Introduction to Workshop
16:57 2Power of the Easy Yes
15:17 3The Pitching Mindset
40:09 4What's Your Value?
10:24 5What's Your End Game?
14:23 6Universal Rules of Pitching
26:17 7Anatomy of a Pitch
33:40 8Hot Seat: Construct a Pitch
07:17Networking Made Easy
15:58 10Common Pitching Pitfalls
09:39 11Pitching to Nicole Stevenson from Craftcation
26:07 12Compare the Good, Bad, & the Ugly Pitches
14:46 13Student Pitch Feedback
08:47 14Embrace the No
15:34 15Create Your Pitching Action Steps
10:20 16Where to Pitch?
09:12 17Who to Pitch?
11:17 18What to Pitch?
11:07 19Make Your Long-Term Pitch Plan
19:56Lesson Info
What to Pitch?
I want to talk about what to pitch, and I want to make sure we're gonna actually put together the plans. I'm gonna go through these a little bit quickly, so bear with me. You can always come back and re watch this, Um, You guys at home come back and re watch, and I want you guys we have Ah, bonus here. Um, which is this idea? Generation mind map? Um, it's actually on the for you guys with the clipboards. It's on the first page. I love this. I love mind. Mats is a way to just get your brain flowing and do, like a brain dump. I'm a huge fan of, um, just writing stuff down like free writing and seeing what comes. That's pretty much how you get everything written that I dio is I just open my computer and I start writing and, like, 15 minutes later, it's the beginning of a block post. Who knew? Right. So I'm gonna give you guys some things to think about for that kind of thing. But idea generation is huge for creative businesses and for pitching. What do you bet? Jim, what's your idea? Righ...
t? If you already have some ideas, then don't come up with new words. Okay, so you've already got some ideas. I don't wanna feel like your idea is not enough. It's OK to have one idea. I want more wholesale accounts for my jewelry, and that's where I'm gonna go. That's also fine. Um, I like to think about what the most fun and easy place to start is. And this is where again We've already talked about how you are more likely to devalue what comes easily to you and what comes naturally. So I want to. But I want to make that valuable another love and diagram forya what you can offer. And then what does the pitch he needs, right? That's what to pitch. So if you don't know what somebody needs, don't pitch them. That's like bottom line. If you cannot articulate what they need, don't send the pitch yet. What they might need is just to feel good about helping another human being. That's acceptable, right? But no, that's what you're after. Know that that's that's what you want them to walk away with when you start to send your pitch. So the Yeah, like I said, Here's your bonus, but what? To pitch? Mind map, Print out a lot of these. These are my favorites. Um, so we're just gonna talk about idea Generation one? 01 As I said, I'm going to go through these a little bit quicker. Write down things that come to you, right? Capture the ideas. If you get a spark, write it down. So I want to know what gets you fired up. I want to know what makes your blood boil. I want to know what you're like. Uh, why isn't this being said? Keep it simple. What's the most basic, simple way that you can communicate? What you want to communicate it? It might be for Christine Has a stamp. Said it might be a block post about how to use an acrylic stamp set. Super basic, right? Yeah. I don't know. I don't understand. It's a sheet, and there's a block would break it down. Make it easy for me because I'm kind of hopeless when I'm not. It's fine. But you know what I mean? Like, yeah. What do you know for sure? What are the truths that you know in your heart to be true? What would you tell your younger self? He gave that person advice. What would you tell the 22 year old version of yourself or the version of yourself who was one year in business or one month in business or one day in business? Thinking about what you can repurpose, right? A lot of us have already created really good work. You don't have to. You don't have to start fresh every time. So look about. Look at what can be reused. What article did you write in the past? What article do you wish you had written in the past? What articles? You go back like, uh, man, I wish I talked about this, right. And now I wish I had whatever. What could you had told? Content to update it. I sometimes look at my post statements on this earlier. I'll look at my old block post and be like, Wow, I thought that was amazing when I first published it. And now I realize that I could have said X y Z or I could have built into this. Or I could have said Mawr really taken this one concept and made that into its own thing. There you go. Do it. If you guys all went through. For those of you with blog's went through all your old posts, you would have a year's worth of content. I promise. What do you really want to say? You guys saw that today with Gem, when she's like, Well, this and this I said, Oh, and she was like But what I really wanted And I have a writing teacher who in her class you we do a lot of free writing and she says they aren't sure what to write. Say what I really want to say is, and I have written a lot of hard hitting blawg post starting out without what I really want to tell you. It gets people's attention. It's OK to get people's attention because