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Make Your Long-Term Pitch Plan

Lesson 19 from: The Easy Yes: How to Craft an Effective Pitch

Tiffany Han

Make Your Long-Term Pitch Plan

Lesson 19 from: The Easy Yes: How to Craft an Effective Pitch

Tiffany Han

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19. Make Your Long-Term Pitch Plan

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Make Your Long-Term Pitch Plan

we're gonna make a plan. And when you think about the right kind of research that you're going to dio based on what you want and we've talked about this a little bit, it's not about spending. Your were spinning your wheels, right? It's about looking at what? If you're gonna listen to a podcast and a research mode, What are you listening for? You'll sing for the tone. Like Nicol said, she appreciated that That email I sent her was casual. Do they accept submissions? You guys have no idea. I don't take guests post on my blawg. People email me all the time, asking if I will let them guess Post on my blawg on on my contact form. A very clearly says I do not take guest post on my blawg. I don't most of the time respond to those emails, right? So so isn't something. Are they open to partners? Partnerships? If you're doing gas blogging, what's the average length of each post? If it's 500 words, don't send them a four page post. If it's four pages, don't send them to paragraphs right and look ...

at the last 3 to 5 headlines. Make sure that yours fits, cause that's what you want. You want the editor to be like check post is done, so make it the easy. Yes. So again. Or bring it back to the pits school worksheet and looking at what the goals are, you need a goal before you have a plan, right? I know up. You need to know what you're working towards before you start taking the action. So I'm gonna bring up Andre, please. Um and we're going to actually put together a little bit of a plan for you. Um, So I want to know from you. What are the goals that you're working on? Maybe. Let's speak. Let's pick one for the sake of pick one. Um, I'm tired of working on just client projects, and I want to work on stuff done a more passionate about something that resonates with me and also resonates in my community. Okay, So tell me, what kind of let's get specific? Like, what would one of those projects okay, One of them is I got together with to my friends, and we're talking about doing something because we're all 2nd 2nd and first generation Jamaicans, and we love our culture. We love our food, and we want to celebrate that with other people. So we were thinking about maybe creating some T shirts or paraphernalia, tote bags or posters, but mostly T shirts that celebrate Jamaican food. Okay, I love it. That sounds fun. What? What? How come pitching. What's your goal for this project? The goal is to get shirts out there to our community, to folks who love this stuff. Do you want to sell them or give them away? We want to solve them. How many shirts do you want to sell? Um, we don't have a number. Were think about maybe starting small. Maybe a couple 100. Okay, 206. Even if you don't have a number of mind if you're like Oh, any would be good, right? I want to sell a shirt, just pick something, and then you're because again, like I said, you're not gonna be able to evolve until you start. So you're not going to know if a goal is completely off base or not until you get moving on it. So how can pitching help you? Um, pitching could build awareness about so reach. So is that the goal you want to talk about now is how pitching can help you build awareness of your one that hopefully funding. Okay, Funding? Because you need money to produce the shirt. Exactly. Okay. Funding rate. Very two very different goals. He helped me spread the word versus Can I have some money? So it's gonna be two very different. Easy. Yes, it's right. Yeah. Um OK, so I want you guys to look at. There's there's a couple things that we are doing. I'm gonna skip around a little bit because we don't track it until I want you guys to look at the pitch assessment chart. It's another bonus. So we're gonna look at this, and I want you to think about these are the things that you're gonna be putting together for your plan. So the fields of this there's a field for contact the outlet or who you're sending it to. Do you follow them on social media? Your idea? Is it an easy Yes. You don't check that? Yes, but box. Why? Is it an easy Yes, I went to know that. And what research you've done, what you know about them. So tell me Do you have any? Any people in mind that you could You talk about awareness or funding? Um, let's try it. We'll start with the funding for So, do you have any outlets in mind we're thinking about Maybe approaching a major Jamaican? Um, retailer that makes food like one is grace Food products, Grace, food product, Greece Research. The full name is Grace is one of the bigger companies in Jamaica that makes Are there a couple others? Yeah, There's Ah, DMG Daniel in Guinness. They create a drinks. Okay. Okay, great. So you're gonna reach out to them. You eventually want to make this clear. Eventually. Want to potentially get some funding from them for your teacher product, right. Do you have any established relationships with them yet? No, you haven't done so. I would say that's the starting place. Right? The starting again. Right here. Our starting place is not Can I have some money? Money, right? Like we all know that what we think that's the ask the news we make. So what if we bring into the right now like, what's the starting place for starting? Have a relation looking at our networks and see who we know that might actually know someone that either is part might work for these companies or might have connection some way. Great. Yeah, because you said you're working with partners who are second generation Jamaica. And this seems like a