Who to Pitch?
Tiffany Han
Introduction to Workshop
16:57 2Power of the Easy Yes
15:17 3The Pitching Mindset
40:09 4What's Your Value?
10:24 5What's Your End Game?
14:23 6Universal Rules of Pitching
26:17 7Anatomy of a Pitch
33:40 8Hot Seat: Construct a Pitch
07:17Networking Made Easy
15:58 10Common Pitching Pitfalls
09:39 11Pitching to Nicole Stevenson from Craftcation
26:07 12Compare the Good, Bad, & the Ugly Pitches
14:46 13Student Pitch Feedback
08:47 14Embrace the No
15:34 15Create Your Pitching Action Steps
10:20 16Where to Pitch?
09:12 17Who to Pitch?
11:17 18What to Pitch?
11:07 19Make Your Long-Term Pitch Plan
19:56Lesson Info
Who to Pitch?
now about who tip it's We're gonna figure out who the human being as how to be a service stalker, but really not to be a cyber stalker. So we don't want to be a creeper, But you want to use the Internet to your advantage because there is a lot of information about a lot of people out there. And you don't need to say I googled you for So I went back to page 26 of your search results. Don't do that. You guys, you know, you would find, um, you know, don't do You don't have to say that, but the more informed you could, because remember, your pitch is gonna be short. But the more informed that you can be about the person that you're asking for, the more research that you're doing on who that person is, the better and more likely your pitch is to be given a guess. That was a long sentence of that, but like you're going to get the Yes, So don't be a cyber stalker, But do your research. OK, so here's the ways to find the name of a person we're gonna check. The company's about Paige and I'm thi...
nking Maura, about smaller brands. If you're trying to pitch someone at Macy's, we're going to get to that two of how to get to these bigger brands. But you can still start here. Look at their about page. Look at their contact page. Maybe you do need to start with a form, right? Sometimes it's like, All right, I'm gonna do this and keep on tryem. A lot of companies you want to check at the bottom of people's websites or places websites because a lot of times will have a lot more information in the footer of their website than they do in the header. So sometimes you have to dig around, you know, get comfortable there, dig in and click in and Lincoln and seeing where things take you. And you might go down a rabbit hole that that's OK, um, to check out at the bottom, and a lot of times people will have work with us. They actually have a link because they want people who are awesome toe work with them. That's great, right? You're doing. You're delivering value to them. Remember your delivering value. So check that out. Check out their social media accounts. Sometimes I'll have their email on that, you know, or you'll be able. You can look through the comments and see. Are they concerned questions things like that? That would be great. I don't recommend that you ask in the comment to an instagram post. What's the best way to get in touch with you? Um, don't do that, but, you know, check their check out their accounts like you. I want you guys to recognize that this is going to take some work sometimes, especially if it's like a black hole of where should I go? Um, somewhere like a store. It might be hard to get the name of a person who is the owner of the buyer. You could pick up the phone and call them and ask them Is that there's, you know, what's your buyer's name there? Someone I can reach out to. Um, I used to work for paper sores, and I was not a but I was just a door person, you know, shot girl. I was not a buyer, but people would come in and say, Hey, do you know how in touch with someone about something? My products and I would pull out our handy dandy corporate email list and say, Yeah, you want to contact this person called amok? They asked, Right, So maybe you go into the store if you're able Teoh and say, Hey, is there you pick up a card. A lot of times, you'll just get a card you could also check out. Like sometimes if you Google, you know, Let's say the shop is called Blue Arrow and you Google Blue Arrow plus owner there might maybe there was an article written about them in the newspaper when they opened. You know, maybe someone feature them on their blawg and talked about it. That's OK, you know. And then if you know the name, then you can kugel the name plus email and see what comes up right? So there will be some sleuthing, but that's OK, because you're gonna for the long haul. Yeah, I'm finding more and more social media accounts are a great way to actually connect with people. Yes, in a very organic and authentic way. If you're actually relevant, you have something relevant to their business and what they're doing and their brand and you. It's actually much easier than you realize. If you're willing to put the time in, like, I swear she's not a ringer. You guys, I have not landing. Yeah, the key for all of you guys that I wouldn't remember. And I wish I had made this on a slide, but I didn't always be delivering Bow you. So on every instagram it. Hey, you respond with great pick. I mean, that's what Thank you, but that's not necessarily going to be something that I like. Respond Teoh all the time. But can I just give a grand really quick example? Okay, So Instagram is something that I'm playing with now trying to actually figure out How do you do this? And so I took over, um, like an instagram for a day for an online community called One Woman Shop. Which is what women solo entrepreneurs. And so you take over the baton, I guess you take over their account. You just Do you like snapshots of your day as ah, entrepreneur. Right. And it was so funny because, you know, first time, like my God is, they want to get a care. But then I did really genuine things like you know my table in the morning where I had to look at my taxes and I had to do some financial