to. It's been a very busy week for you. Thank you so much for making time, which I could ask you for Total to party. I apologize for my English. No, thank you. I will be starting in Spanish. I will, uh, will start to improve. My English living in Mexico is a little Did I know that you do most of your work in Spanish and I appreciate you speaking English to reach this audience, which I could ask you, amigo, that they hey mentioned a couple websites I said I would bring up on. I just want to reiterate, as we transition into YouTube, the the whole point about think about your audience. I think he's really smart. So this is his YouTube channel and what he's talking about. What, that high design, that green screen background on some of these videos. So when they come up, you can see pretty good production value. I've got the volume turned off on my computer. Don't worry. Text. You don't need to put that on. But just so you can see the quality of the videos he does, he definitely tries to make sure he does a good image. But I think it's really astute how he said, If you're going for young people, they're almost critical of this. They want to see something more authentic, you know? Hey, my friends do this with a little camera. What you trying to be all that you know? But he knows the people who hire him are the teachers, the government officials, the owners and executives that corporations they look at this and say, OK, this is a professional guy. I can trust him to do work. I can trust him to deliver a really good speech, and I think it's very important to think about that. Sometimes we have multiple audiences. The audience is he speaks in front of young people, college students. Even their parents are often probably not the people who hire him to speak those air the executives, the administrators, the government officials and understanding that I think he's been very smart about how he creates high production value videos, even if that sometimes gets him critiqued by some of his young friends were like, Hey, you know, you don't have to go to all that trouble. Your smartphone would be enough. So I think that's important to think about in your own YouTube channels. We often have multiple audiences to juggle. So he mentioned Tender. I think he was kind of alluding to the fact that it might be a little bit of ah, hookup site. I don't want to go there, but that certainly gets a lot of adults worried about kids Snapchat who can tell me what Snapchat is? Have you ever used that JT I You know what it is? Could you know everything that social media. I have it on my phone. I've never actually used it, But I've seen a lot of people like Join my snapshot. And I guess is, um you can put an image up that goes out to your friends and then does it disappears. And I actually saw an article the other day about how they they're in trouble because though they don't disappear, it's, you know, on some server somewhere. So, uh, but yeah, it's an interesting concept, but I don't really use it. So I want my images to stay around. Yeah, you're a photographer. You want to show up those images and keep him out there. But the idea Snapchat and the reason I think a lot of teenagers got excited by it was it was this very ephemeral thing. You shared it and then it disappeared. And there is a theory that that makes it more private. I think there's a practice if you know much about the Internet. Nothing is truly private ever anywhere online. Whether it's there for 30 seconds or 30 years, once it's there for 30 seconds, it's probably saved somewhere for 30 years, and that's what is really the lie behind Snapchat is they don't really disappear. That the fact that I could take a screenshot of my cell phone my IPad like, you know, as soon as you put something on screen, I can capture at least an image of it, So that's a challenge. But but Snapchat definitely got a lot, a lot of attention from people. The idea that what kind of image would you share that you wanted to disappear right away? Ah, and then he mentioned Ask FM, which I actually don't know a lot about. It looks like another asking answer site, maybe a little bit like Cora, but with a younger demographic, I mentioned Cora q. U O r a dot com yesterday. Cora is a very professional question and answer site where you can post questions on very sophisticated topics and anybody can answer and the audience vote up or down the best answers. It's a very powerful way that people are sharing information in a very high level. I don't know enough about Ask FM. If anybody out there has used Ask FM and wants to chat something into the chat room to share. I welcome it, but I'm suspecting from what Roberto would think that it's more of a young hip place toe. Ask questions, maybe questions you don't want toe. Ask anybody else. So So with that, any last comments about my friend Roberto, or should we move on with YouTube? Yes, JD, I did want to say about when you're traveling or checking in or places. Um, whenever I go on a trip, I always talk about the person that's going to be at my house while I'm gone. I'll say, you know, I can't I'm excited for someone. So to play with my dog or something like that and there that your house will not be letting it also have somebody that I tag, you know, whether they're with me or not, or somebody I know I can tag. That's, you know, with me out of police rather than I'm here Loon. So just always say that you're with somebody or somebody is going to be there. Those are both really good tips about just kind of protecting your privacy in your space. I often joke that there's a lot of information about me on the Internet and you confined almost embarrassing number of links. When you search my name, there's not a lot of personal information, and that's a choice I've made. But one of the things I'm really quick to say is that my husband is six foot six. That does seem to kind of discourage some of that, uh, activity. Not all of it, but, uh, but most of it.

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Social Media Design Templates
Creating Animated GIFs with Adobe® Photoshop®
Social Media Design Template Guide
Facebook® Template Guidelines

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