Course Introduction
04:48 2Olympus History and Product Overview
12:56 3Photography Basics
09:46 4Basic Controls and Touch Screen Demo
04:26 5Mode Dial: Auto, Art, Scene
11:30 6Mode Dial: Movie Mode
05:06 7Mode Dial: Program, Aperture Priority, Manual
14:18 8Top Deck: Function Buttons, Microphones, Flash
11:51Electronic View Finder
12:31 10ISO and White Balance
06:28 11Auto Exposure Lock, Info and Playback Buttons
13:30 12Focusing Options
03:50 13Super Control Panel: Flash Options and Image Stabilizer
08:39 14Super Control Panel: Sequential Shooting and Quality
10:29 15Super Control Panel: Auto Focus, Metering, and Aspect Ratio
08:29 16Left, Right, Front and Bottom Sides
11:57 17Lens Options
17:37 18Shooting Menu 1
10:35 19Shooting Menu 2
12:06 20Playback Menu
06:01 21Custom Menu A: Autofocus/Manual Focus
14:30 22Custom Menu B: Button/Dial/Lever
06:09 23Custom Menu C: Release/Drive Mode
08:09 24Custom Menu D: Display Items
15:44 25Custom Menu E: Exposure/Metering/ISO
13:15 26Custom Menu F: Flash Sync
02:34 27Custom Menu G: Quality/Color/White Balance
05:43 28Custom Menu H: Record/Erase
06:57 29Custom Menu I: Movie Mode
09:46 30Custom Menu J: Built-In EVF
03:45 31Custom Menu K: General Utility
06:06 32Setup Menu
11:17 33Camera Operation
13:20Lesson Info
Setup Menu
00:00:02.05 --> 00:00:05. And we are finally done two and a half hours later 00:00:05.56 --> 00:00:07. with the custom menu setting, and we're down to the 00:00:07.91 --> 00:00:11. setup menu, which is nice, like six items in here, 00:00:11.06 --> 00:00:13. and we'll be done. Okay, we got our time setting, 00:00:14.09 --> 00:00:15. make sure you get a time and date set, right that's, 00:00:15.88 --> 00:00:18. always nice. I always forget about changing this when 00:00:18.76 --> 00:00:20. I go to a new time zone or daylight savings time. 00:00:20.86 --> 00:00:23. So try to stay up on this because it's just gonna 00:00:23.6 --> 00:00:25. be easier to piece things back together when you are 00:00:25.99 --> 00:00:27. looking at your image is about when you took them 00:00:27.95 --> 00:00:31. and the sequence in order and so forth. Next up in 00:00:31.14 --> 00:00:33. here is languages obviously set that to whatever language 00:00:33.94 --> 00:00:37. you want. He's is to navigate the menu s...
ystem, the 00:00:37.13 --> 00:00:38. monitor, the 00:00:39.82 --> 00:00:42. screen on the back of the camera. If you don't like 00:00:42.31 --> 00:00:45. the color of it, you can adjust the color and temperature 00:00:45.41 --> 00:00:47. of it. I hope you don't need to do this. You'll probably 00:00:47.72 --> 00:00:49. not need to adjust this in any way. 00:00:51.63 --> 00:00:56. The recording view when you take an image how long 00:00:56.16 --> 00:00:58. do you need it to be on the back of the camera now 00:00:58.64 --> 00:01:01. sometimes I'm taking images and I need to see what 00:01:01.17 --> 00:01:03. they came out like on the back of the camera typically 00:01:03.86 --> 00:01:06. when I'm shooting sl ours I have to see that because 00:01:06.85 --> 00:01:09. I saw it with my own eyes now I need to see the digital 00:01:09.37 --> 00:01:12. version of it in this camera I have found for a lot 00:01:12.34 --> 00:01:15. of users it's better to turn this off because when 00:01:15.18 --> 00:01:17. you're shooting images you're looking in the viewfinder 00:01:17.99 --> 00:01:20. you get to see the composition exactly as it's going 00:01:20.63 --> 00:01:23. to come out you get to see the sharpness especially 00:01:23.7 --> 00:01:26. if you use the magnify feature and importantly you 00:01:26.28 --> 00:01:28. get to see the correct white balance and so you don't 00:01:28.41 --> 00:01:31. need to check that picture afterwards and so I found 00:01:31.21 --> 00:01:34. that my use of a mere lis cameras a little bit different 00:01:34.01 --> 00:01:37. than an slr and that in many cases it speeds up the 00:01:37.15 --> 00:01:40. process not checking every time you've taken a photograph 00:01:40.39 --> 00:01:42. because you have such a good view finder in there 00:01:42.89 --> 00:01:45. and so you might want to experiment turning this off 00:01:45.6 --> 00:01:48. I think it would be a good way to go through and improve 00:01:48.94 --> 00:01:51. the speed at which you're shooting your shot to shot 00:01:51.34 --> 00:01:53. images and not having to go back and check them if 00:01:53.81 --> 00:01:56. you do want him to play back you can choose anywhere 00:01:56.26 --> 00:01:58. from point three of a second which is a really short 00:01:58.34 --> 00:02:00. period of time to twenty second which is a really long period of time so uh there's also the option for something called auto play where the camera will automatically put the image into the play mode now once you're in the play mode you can start doing things like editing and locking and protecting that image and selecting that image normally when it shows you the image it just shows you the image and then kicks back to the live you and so if you didn't want to do that maybe two or three second image review would be an appropriate time but try the off and see if you