stuff. But then I'll start some writing and I'll set some other things. And and I asked a question At the end of it, I just said, This is what I'm up to is what it looks like. And then I said, What? You know, What's your morning like? And the comments I got a couple people were like, Oh, my God, actually, I do That is a side business, accounting for creatives like, you know, here's my contact info. Get in touch with me and then some of the info I got through the day because I put really relevant things. I had a list of four people to follow up with because actually, I could use that. So it was a really great experiment, and I have to say, Michelle Ward, I was like what she's like, Yeah, this is a great thing to it and just be riel like, Why don't you actually ask? People tell him you're struggling with that was like, all right. And I was so surprised that there were some resource is and that people just sort of threw me their contact in Bo and messaged me. And now I actually have to follow up because I actually really do need help with that stuff. You know? Nothing like at least I have somewhere to start. So yeah, yeah. Asking for what you need. Saying it aloud. I hope that you guys now understand. Like the value of saying things out loud, right? You at home, too. And then check Clinton. You can find a lot about people on like then if you Google director of marketing Macy's. I mean, that's Macy's is like a whole beast. But, you know, director of marketing for this, you can usually find it on unlinked in. You might have Teoh with LinkedIn. Sometimes you have to, like, pay for a pro account to get their contact information. Okay, what? It's like 10 bucks. Maybe I don't know how much the pro account is, but if it's going to be something useful to you pay that money for a month to get that information, that's OK. It's not like, Oh, I paid for it. I can't have it. I pay for all things all the time that I used. Really? And they're using their great. Like I bought this shirt. Okay, great. Right. So it's okay to spend money on something you know, you can also using lengthen and and facebook to right. You can see who else is connected to people and see if there's some kind of a connection. There s so don't be afraid, Thio Thio do that Even if you're just you may not need to ask, right? An easy yes may not be if you don't know me well but you see, I'm connected to somebody to do an introduction, and I just feel like, Hey, I'm double checking. Is this the right person to contact for X? I might say yes. I mean, I give you their email address. It depends, right? It depends on my relationship and our relationship and things like that, but reaching out to your connection and seeing if there any threads of people if you guys like Google is your best friend with us, I have found so many things on Google um that have helped me in my business. This is what I want you guys to dio Is you Google pitching Plus where you want to go and see what comes up. You go pitching. Plus Huffington Post. There are dozens of articles about how to get published on Huffington Post. Right, and then they give you email addresses. Actually give you the email. This is right emailed. This is, I felt out the form. This is what I did. So don't be afraid to like Ahold's cooling. Just Google it. And if you don't get it on the first time, google it again and google it again like you will get this information is there. You have to, like, put on your detective hat and find it. So to email or not, that's where talking about the form or not. You know, I think, like again, If there's a form, you can use it. If you're uncomfortable with the former, it seems really General. Yes, and an email That's fine, but keep it short right? We're gonna keep it short and sweet, and if they give you directions if they say to apply, send an email with this in the subject line. Do that like follow those directions to a T because a lot of times thes days, people will set up Gmail filters. And so they want all their submissions. They're telling Gmail every email that comes in with submissions and the subject line put into this folder. And so if you do that, it's not automatically go into that boulder they're gonna open to consider what you want. We also want to think about avoiding the cold pitch. So what are some ways that you can do that? We've been talking about that throughout the day, but I wanted to so cover it because covered all in one place, because as much as possible, I think that hopefully I've really reinforced the idea of building these relationships over time, right, that it's not just about sending an email, so connect on social media. I want all of you guys to look at who you're following on social media and see if there's anybody that you want to work with and get on their accounts. If anything, you may not make a face to face connection, but it's going to teach you about their brand. It's going to help you get in their head, figure out the easy yes, meaningful comments right, contribute to the conversation and check for shared connections like we talked about deliver consistent value. There are people who comment on the instagram that I love it when they comment. I get so excited cause they're like the sweetness be that person, right? Be that person is not about being a Creeper spa being genuine and none of you are jerks.
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Ratings and Reviews
Tiffany has enormous energy! At the very beginning, it seemed a little off, but then she found her rhythm with the audience! This was exactly the kick I needed to start pitching. Her advice is simple and powerful. I had the pleasure of attending this live. If you are stuck feeling like you need some elaborate plan to get started pitching people for sales or interviews, this is the course for you. You won't regret it.
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