really tight knit community where people support each other and rally around. You see how that it's about the relationships, right? And it's about being like, Yeah, this is like, really, we're finding that commonality, that thing in common that we all want to celebrate Jamaican food because it's so good, right? Yeah. So Okay, you're going to look at your networks. Well, hmm. Good question. Uh, besides the networks, just looking at what people are excited about right now, Um, we're all of us are very big on Facebook and within our community, people post a lot, especially right now with sports. Hussein Bolt just won so many awards. Um, so just seeing what people excited about and maybe tapping into that how much money do you need that we have to look into as well? Production is something we have actually sat down and considered whether it's gonna be to color for color. What type of shirts were going to do. We're just in initial stage at this point. So you're maybe not necessarily ready to start pitching yet. Correct. That's okay. Because you're in a great place where sometimes we think about pitching when the idea is finished. I've got this thing. I need to sell it home. I got to sell it. But instead you're in a place of like, I have this thing, really, In the early stages of way to come to the right class because you can lay the groundwork. You can build that foundation. So here is what I would do for your plan. Somebody you can tell me if you agree or disagree, as I would start by getting really specific on what you want. So that's gonna be flushing out your idea little bit. Right? Um, on getting really specific about how people can help you. Right? So one way people can help you is by maybe connecting you to these food companies. One way people can help you is by supporting your idea, saying ad, buy that shirt. You know, maybe you decide after talking to some people, we should just do a Kickstarter, right? You know, T shirts aren't that much really need $1000 to make these shirts. We could do that with our communities. It would be an easy yes, they could back it right way. We don't even need to pitch the food companies and find the person to do the Google in the thing and the thing, like, we could just take it to our people. So you're gonna get specific and figure out what you need the help with, right? And you're also gonna start connecting with these food companies because I would suspect that you're tell me if this is right. Your love for Jamaican food is so strong that even if they don't fund your T shirt project, you still want to be able to celebrate what they do for the world together. That's the easy. Yes. Do you see that? Like that's the thing that's like they can't say no to that because they love Jamaican food. Teoh And we want to start with something that we're passionate about. And I feel that is its core, and it always keep it fun and interesting. So I feel that spread whether or not it's folks wanna give money or not? Yeah, yeah, What's the point? Why you doing nostalgia? It's it's, you know, it's We love our food and we love our culture, and we feel that we should take ownership in some way to share it with others as opposed to somebody else, saying, You know, we love this and we're going to take it and make it kitschy and fund, and they have no necessarily deep connection to it, Like as we do. What's it mean for Andre? It's a five year like, What would that get? Passion, man, I get joy working on things I love and care about. Uh huh, yeah. How did it make you feel? Oh, great, it's different. It's different when you're working on client products, where you help somebody solve a problem. They're happy about it, and it brings you some joy. But when it's something that you truly love and care about and seeing it out in the world, there's nothing like that. And what if you could get paid a sustainable income to have a company that celebrates Jamaican food? Right. But it's not even about the money right now, and I think that's really important because you know. Like I think when you first got here, you thought it was about the money, Uh, with trying to make the money, making it happen. Yeah. That was that was a huge consideration. But at the end of the day, like I was sitting down and talking about this concept was we just wanted to do something that was fun outside of our usual client work. Yeah. Great. And I suspect the amount of money for where you're starting is that as grand as you might think it is. Right? So I would say, Let's figure out how much money you need. You want to color for I don't make a decision, right? Like, does it matter if it does matter than it does aesthetic wise? We're working out. I think the next step for us is coming up with designs. Okay, great. Thanks. Is this is a little bit different, but this is the way things go right as we think we're ready to pitch. But the next step is coming up with the design. Okay, So, like, that's step one is designed Step one B is to start building those relationships. Right. Um, I'm something that I learned from actually being in this class. Today's maybe actually putting the idea, pitching the idea to famous illustrators or artists that are out there and saying maybe getting them involved as well, too. Yeah. Hey, we have this concept. Maybe you might want to be a part of this. What's gonna make that an easy yes, um, for me or for that, it's It's them also partaking in the passion. And then this knowledge is right. So finding an artist who loves you making food, Yeah, so it's not just I want this person. I can think of our random some Rando artist, you know, t design a Jamaican food T shirt for me. It's I'm gonna find that shared connection that Venn diagram in that intersection of what they want and what I need. So start following them on social media. Right? So start googling Jamaican food plus artists. Ridiculous, right? Like, let's see what's out