Virtual Copies
Laura Shoe
Pre-Show Banter
07:02 29:00 am - Introduction: Why Lightroom®?
13:23 3The Lightroom Library Catalog
16:42 4Staying Organized
15:00 5Backing Up Your Library
11:12 6Importing Your Photos
34:20 7Preferences & Settings
28:57Settings Q&A
10:49 9Reorganizing Files and Folders
33:25 10Using Views and Labels to Evaluate Photos
45:00 11Filtering and Stacking Photos
13:37 12Assigning and Managing Keywords
31:42 13Keywording Q&A
12:43 14The Metadata Panel
14:38 15Searching for Photos
20:54 16Creating a Collection
15:25 17Day 2 Pre-Show Banter
09:09 18The Map Module: Assigning Locations
43:33 19The Develop Module
11:37 20Fixing Your Photos: Histograms and Cropping
22:02 21Fixing Your Photos: Spot Removal Tool
33:25 2211:30 am - Upgrading to Lightroom® 4
12:14 2311:45 am - Basic Developing in Lightroom® 3 & 4
21:29 24Basic Developing Part 2
19:43 25Color Adjustments
23:36 26Tone Curve Panel
18:59 27Making Subtle Adjustments
13:22 28Lens Corrections
10:54 29Local Adjustments: Partial B&W
13:03 30Local Adjustments: Portrait Touch Up
26:05 31Additional Local Adjustments
09:55 32Graduated Filter
24:24 33Bonus: Day 3 Preview
01:19 34Day 3 Pre-Show Banter
12:44 35Bonus: Recap of the Develop Module
08:44 36Virtual Copies
08:58 37B&W and Creative Effects
20:50 38Noise Reduction
12:23 39Sharpening
18:33 40Sharpening for Portraits
08:46 41Syncing Changes to Multiple Photos
17:53 42Autosync
21:09 43Creating and Using Presets
15:53 4411:45 am - Lightroom® and Photoshop
22:49 45Sharing Your Work
08:42 46Exporting for Web
16:59 47Exporting for Print
26:06 48Workflow Recap
40:50 49Thanks + Credits
07:02 503:00 pm - Lightroom® 4: Publishing
20:52 513:30 pm - Lightroom® 4: Video Editing
12:38 523:45 pm - Lightroom® 4: Book Module
19:36Lesson Info
Virtual Copies
now, I also want a black and white version. I could just convert this one to black and white, but I'm thinking that I'm gonna want to share em and keep and see side by side, both the color and the black and white version. So to have a second version of a photo you're going to right, click in the photo, Remember, if in doubt, how to do something in light room. All right. Edit in. No, not what am I doing? I'm right. Clicking in the photo. Create virtual copy. And I'm gonna make the filmstrip bigger by dragging on this black the top of this black line here so you can see what's happened. So we have the original, and then we have the virtual copy. Now the virtual copy has a turned up page corner. So that's what tells me That's the virtual copy. Now notice that light room has conveniently stacked the two together. It's linked the two together. That's what this one of two and two of to mean. So it's linked. I could collapse the stack by clicking on one of two. Remember, we talked about stack...
s on Thursday in the context of stacking or rejects. But there lots of examples of where stacks air useful now generally with virtual copies. I want to keep the stack expanded. So I clicked on that to expand it because I want to see both versions. I want to be able to export both versions. I might as well just warn you right now we'll be talking about exporting later that if you have a collapsed stack and you select that to export A J Peg copy, for example, on Lee the top one is gonna go so only what you can see. So you would need tohave it expanded in order to export both of them. Now the virtual copy is not a second file. Both of these are the same raw file shoe example. Dash six that cr two. There's only one file in my folder on my hard drive. This is a second entry in the catalogue in the card catalogue, so it's a second set of instructions for the same photo. So we're saving a ton of hard drive space by not having to duplicate and also not having to manage multiple file copies. Now, when I create a virtual copy, I try. Always. Teoh have the discipline to document what it's for before I do anything else. So noticed that in the filmstrip here it shows the file name which, like which I mentioned is exactly the same for both. But the virtual copy shows Copy one. So that's the documentation. That's the name of this Virtual Copy its documentation for what it's for. And of course, it communicates nothing to me. Other than that, it's a virtual copy. It's not. I need to change the name of the virtual copy from Copy one, so I'm gonna zoom back out now. I've selected the virtual copy. I'm gonna type G for grid to jump to the library module. I could have hit library as well. I just like that shortcut, and I'm going to scroll down on the right hand side here to the metadata panel and I'll scroll up a little bit. And as long as you're on the the default view here, it may be on other views as well. But you'll see a copy name field here, so I'm gonna change this from copy one to black and white. Now, a black and white virtual copy is an example of where I could probably get away without documenting it, because I can visually see what it was for. But I create virtual copies for lots of different purposes. And when I come back three months later, I often have no idea what they were for. So I really encourage you to fill in this copy name Field. Now, once you filled, it filled in that name. Me. Uh, Let's see here. You can see that copy name in the in the