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The Metadata Panel

Lesson 14 from: Lightroom® 4 Fundamentals

Laura Shoe

The Metadata Panel

Lesson 14 from: Lightroom® 4 Fundamentals

Laura Shoe

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Lesson Info

14. The Metadata Panel


Class Trailer

Day 1


Pre-Show Banter


9:00 am - Introduction: Why Lightroom®?


The Lightroom Library Catalog


Staying Organized


Backing Up Your Library


Importing Your Photos


Preferences & Settings


Settings Q&A


Reorganizing Files and Folders


Using Views and Labels to Evaluate Photos


Filtering and Stacking Photos


Assigning and Managing Keywords


Keywording Q&A


The Metadata Panel


Searching for Photos


Creating a Collection


Day 2


Day 2 Pre-Show Banter


The Map Module: Assigning Locations


The Develop Module


Fixing Your Photos: Histograms and Cropping


Fixing Your Photos: Spot Removal Tool


11:30 am - Upgrading to Lightroom® 4


11:45 am - Basic Developing in Lightroom® 3 & 4


Basic Developing Part 2


Color Adjustments


Tone Curve Panel


Making Subtle Adjustments


Lens Corrections


Local Adjustments: Partial B&W


Local Adjustments: Portrait Touch Up


Additional Local Adjustments


Graduated Filter


Bonus: Day 3 Preview


Day 3


Day 3 Pre-Show Banter


Bonus: Recap of the Develop Module


Virtual Copies


B&W and Creative Effects


Noise Reduction




Sharpening for Portraits


Syncing Changes to Multiple Photos




Creating and Using Presets


11:45 am - Lightroom® and Photoshop


Sharing Your Work


Exporting for Web


Exporting for Print


Workflow Recap


Thanks + Credits


3:00 pm - Lightroom® 4: Publishing


3:30 pm - Lightroom® 4: Video Editing


3:45 pm - Lightroom® 4: Book Module


Lesson Info

The Metadata Panel

for the rest of today. I want to briefly show you the metadata panel and how to add additional information to your photos. And then we'll look at how to search for your photos and also how to build collections of photos, groups of photos. So I'm here in any any photo shoot any folder here? I have a photo selected. If I scroll down. Or actually, if I collapse the keyword list panel here by clicking on the downward triangle, I can see that below it. I have the metadata panel. I think this came up at some point this morning. I introduced it to you very briefly, but with a photo selected, it shows me lots of information about my photos, so I'll go ahead and zoom in here a little bit. Right now, I'm in the default view, so it's giving me a particular subset of information about my photo. But But it's the It's the information that I use most of the time. So it's very handy so I can see what it's called. Where it lives. I can see my copyright information. If I scroll down, I can see dimension...