can get used to that that will think improve many photographers in the long run next up is wifi settings we talked about wifi earlier in the class this is where you can go in and you can kind of customize some of the core technologies as faras how it connects up with different cameras what sort of password how you're sharing it resetting all the wifi setting so you can kind of reset it back to the beginning and so five you may never need this well you'll never need it if you don't use wifi but even if you use wifi you might just use this once and then used the other wife I connect which is in the camera function I forget if it's in one or two but I'll check road quickly. Not that you can't check on your own camera at home. But some of you may not have had that camera. So let's. See it's in. Where is it? Oh, it's in the playback mean, you forgot because you wanted so it's in the playback menu, not the shooting menu. All right, from there, we have menu display. So the custom menu display all those things in the custom there's, like there's like seventy five different items in there if you don't want to have access to them you want to turn him off make him invisible you can take that menu selection off your camera I really don't know why you'd want to do this but you could I think you should probably leave it turned on because you might 00:03:59.423 --> 00:04:01. want to get in there and make any adjustments because 00:04:01.79 --> 00:04:04. if you have watched this class all the way to this 00:04:04.03 --> 00:04:07. point you are like in the top two percent of people 00:04:07.74 --> 00:04:10. who understands what this camera khun dio and you're 00:04:10.6 --> 00:04:12. the you're the two percent that can actually go in 00:04:12.63 --> 00:04:15. there and use that function and so if you have a friend 00:04:15.69 --> 00:04:18. who hasn't taken this class well you should recommend 00:04:18.08 --> 00:04:20. it number one but if they refused to buy it you should 00:04:20.6 --> 00:04:22. tell him let me turn something off because you'll 00:04:22.22 --> 00:04:25. never get this out of the camera so leave it turned 00:04:25.23 --> 00:04:27. on go in there and make your adjustments 00:04:28.68 --> 00:04:31. finally we had a question about this firm where so 00:04:31.64 --> 00:04:35. firm where is the software the menu operation the 00:04:35.11 --> 00:04:38. whole elektronik control of the camera and from time 00:04:38.67 --> 00:04:42. to time olympus will find a bug or an improvement 00:04:42.59 --> 00:04:46. and a reason to change this firm where now currently 00:04:46.8 --> 00:04:49. it is at one point to which means at one point it 00:04:49.73 --> 00:04:51. was one point o and then went to one point one and 00:04:51.85 --> 00:04:54. recently went to one point. Two and so in order to 00:04:54.77 --> 00:04:58. do this update now you can do this to other companies 00:04:58.19 --> 00:05:00. if you're in canada for instance there's probably 00:05:00.28 --> 00:05:03. an olympus canada website but the one that I know 00:05:03.75 --> 00:05:06. about is you goto olympus america dot com there's 00:05:06.42 --> 00:05:10. a tab for support and websites do change to this may 00:05:10.35 --> 00:05:12. change in the future but right now there's a support 00:05:12.81 --> 00:05:15. tab and then you want to look for software downloads 00:05:15.86 --> 00:05:18. and then you're going to look for this camera and 00:05:18.35 --> 00:05:21. see what the current firm where is for it if there 00:05:21.74 --> 00:05:25. is a number that is higher than what your camera sees 00:05:25.92 --> 00:05:28. that means you can download the new update and what 00:05:28.37 --> 00:05:31. you do is you take that cable you plug it into the 00:05:31.11 --> 00:05:33. side of the camera you plug it into your computer 00:05:34.14 --> 00:05:37. you do have to first download onto your computer not 00:05:37.88 --> 00:05:41. your phone your computer the olympus digital camera 00:05:41.44 --> 00:05:46. soft olympus digital camera update our software and 00:05:46.28 --> 00:05:49. this is a program that will live on your computer 00:05:49.48 --> 00:05:52. and when you plug your camera in and you do have to 00:05:52.92 --> 00:05:55. remove the memory card that thing is a really important 00:05:55.43 --> 00:05:58. issue and it's not really obvious in the instruction 00:05:58.27 --> 00:06:01. manual you then connect your camera to the computer you see the little screen that you see in the bottom right hand corner that has the usb you select storage and then what happens is that little program that olympus digital camera update er goes hey there's a camera attached I'm going to go out on the internet and I'm going to see if there's new firmware for and it will download the new firm or to the camera and then it will load it or I think it actually download it to your computer and then it uploads it onto your camera now this whole process is something I did just the other day and it took probably fifteen or twenty minutes I don't tend to twenty minutes in order for it to download an update of course then again