there. Start talking up your idea. I think that's another start talking about it to your community because man people are gonna come out of the woodwork. People are gonna be like, Oh, I know someone who block with law. I know someone who does this. I know someone who does this and all of a sudden you're gonna be like I didn't even have that. I ask Right? So there's so much power and saying things out loud. Well, this whole idea came, manifested itself as we sat down and started talking about things we cared about. And then we already all three of us realized we really love food. We really care a lot about the food, and we care a lot about the nostalgia that comes from that food. And we realize it's very unique. It's not anywhere else. You're gonna find that people within our community talk about it, and they recognize it is well to so. And it's about heritage. Yes, right. It's not about the food. It's not about the food. It's about your second generation for the third and the fourth and the fifth generations. When everyone's becoming Americanized, what's their connection to their ancestors? What's their connection to their heritage? Why does it matter? That's what that's like, right? Like that's gonna be your thing. That's gonna be the like thing that you're like in the back of your head heritage. It's about celebrating heritage. Food is just the outlet. But this, to me is even just about more than food, Right? Good to be your your entrance. But remembering that bigger why is really important. So that's not exactly the like plan of the pitch and the things. But I think that for you, I think that's a good example to show. Sometimes there's more homework to be done before you start sending asks. Right now we have a guide. So always remember that part. Yes, thank you. Thank you, Andre. So you guys could do your pitch plans at home. There's a chart. Fill it out. Um, so the things that you want to keep track of there's also a pitch tracker as a bonus. The things that I think it's really important to keep track of the pictures you sent. Because as you become pitching machines, you want to know when to follow up on who to follow up on all that. So you want to track the pitch you send una track who you sent it to gonna track the date you and attract when you're gonna follow up. Remember, follow up number one is happening two weeks later. Follow up. Number two is happening one week after and then you would attract. If it's a yes, sir and no, fill this in Celebrate that. Getting a response is a big deal. If people take the time to respond to you, that means that they're like I thought you were like worth receiving of a response. Not that you aren't just they don't respond. But having somebody read an email and craft and answer, that means you got in the door. That's huge. So right before you hit sent Know what you guys to think about? Double check the spelling of the name. Look at them on social media. I picked someone to be on my podcast, and then afterwards I opened up Instagram and saw that it was his birthday and I was like, Man, if I had only looked at that before, I would not have pitched him on his birthday. Oh, well, he came on my podcast. It's fine, but, you know, look a do a quick look as people are giving you all this information about them. If you go on to someone social media and see that they just suffered a horrible family tragedy, that's not an easy yes. Okay, um, again, this goes back to the Gmail thing, make sure that the text is the same color of the same pond the same size, you know? And that's just a basic. But it's easy to forget that and are there in a copy. Paste airs. So anything that you have the wrong person's name and their their own company name or whatever. And here's your last challenge. You guys have made it through the day. I think you have all the information you need. And so your challenge is to send three pitches this week and then report back to us over in the raise your hand, say yes, Facebook group. So those your challenges do it quickly, like I want you guys. If you're feeling energized about this and you have some projects in mind, I want you guys to ride that enthusiasm because if you walk away from it and they really don't know ensures that right, is it not right? It's gonna be harder to start it up. So what I really want is if you're watching at home, send it, type it up right now, right? Right. Your draft. You can always come back to it later. But go ahead and type it right now, all of this content is fresh. I think that's really important. You can edit later. You can clean it up later tomorrow because you're gonna send it this week. So go ahead and send your pitches. And then I want you guys to come back and celebrate that by telling us in the razor hand. Say yes, Facebook group. I hope everybody like gets the raise your hand, say yes philosophy after this and is ready to go on ready to start figuring some stuff out. You can join that group at Tiffany han dot com, or you can text say yes to So that's it, you guys. Time to go forth and pitch on, become pitched machines and get yourself your stunner shades and like you guys there are going to do it and it's gonna be amazing. So thank you

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with RSVP

Pitch Tracker
What To Pitch Mindmap

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Pitch Goal Worksheet
Pitch Assessment Chart
Know Your Value Worksheet

Ratings and Reviews


Tiffany has enormous energy! At the very beginning, it seemed a little off, but then she found her rhythm with the audience! This was exactly the kick I needed to start pitching. Her advice is simple and powerful. I had the pleasure of attending this live. If you are stuck feeling like you need some elaborate plan to get started pitching people for sales or interviews, this is the course for you. You won't regret it.


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