Steps to Achieving Your Best Year Yet
Lesson 1 from: Goal-Setting for Your Best Year YetDory Willer

Steps to Achieving Your Best Year Yet
Lesson 1 from: Goal-Setting for Your Best Year YetDory Willer
Day 1
1Steps to Achieving Your Best Year Yet
29:27 2What Did I Accomplish Last Year?
18:13 3What Did I Learn from Last Year?
35:22 4Discovering Your Biggest Obstacles
38:26 5Overcoming Your Limiting Paradigms
24:38 6Values That Drive You
31:22 7What Roles Do You Play in Life?
26:50Getting Favorable Results in Your Roles
23:01 9Goal Setting for Each Role
22:34 10Goals for My Roles Coaching
35:02 11Designing a Purposeful Life
15:27 12Completing Your One-Page Plan
31:24 13My Top Ten Goals for Next Year
15:27 14Best Year Yet Plan is Complete
24:11 15Make Sure You Achieve Your Goals
45:37 16Gold Time Management
21:41 17Producing Results Online
26:47 18Quarterly Milestones
21:30 19Feeling Good About Your Score
32:55 20Make It Happen with Jinny Ditzler
34:54 21In Studio Coaching with Jinny
21:15 22In Studio Coaching w/ Jinny Pt 2
18:54Day 2
Lesson Info
Steps to Achieving Your Best Year Yet
Hello, internet. Nice to have you with us. So today, let's uh, let's, look at what we're going to be doing. We're, uh, as jae ko mentioned, I have been doing this for sixteen years. I wouldn't think of starting a year without a best year yet plan, and I've been doing this for so long that even my husband took it on and we've created a couples plan. So when we talk about best year yet, you can create your best year yet plan your family can create there's, your business, your team, your organization and the couple dumb ah, partnership. So keep your mind open as we talk about all the things and all the fractions in life regarding your best year yet who's this course for this courses for just about anybody who's breathing seriously well, maybe not the babies, but the youngest person I have worked with on a best year yet plan it was the age of twelve. I work with foster kids over at uc berkeley, a local university here in california and these twelve year olds thirteen year old really get th...
is and the eldest I've worked with is seventy three, a retired widow who is, by the way now because of her best year yet plan sailing the seas around the world on the princess line and speaking about the book she wrote because of her best year yet plan it's good for teams it's good for business is it's good for again as I said a course creative entrepreneurs anyone who has a goal and a dream and something that they want to deliver in their life more purposefully more deliberately so this is for personal is professional any age um we even have in addition are you ready for this? We even have it in addition be why why best year yet for golf so if you want to improve your golf game we can focus in on your golf game uh the a client of mine who has a phd absolutely loves this program because she says it keeps her focused and keeps her on task let's look at somebody else who actually created a best year yet plan the first blind climber of mount everest eric wine heimer he and his coach michael o'donnell ashley created the best year yet planned so that they could climb mount everest and yes he made the top it's a great story he did it in march of two thousand one and can you imagine sitting at base camp right this cold I am imagining it's cold there's usually snow on mount everest and he's sitting at base camp with his team doing a best year yet plan but why even consider this course well most of us are in this hamster cage thing in life we're round and round and we're doing life and most of us are doing life by default, not purposefully, not with set goals, objectives and dreams that we really want to pull off the back burner and do and I I hear from all of you, you have some very good, solid dreams of that are percolating thatyou want to produce into reality today, so we're going to be taking the time today to get off the hamster will to have you actually plan out what it is that is most important to you and how to make it a reality for you just this year, and as you get off that hamster will what you are today and I want to thank you, I want to thank the internet audience you have taken the time to sign up for this, to click in, log in and watch this and that's something to be applauded right now, you're caring about that. What makes this different, though, than a new year's resolution who here made new year's resolutions who here made new year's resolutions? S so many of them are new year's resolutions at what we're a month later, and where are we with those new year's resolutions? Probably some might be continuing, but the percentage the majority do not they end within two, three and definitely a month, and why is that? Because a new year's resolution is usually coming from a place of you ought to you should owe you should lose wait or you should get in shape you ought to do this and I call that buying a ticket to ought to land it's not coming from the inside out something that really truly is inspiring from yourself new year's resolutions typically fall into that category most of them start with words such as stop doing this don't do this and it has a very negative connotation to begin with right out of the gate so with best year yet our process is to build something from the inside out we're going to perk u late you today from the inside out and cause you to really reflect and declare what's most important to you not what's most important to mom dad the partner in the business the spouse it's about you so no should today we're gonna help you get off that hamster will we're going to talk about a year long system which is the other differentiation differentiation of best year yet and the system as opposed to new year's resolutions it's one thing to declare your goals and stay and there and say this is what I'm going to dio it's another thing to make it happen and making it happen is the difference with best year yet so what did you accomplish last year? Do you look like that I did a few days ago on dh so so what is it you didn't achieve in two thousand thirteen and what's it costing you because you didn't achieve it? I heard some of these dreams I heard some of these goals have you