metadata panel. You can also see it here in the filmstrip. Notice how this has changed to say black and white. And then in addition, on Thursday on day One, I showed you how to set up your view options so that you could see the copy name displayed right here in the grid. So it was view, view, options. Let me, just without going through the whole spiel again, view few options and on grid view, we added the copy name into the header. So that was the method to my madness at that point was so that we would always have documentation here of why we created the virtual copies. So this virtual copy is selected. So now I'm just gonna type d for develop. I could hit. Develop up here is well, and I'll make the filmstrip smaller and we can move on to, um, converting to black and white. Any any questions around virtual copies? Yeah. I was looking at the history, and I noticed it looks like empty. And but yet it looks like it's taken everything. All the developed work that we did prior. How does that work? What if I do? Further development work on the original. How does that How does that all work? Between these two virtual copies of the too are the development work between the two. They're not linked anymore. That's what allows me to convert this one to black and white without affecting the other one. Now, history when you create a virtual copy. Well, let me show the master first. We talked a lot about history yesterday, but the history panel on the original records, all of that work I've done this morning. But when I create a virtual copy, history starts with me. Ah, go down, Teoh. History starts with create virtual copy. So we don't have that history here on the virtual copy, but that doesn't mean we can't start over. So, for example, I could hit the reset button in the bottom, right? And I'm back to the original photo, so I still have. It's still just a set of instructions that I can throw away. I just don't have access to each step in those prior instructions. So I'm gonna go ahead and just go back back in time here in history toe. Undo my undo. And the virtual copy. Is there a way to copy that history into the virtual copy? Not that I'm aware of. Okay. All right. Just to clarify it went where you start where you say virtual copy is where you're starting from. So you have that history. Just don't see it. Exactly. You have that work, you have the work. Exactly. And then, uh, see, somebody had asked how many virtual copies you can make. And that was Laura Lima from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Can I create how Maney virtual copies that I want? You know, I don't know what the limit is, but I could say that I've never come up against the limits, so I'm sure there is one, but have created a lot of virtual copies. Yeah, and I'm not exactly sure what this means. Martin's 76. Can I create a real copy of image from virtual copy? I'm not. Yeah, I'm not. May I? Maybe he's asking if you could actually create a duplicate file. You know, have to files on your hard drive. I mean, I would I would encourage folks not to do that. But if you need a second cop a true second copy on your hard drive, you can always export. You will talk about exporting later, but you get exported. Copy. And Martin, 76 clarified. I'm I mean, duplicate. Okay, so I assume that's what Yeah. So you could export a copy of it. And if you wanted to get that copy back, you get into light room. You could You could import that copy that you exported or in the export dialog, Say, added to the catalogue. But for the most part, I encourage folks again. Teoh, just use virtual copies. Just use the second sets of instructions. Now, some people think that they need to always create a virtual copy before starting to work on a photo. So let's say I was starting fresh with this photo here. I wouldn't create a virtual copy to do my work on. I would just just do it straight on this. Remember all of the development. All of the developed work we do in light room is nondestructive. It never gets baked into my original raw or JPEG sitting on my hard drive. So because it's just a set of instructions hovering over the photo, I don't need to worry about, you know, ruining the original photo. So I I don't need to create a virtual copy just to work on a photo.
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Ratings and Reviews
Miguel Lecuyer
Great workshop! New to Lightroom and found it very helpful. Saved me a couple hundred dollars and time by not taking an evening LR class. Creative Live workshops match my learning style perfectly. Laura is awesome! My only complaint is maybe Laura can use a PC next time which is what she seems more comfortable using. Her shortcut mix-ups on a Mac were making me a bit dizzy :)
a Creativelive Student
I cannot express enough how impressed I was with Laura and this class. I learned more in the 3 days of this workshop than I did in all 6 weeks of a class I took online that cost three times as much. I left not only impressed by the class but MOST importantly - refreshed and energized to put my new knowledge to use! Thank you for that!!!
a Creativelive Student
Excellent workshop bar none. I learned more about Lightroom than I did from any other tutorial/workshp that I previously encountered. Thanks Laura!