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Hot Seat: Construct a Pitch

Lesson 8 from: The Easy Yes: How to Craft an Effective Pitch

Tiffany Han

Hot Seat: Construct a Pitch

Lesson 8 from: The Easy Yes: How to Craft an Effective Pitch

Tiffany Han

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8. Hot Seat: Construct a Pitch

Lesson Info

Hot Seat: Construct a Pitch

I never have Christine. And because we're going Teoh, right? A pitch right now. E So many question. Thank you, Christine. So tell us again what you dio So I'm a graphic designer had Lederer, and right now I'm starting my own paper lying paper business. Um scrapbooking related. Sort of What? Something you wanna pitch? Um Well what? I was just thinking right now I do want to work for say Okay, let's say chronicle, But I want to be like a free land. One of I know that they take a lot of freelance designers, one of their projects and there's their company. I really want to work. Well, so are they going? Teoh, How dare you? Is a freelance designer based on money now new. So that's not the easy Yes. Yeah, right. So think about what would be an easy yes together conversation going. So one idea had in the past waas to send them a printed version of my portfolio. That is kind of like, personalized to them. Okay, But I can imagine that most of the people who do work for them kind of think the sa...

me way and it might just get buried in their pile of portfolios. They probably got a 1,000,000. It may have a hair, it might be personal. And I might be like, Cool because you and the extra mile. So if you're sending the email, what comes up for me is maybe the starting place is like emailing the head of graphically Who would be hiring you, I guess. Three. I would have to research that Thea are direct. It's the art editor of the editor of the book. Or is this the design department? I would guess it's probably the editor because they are the ones who assign it to the designers. Oh, yeah? So here's how I would approach this. I would say We're gonna find a person to email. You may need email. Three or four people within the company do not email all of them in the same email. Okay, time be patient and one person to email limiting email and say, Hey, Christine, I love chronicle, and I know that you worked on this project and I love the way it turned out. I use my creative card set deck every day. I would love to work with you one day, and I think that my fun and funky approach is perfect for the materials you design. I wanted to let you know that I put a copy. Ah, hard copy of my portfolio in the mail to you. You should be getting it any day. So it's already been sent. Let me know if you want to talk about future possibilities. I'd love to work with you if there's if you have a project of mine, that's a good fit. Done. Done, right. Yeah. That opens the door specifically with chronicle books. They have a blob and they have, like, all the information up. So is it best to just do exactly what they say? Yes, if they give you rules, but all of them to a T right? If they're like, we want these five things I number, I literally will be like, Hey, I'm sending you this pitch here. The things you asked for, Number one my name. And I will, like, write my name in my links. So, yes, if they want you to use those rules so so give If they cracked the rules, then use them. So when are you gonna do this? Next together? Yeah, there's ever required. You've gotta back it up. It may get pushed aside. He may not. And when you've send it handwritten card with your information, here is what I love. I'm also gonna send you an email about this. Let me know, Right? And then you follow up three months later. Six months later. Hey, I'm checking in. I'm planning my calendar for next year, and I would love to talk about the possibility of of us working together. Do you have 15 minutes where we could hop on the phone? That's right. Nobody likes to talk on the phone anymore, But you can accomplish so much more with a 15 minute phone call. So don't be afraid of the phone call because they've already seen your work. They know your work. They like your work. So they're saying yes to the phone call. They're curious about it. Okay, that was a scary was to go do it. Now you're going Teoh? Yeah, right. I'm gonna tell us in the raise. Your hand. Say yes. Facebook group. Okay. After you send that. Okay. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. All right. So thank you. That was, like, this shortest hot seat ever. it took, like, three minutes because it doesn't have to be hard and scary, right? Doesn't have to be like this process is saying, Yeah, figure out the name, look on LinkedIn and see if the person you want to send it to is connected to anybody that you already know. You know, people, you're legit. See if there any art directors or designers who work for them on staff that are already corrected, connected to people, you know. And then maybe your Maybe your next step pitches to email someone you already worked with and say it's on Linden that you know this person like you doing introduction, right? I want to Was your I'm gonna answer, Answer your question because you've had the question. And now that you've seen it in practice and I want to make sure your your question been answered, well, it was regarding like, um when addressing the people in your email, like the first names and last names, I was used the first last name. But is that something that what is appropriate? Just they use their the first name. You know, I think for most of us, it's almost always appropriate to just use her first name if you're pitching George Lucas. All right. Hey, Mr Lucas. Right. Like, you know, like a doors. I hide what's up? But most of the time, if it's an easy yes, you can use the first name. You know, you'll do that check. Do you guys check and say, like, does this feel weird if you're pitching somebody who is in, you know, older, like, very older than you, An elderly person. Um, if you wanna make a documentary about some 90 year old artist, Yeah, maybe use the last name, right? Or if it's a doctor or like whatever. Right? And you're doing it in this very professional setting, then maybe use the last name. But for the most part, first names are OK.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with RSVP

Pitch Tracker
What To Pitch Mindmap

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Pitch Goal Worksheet
Pitch Assessment Chart
Know Your Value Worksheet

Ratings and Reviews


Tiffany has enormous energy! At the very beginning, it seemed a little off, but then she found her rhythm with the audience! This was exactly the kick I needed to start pitching. Her advice is simple and powerful. I had the pleasure of attending this live. If you are stuck feeling like you need some elaborate plan to get started pitching people for sales or interviews, this is the course for you. You won't regret it.


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