been thinking about oh I could've should've would've and yet today you're standing in the same place I wanted to start that ira and a retirement plan I wanted to go in this direction with my business and grab some some customers in this nish that I really want to dio but life became so busy and I'm so entrenched in the day today that I had to keep the bacon coming in tow pay the rent to pay the mortgage and what happened to all those dreams and goals today we're going to help you get off some of that and find the road blocks that are stopping you from achieving what it is you want that's the lovely part about coaching is to find what prevents you what are the obstacles the boulders we build on our path that are stopping us from achieving and getting and doing and being every single thing we want let's ah let's look again at what's most important to you and I want to emphasize that to all of you please make this about you and for you don't let those people standing on your shoulders or in your ear talking to you is this again all about you? What are you going to need today pattern paper too simple is that our live audience here has these wonderful workbooks and you too can have these workbooks too if you buy the course you'll find them as part of the products for today's program so you'll be using your workbook today and let's just start right now with that workbook by putting your name on it and that's your first declaration today is the first day of my best year yet so for you at home for you on the internet you're welcome to use a pad and paper and I'm going to encourage you to do that and not a keyboard the reason behind that is a keyboard keeps you a little busy yes, yes you may be able to type a little bit faster but something goes on when you pick up the pin you put it to the paper and you're actually writing things as I promised today we're going to be talking to jess you there's an inner coach within you and that inner coach come to out ah lot more easier ah lot more effortlessly if you're actually putting the pen to the paper so our in studio audience that's what you'll be doing start by putting your name and as jaco and john marie mentioned we have chris and karen here's their gorgeous smiles they are ready and willing to help you online in the chat rooms, they are expert coaches with over ten years of experience with the b y y best year yet system. Sorry, I keep saying be why? Why so best year yet? B why? Why we'll use it maybe a little bit interchangeably, but remind me it's best year yet? Okay, what's the purpose of our workshop today, these are the things we're going to dio we're going to in our full two day workshop with live coaching at the very end by the founder and creator of the best year yet system jenny desler, we're going teo do the following things. Oh, by the way, that live coaching is within studio audience and a lucky person on the internet will tell you how to be that lucky person a little bit later in today's program, we're going to be looking at acknowledging and appreciating what happened this last year. That's the first clue and the first premise principal off the best year yet system is to take a look and determine well what went well and what didn't go quite so write this last year, we're going to define cem useful lessons by taking a look at that reflection of last year, we're going to create a very positive internal focus that causes you to produce results again, different from new year's resolutions. Results are going to come out of today's program for you to kick you off for the year toe proust produce the results were goingto identify top ten goals or less but top ten for you to produce this next year now why not twenty? Why not twenty five we found that ten is the magic number so that you're not diluted with too much you'll look again like that woman with her head down on the desk and the computer overwhelmed, unfocused and too much to d'oh we're going to complete a one page best year yet plan to make it easy for you to create this next year it shows you exactly what you're going to dio where you're headed as if you're putting a pin on the map saying this is where I'm going to end up we're going to know how to go about doing that and putting together plans that are of course with action you have to have some action too cause your plan to become riel no, I have ah um have a saying that a rocking chair so picture that a rocking chair it's got a lot of motion going right back and forth back and forth back and forth but it's not going anywhere so we're not going to make you rocking chairs we're going to make sure that you've got action that moves you forward progress is your plan step by step month by month and of course, as I mentioned, we're going to have the rial live coaching with founder jenny desler of our audience members in a lucky person from the internet and that coaching is, uh, help you look at your plan, produced the plan and off you go so everybody up for that. You good with that internet audience? All right, let's begin let's start off with one of the principles of the best year yet system it's called the cycle of productivity and in understanding the cycle of productivity. It's important to see how is it we do things in life? So there's four phases to the activity. The first phase is the one where we are creating, deciding and starting things anybody do it to do list. I've got a lot of to do lists I had a lot of to do list with this program, and I'm sure you have a lot of to do list all over your work stations all over your house, even the to do list of what it is to remember to put on the to do list. So on this in this face, we start creating what it is we're going to dio, and in the cycle of productivity we move over to the phase two of doing and acting that's the doo doo phase, we are busy, busy, busy sometimes like the rocking chair sometimes progressing not like the rocking chair we're actually getting some momentum going sometimes we get into the action and the doing this so much that we find ourselves in what I call a not good smelling place the doo doo place where all we are is we're stuck in the doo doo that's not a good place to be stuck face three is when we get into the