s. I can see all my camera information here exposure I eso etcetera. So when you're looking for information about your photo, it's the metadata panel that you're gonna come Teoh to find that information. Now there are different views. So of course, there's always Mawr. There's always things behind the scenes in light room. So where it says the fault here to the left of metadata. You can click on that to get to different subsets. Now, these air not mutually exclusive. So it's not like there's not as much information as it may seem, but there's still a ton of information. So, for example, I could go to just the X if information to see just the information that my camera captured. And when I do that, I get some more information than what I saw in the default panel. So I've got flash status. For example, For those of you using D N G files, there is a handy panel here. Actually, I'm thinking, should I go? Well, I brought it up, so I'm going for it. So I'm gonna go to the DMG panel here, and I don't have a DMG file here, so I'm gonna go to a raw file that I no is a DMG, so I have a different folder photos. Here I'll select the DMG and here in the DMG panel in the metadata panel, it tells me information about the DMG file. So did I embed the fast low data when I imported the photo, for example, for faster loading in the develop module. I haven't yet gone into the fact that you can compress your DMG files. So there is lossy compression in light room for I'll talk more about that in the What else is new in light room for Saturday. It's on Saturday, but that information is shown here. If I have reduced the pixel dimensions on the DMG, which I also haven't covered, that is shown here is well, so just keep in mind that you've got lots of information here. Light Room four also adds a video panel. I'll talk more about video on Saturday as well. Now let's go back to the default view and let's say that I wanted to add so descriptive information on this photo. I want to add a title or a caption now the title or the caption by scroll in her zoom in here on the metadata panel. I could first just use this for documentation purposes. The title and caption fields are completely searchable. So, you know, typing information here will help me. In that sense, I also could be entering titles or captions because I want that information to carry over to the output modules. Let's say I'm gonna make a book in light room for his new book module. If I want titles or captions to show on the photos in the book module, I'm gonna type hm here in the metadata panel in the library module. So for this photo here, I'll go ahead and give it a title of old car in Montana and I'll hit Enter. And it's a simple is that this for is actually adding this information in but slide shows as well from building a slide show. And I want the title to show on the slides below the photos. It's here in the library module that I would add this information now, just like with other information that we've added two photos, you can add the information to multiple photos at once. So in this case, let's say I want to put, uh, let me just go back to my Victoria folder here. Let's say that on all of these statue photos. So I click on the first shift click on the last. I want to add the same title. So in grid view, I'm selecting them all. And then I can go ahead and type the title here, this type of statue and hit enter. And because I'm applying that to multiple photos at once, it wants to make sure that I know that that's what I'm doing. You know, sometimes you could have a selection going on and you don't even realize that. I think that's already happened to me today. So this is just a warning, and it's like, Yes, I do want to apply such to selected. And now if I click on any one of these individual photos, I'll see statue here in the title field. If I select, let's say I select all the photos from this shoot, so I'm just going to do controller command A for all. And now I look over here at the metadata panel I see mixed in the title. Well, that's because of those 20 photos I have selected, they have different titles Some have titles. Some don't have titles, so it really can't display any useful information at this point. Same thing for file name got 20 different file names there. Now. One application that comes up often is, once you understand that you can apply a copyright template once you can create a copyright preset. The question that comes up, how can I go back and add the copyright into the metadata for all of the photos that are already in my library? So in that case, what I would do Let's say that now I think everything I've imported has my copy, right? So I think what I'll do is I'll take this Victoria shoot and I'm going to select all just to set up this example for you, Commander Control A for all. And I'm gonna come down to the copyright field. And frankly, I'm just gonna wipe it out. So just and says, Do I want to apply? Yes, I dio. And just so that we can start from that simulated situation where you're trying to actually add your copyright two photos and I'll go ahead and change this toe unknown copyright status, and we'll call that good Okay, So I selected the photos that I want to apply the information to and to apply a copyright preset. I'm gonna come to the top of the metadata panel here and under presets. I'm gonna choose my copyright preset. Okay, once I do that, in fact, that will be applied to all of these photos. Okay. Questions on that. It's a quick, quick, quick view of the metadata panel. Yeah, I went to go look at my preset in the preset that we created for import isn't listed here. So I assume that is a different kind of preset that we also would need to add and create for the meditate amid this. No, it's the same thing. You know, There's one little issue in the order. We did things this morning. So what happened? Waas? We created our preset in the import dialog, and then we went into preferences and we said store the presets with the catalogue and because