you are worth having people's attention, all of you. And also think about what commonly heard advice. Do you disagree with right? What's that thing? Everyone's talking about your flowers and your wedding and find the cheapest vendor. That might be terrible advice, right? Maybe it's great advice, and maybe you want to write about why you can go with the cheapest vendor. But if it's not. Why not? Right, well, conversations you keep having over and over Huge, huge, huge, huge, huge. Make it personal. How can you tell a story throughout this entire class? I've been telling you guys stories about me and my experience and things I've learned along the way. It's way more compelling. Right then if I was up here being like, here's what you should dio, here's what you should dio Mama, right? There's trust built in here, so be willing to to get a little bit vulnerable and put that out there. Was it embarrassing to put my really old, awful long pitch out there like well, but But I think you guys learned so also, nobody got up and left right? No one is like, Oh, forget her. So I love this concept of radical reinvention. Just how can you take something that everybody else is doing and turn it on its head? Elizabeth, you manage social media. Everybody wants to know. How did I grow my numbers? It's been more time. So what do you What do you say? I say you don't need to spend more time. You can spend less time and be more effective and the numbers aren't everything. Hey, that's so refreshing, because all I hear is grow your numbers, right. That's all you hear. She stands out, right? So I have a program called 100 Rejection Letters. It's not about how to get all the things you've ever dreamed about in your business, which is what everyone else is selling. This is about. I want to get some nose. It gets people's attention. It helps me stand out. So that's scary. It's vulnerable, especially if you're paving your own way because not everybody else is doing it. But let yourself right. Let yourself do that. Step away from the computer and the Internet. Sorry. Not sorry. You guys know that at this point, right? Go back to that list you made earlier of the three things you're going to do when you need to get inspired and then actually do it. So Okay, what are your top three pitiable ideas? Write them down. You should have already started it with that goal worksheet. But I want you to write it down because now we're gonna plug some stuff into another chart, right him down. And now we're gonna make a plan so I want to talk about your community. We've talked about this a little bit. Bring it back to step one for your community. A lot of times we are so focused on our big goal that we forget to look at the community we've already established and the connections we've already made. Just like when I started my podcast, I could have spun my wheels and pitched all these super duper or like famous literal rock stars. But instead I started with people who I knew and I trusted and who trusted me and that I knew would deliver about you. It was such an easier Yes, right. You also wanna look at your priorities. What's most important to you? So what's the starting place? What's the most important priority right now? So prepaid relationship building, social media, start the conversations or promote them? I get a lot of emails from someone asking me to tweet about their upcoming IK wars. I have never heard of them before. Have they ever tweeted about something I'm selling? Nope. There's no relationship. Why am I gonna spend the tweet on you? I don't know anything, so don't do that. But if you want me to notice you retweet a blow post? Iro say I loved that awesome. I probably still don't then just email me right then. But it's really about building the groundwork of the relationship. I think get in their head what's gonna make their life easier. And what value can you deliver? Right? This is gold. It's all about your relationships. Look outside of your direct niche. So sometimes we think like I need other life coaches to talk about me. I need other business coaches to talk about me. Well, that's that's fine. But what? I really want our artists to talk about me and I want my clients who are killing it to say I'm killing and Tiffany helped because people who want to be killing it, like Christine are gonna look at her and go, Oh, then she could help me to. So I like to think about adjacent industry. So for you guys, you're doing wedding floral design. You may not necessarily need to partner with other floral designers, but thinking about wedding planners or venues or photographers, right? Like things like that, those are going to be a good partnership for you. Don't forget about your current community. So look at the people that you are already connected with and see how you might be able to do that value. Add
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Ratings and Reviews
Tiffany has enormous energy! At the very beginning, it seemed a little off, but then she found her rhythm with the audience! This was exactly the kick I needed to start pitching. Her advice is simple and powerful. I had the pleasure of attending this live. If you are stuck feeling like you need some elaborate plan to get started pitching people for sales or interviews, this is the course for you. You won't regret it.
Good and great