completion and the finish phase whoo that's good check that off it's off the list and what do we do after that? Well, at this face most of us run right back to our list to see what's next on that punch list that we've got a check off and go back and dio it kind of is that hamster cage or that hamster will again with best year yet we like starting in the face for which is thie praise and acknowledgement face now I know some of our teams and businesses especially a nightie and creative positions and occupations they do a wonderful job of starting and face for what they do is they look at the lessons learnt they they take something for the next project? Um so yes, they're looking at a portion of this and yet there for getting the other half which is praise good old clapping what did you do? Well, what did you do right not just the other portion which is what didn't go so write what maybe went wrong so today in our cycle of productivity let's start over in phase for to help you keep your cycle moving to go back up to that list. To get fuel for yourself is happening in that fourth quadrant and to appreciate your successes one other principle will be working with his gold time management. Some of you may be very well aware of gold time management. I know that's used in many different programs, especially in coaching programs. We have four quadrants here in gold time management we have obviously boxes of things that are urgent, not urgent, important and not important and what's important is to determine where are you spending your time? Think about what you get involved with. And look at your day in the with the glasses on gold time management let's look at some of these these faces and what they mean so in the box here of urgent and not important those are sometimes a lot of other people's agendas for you. You know the interruptions, excessive meetings so you have to attend this. No, I need you on this conference call or email, email from where right and and they have to be responded or maybe there's a sense of urgency that we have created that we have to respond ah, good example of that is when I had clients who, you know, the blackberry era remember that when everybody was on their blackberries and when a ding came in, I thought, oh, oh, gosh, I have to respond to that until I realized what it was doing was causing me tow quickly land into this phase of gold time management, and I was creating myself an urgency that really wasn't a sense of urgency, so telling my clients that I answer email at nine in the morning after lunch and before I check out at the end of the day gave me control again instead of being controlled by somebody else's agenda. So is the urgency of the things you're doing caused by yourself, a belief that you think somebody needs something let's? Look at what the next box, not urgent, not important. I I don't know if you heard what I heard this last week, there was a survey, I don't know if it was sorry or whom it was, but somebody measured and tracked people's facebook time you know what surprised me? It surprised me that on facebook, one reporter actually acknowledged he was part of the testing for the year sixty five days on facebook, so the question the question is begged to be asked were those days on facebook and you got to calculate that toe ours I mean that's twenty four hours times sixty five and I'm not good at math but you can figure it out that's a lot of hours was that time that was well spent or was it just another source of not important not urgent time that we were doing to numb ourselves it used to be television it used to be playing video games, web surfing all of that is perfectly fine and in my household you bet that's fine if it's purposeful when there is a television show on that I purposefully want to see where my husband and I have it down that's a date night television show for that program and then the television goes off if I'm web surfing, I'm web surfing for a very particular thing I'm researching something and I'm in like to say I'm always out but I felt trapped to this I put in a lot of busywork I put in things that I've touched twice things that aren't really progressing what it is I say I want and what I want to dio so watch this one and then we get up into the urgent and important now this one we can avoid this is going to happen this box happens life happens it's a natural movement from important and not urgent to go into this box but when we live in this box too much of the time we're going to look like that woman on that slide with the head on the desk it is a crisis is an emergency's it's illnesses it's something happening um with a project that went awry you have to ask yourself can I make time for those things here or do I live in this place and do we cause some of these do we cause some of these as an example? Are you causing it because you didn't go have a dental checkup a dental cleaning now you've got a toothache and so what did that toothache do for you caused to the bounce right into oh boy now I'm urgent and now it's important and when you have too many of those and when really life urgencies and crisis is happen that are outside of yourself I didn't I don't think last time I looked we could say, oh, I'll have the flu on this date and I'll catch a cold over here that causes me not to be able to talk you've got space for it with best year yet our goal here in the system is to help you design your year so that urgent not urgent excuse me and important things live over here and the majority of your focused intention your activities your time over there in the gold time box so that your building relationships that you're doing your personal development that you're uh growing your company or your dreams and your goals so look at where you're spending time we'll talk about this at the end of today or tomorrow and look at it in comparison to your plan so those are our two principles that are foundational to the system of best year yet and I think you could probably tell a little bit why that's so different than a new year's resolution so let's get into your best year yet starting off with the very first question I want you to just sit for a moment internet audience you two I want you to