we did that after we created the preset, your preset is still sitting in the old folder. So let's say that so let's just simulate the scenario now that you don't have one, but so that that's what happened is still sitting in the old folder, so it's not in your list. It should be. We should have set that preference before we did anything, so that was an oversight on my part. You could copy it over from the old folder to the new folder, but let's just look at how you would create one right here that will be not only here in the library module, but also available in the import dialog. So another scenario that comes up is if, in copyright when you're applying putting your copyright information, you want to include the year. So I want mine to say Copyright 2012 Laura Shoe Copyright 2010 Laura SHOOT So I've got my will say 2000 and 10 photos here. I want to create a copyright template to apply to my 2000 and 10 files very specific. So let's go ahead. Come over to the metadata panel here, click on the preset, and because you don't have any, I do. But you don't. It's totally fine. You just say edit presets, and this is the dialogue that we've been in before, so because I'm on a photo that has my copyright information it shows here. But if not, I would simply type in the copyright field the fact that it's copyrighted rights, you such terms and then a creator name and as much contact information as you would need or that people would need to get in touch with you. So let me actually go ahead and make this my 2010 copyright here. Uh, so option G on the Mac back up here. Option DRI copyright symbol all 0169 on a PC with a numeric keypad on the right or just the parentheses around the sea. So I call this 2010 copyright. And now, because I'm in the metadata panel and not the import dialog saving this is a little different up at the top here, where it says preset. So up here, I'm gonna click on the drop down and say, Save it as a new preset, okay? And I'll call this 2010 ls copyright hit. Create and spell the wrong. Who cares? Soon Back out. It done. So now I've created the preset. Okay. I'm gonna select all the photos controller commands a clicking this drop down and Now I can see that. In fact, I have the preset. Okay, so this preset also, it will be in the import dialog next time, so, yeah, if yours got wiped out still in the old folder, you copy it over. But you can also come in here and create a new one. Yep. And I'll go ahead and say, all selected and that's good. More questions on metadata. There is 11 from, uh, Camelia. It's actually going back to Can you just say how you make the copyright symbol one more time, please? Okay, Mac users have it really easy. It's option G. It's like that's almost enough to make me go by a Mack. But it's just so expensive for an option, G. Okay, um, if you're on a PC and you have a keyboard that's got a numeric keypad on it to the right, So not the numbers above the keyboard. Then you can hold the ault key down. So you gotta have this Keep keypad over to the right hand side here. Um, you would hold the all ski down on the PC and you a type 0169 using this keypad now If you don't have the keep head to the right, then it's not gonna work. So then you have a choice of copying and keep a copyright symbol from the Web. Or frankly, this has just meta data, so I wouldn't be afraid to just have left parentheses. Um, See, right parentheses and one more question from subsidies. Z, can you filter on pictures that already have the copyright before you apply yours toe all to make sure you don't wipe out somebody else's. So could you say that again? I'm sorry. Can you filter out? Um, can you filter on photos that already have the copyright before you apply yours toe all to make sure you don't wipe out somebody else's. So if you put images that somebody else took on your in light room Wait, you just presents are the most amazing Segways. I mean, back. It's I mean, that gets into filtering, right, Which is exactly what we're gonna be doing next. You know, if you have more questions now, that's fine, too, but otherwise will go into filtering next. Uh, okay. One more. Do you have to save metadata to files? You're everything you do in light room is being automatically saved to the light room catalogue, so you don't have to do any saving. We talked this morning about the optional additional save to write out all of your work out to ex MP, which is to the folders where the raw files live where the J pigs live. That's optional. In that case, you could select all of your files here and do a commander Control s for save. Or you could set your catalog settings automatically. Right toe, ex MP. But when I first started using light room, it was like I do all this work on my photo. And what do you mean? I don't have to save my work. You want me to close the program and walk away without saving my work, but I've gotten used to it.

Class Materials

bonus material with purchase

Lightroom Day 1 Slides.pdf

bonus material with enrollment


Ratings and Reviews

Miguel Lecuyer

Great workshop! New to Lightroom and found it very helpful. Saved me a couple hundred dollars and time by not taking an evening LR class. Creative Live workshops match my learning style perfectly. Laura is awesome! My only complaint is maybe Laura can use a PC next time which is what she seems more comfortable using. Her shortcut mix-ups on a Mac were making me a bit dizzy :)

a Creativelive Student

I cannot express enough how impressed I was with Laura and this class. I learned more in the 3 days of this workshop than I did in all 6 weeks of a class I took online that cost three times as much. I left not only impressed by the class but MOST importantly - refreshed and energized to put my new knowledge to use! Thank you for that!!!

a Creativelive Student

Excellent workshop bar none. I learned more about Lightroom than I did from any other tutorial/workshp that I previously encountered. Thanks Laura!

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