think about what would make this next year your best year yet would it be that you're playing golf courses you're lowering your handicap that you're increasing your savings that's me running a marathon running jogging doing something that you want excel at a dream house some success is spending time with family going on a vacation what would that be and what I'm going to ask you to dio is it going to ask you to go to page three in your workbook and on that blank side start writing some of the things that would make this next year your best year yet and I want you two to now what I'm saying internet ob big audience I want you to write this too while I have a chat with our host j k o what would make this your best year yet you know as I said at the top and I meant it sincerely it's been really going very well for me so far it's been all has some really positive experiences I always looked for career developments and to make sure that that's everything on track I kind of got off track in twenty thirteen so and then I got back on it that's always a good thing obviously I like to make sure I'm happy and things were working fine in my personal life, but I think my career is my focus for twenty fourteen your career okay would make your best year yet definitely I think I'm right for this next year without seeing really creepy being a creative lives may be in a really empowering experience for me being here in the last few months I'm hoping to really develop that in the night in this twenty fourteen wonderful job, marie yeah and I feel the same too I mean, we're not only just host here we're learning we're in power. This is such an amazing experience and so my big goal is I'm taking everything that I'm learning at creative life and I'm applying it to my own program and online business, so I'm learning I've been learning more about marketing about how to position things and so rebranding really launching and putting everything everything into action that's my big, my big twenty fourteen so career and working here and loving it and learning and and then also applying it to my own business that's good to hear yeah so I'm going to check in with the in studio audience if you'll check in with the internet audience way wonderful. All right let's hear from some of you what would cause this next year to be your best year yet? Yes, erica um having a clutter free home who, um making sure that I stick to the but my our budget so we can save money um figuring out a direction for my blogging a purpose and then started up and blawg often okay, um meditating daily um you have some great clarity here. Yeah, good clarity. I could feel that from you and you're smiling about it if you notice how her energy goes up because she's going yes, this would be good. Who else? Who else? Um I just the first things that came to mind for me where the follow through with creative projects because I think I have the syndrome that I think a lot of us creatives have where we have these great ideas and you start to work on it and then you don't complete it through to completion stage so just that follow through on completing some of the great ideas that we have um getting married this year so of course getting having that all come together and happen on dh um career growth and in that um that that action jean marie said that follow through and just putting action to the ideas and creating additional revenue streams as well. Well congratulations and thank you very much you can be married to that many people so let's hear from the internet we've got some great answers here mean some people have been very, very specific about business goals or any day store she says she's very specifically wants to make forty thousand dollars in revenue this year from her business and s is saying she's looking forward to becoming financially independent mat n epa wants to pay off his student loans so you want to do that they do sabina klaus wants to take a vacation have healthy business growth growth be financially independent get their health back stunning element elements wants to get their business off the ground and we have a couple people kala gator thirty and stunning elements that want to develop more deep relationships in their life with their family with their friends with their loved ones that they want love that's that's an excellent example there because what we're going to do is brill down a little bit today to really get to the specifics as you're talking about the wedding you're going to get married well what do you want that wedding to feel like be like jumping over as if it's already happened and that's an important important principle today a very good job. I'm really pleased with some of those because what we're doing is we're tapping into your vision where the vision of what can be and what you want to have done have you notice you already tapped into that inner coach within you were letting float to the top. What what is most important to you? And let me talk about that just a little bit today at this more moment, our pace for today may seem a little quick trust it. Trust that flow. I want to be tapping into that wonderful intuitive within you. Whatever comes up first is going to be perfect and right. I don't want you to go into what you can look this up on on wikipedia until a phobia and till a phobia is something that I used to fall into, and that is making sure that everything is perfect and right and I don't know about my answer to that one. Maybe I need to double check it. Please allow your inner coach to come through, allow what first floats and so if the questions and the response is go a little quick, please trust that.
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Ratings and Reviews
I bought this course a couple of month ago and I'm glad I did; it has given me such clarity and a great toolset which has already lead to the first great results. Thank you so much Dory Willer and the CreativeLive Team for making this course available.
a Creativelive Student
This is a good class. It gives you the blocks to build your best year, but ultimately it is you that must commit to the work throughout the year. to make it happen. Michael Hyatt also has a similar course, that is good.