I have the slowest internet connection in the world or at least in seattle so this may very according to your internet connections and so you do need to have an internet connection a live internet connection in order to do this in the camera with the camera connected up to the cable so that's how you update the software and that is every item in the menu any questions? John I was pretty pretty exhaustive I mean it's I can't even imagine taking anyone else out there taking the time tio and comprehension of putting of knowing what all those things are on explaining that as you did so thank you on behalf of everyone who does have this camera I do have a couple of quick questions on dh that are a little bit random, but I thought now we could bring them back out. One was from smokey ranger who said back to trying to do some custom settings I'm trying to set my dials in manual mode is there a way to change one of the two to control exposure so this was when we're talking about you could control the I s o we can control the white balance right? Could you control exposure as well well what do you mean by exposure so let's let's go ahead and do a little live demo and so we can go in here also I think you get this stings at a live time because they keep getting thrown back into the live time menu let's just throw it into everybody's favorite aperture priority okay so we're gonna go into the menu we need to gol into all right john quiz time where we're going we're going into button dial lever straighten up for the camera got a straight and good for the camera there we go okay so we're going to go to dial function I think maybe mode dial function so let me try mode dial function now we don't want that see sometimes I forget even too so dial function so in the manual mode if you want to choose manual exposure you can have the shutter in the back and the f stop in the front or you can switch those or you can switch him or you can sweat there is no exposure control there's a shutter speed control there's an aperture control both of them were controlling exposure, and so that's, what you, khun, switch in full manual. All right, so I'm just gonna hit, okay? And let's, take a look at what dial function looks like for aperture priority. So here are apertures controlled in the back, and our exposure compensation is in the front. Let me go down. And now the front dial is now doing flash exposure compensation, and now we're doing f stops with both the front and the back, so you could do it with either dial or the back. One could start changing and do exposure flash exposure, and then we go back to the start again. And so their question was a little hard to understand, because you can't change exposure. What do you mean by exposure, shutter speeds or apertures? And yes, you can flip those, so give that a try, give that a try, and one more question, because nicole had brought this up, she was wondering about the photo could be transferred from the camera to an ipad with the olympus share olympus image share aps, and that seems to be with if people are out there using that wifi in order to be able tio quickly get their images on social media, have you? There is this app that is the olympus image share ap pier, so work on iowa's as well as android. So, do you have any idea if it works on ipad's as what I don't know? Well, I would assume that if you can download the app to your phone, you khun download it to your ipad, I think it just depends on you, whether they have an ipad version, that piece of software, so I just wanted to mention it because because that's a cool thing for people to know to be able to dio it sounds like people that is one of the use cases where people might utilize those art modes and, you know, be able to in the moment be sharing those another reason actually used the wifi capabilities, right? Cool.
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
I had previously purchased the Fast Start for the earlier OM-D E-M5 model and found it invaluable. I was lucky to catch this E-M5 Mark II Fast Start when it was live and had my camera set up beautifully - until I updated the firmware recently and discovered how uncooperative the camera can be in the absence of the combination of settings recommended by John. So I bought the course, which enabled me to restore the camera to the optimal settings and gave me may "Aha" and light-bulb moments about things I'd forgotten or not understood the first time around. I am glad I now have this course so I can revisit it as needed. NOTE: There IS an option to save settings to the PC before updating firmware. I will be doing that in future!
a Creativelive Student
Excellent course. John's ability to patiently and throughly cover all elements of this detailed camera is impressive. He converts the stress level of learning a new camera to a fun level.
Susan Gutterman
I watched most of the live broadcast and just finished going through all of the modules with my camera. I learned so much!! My camera is customized to my preferences and I am now very comfortable shooting in M mode. My picture quality has already improved. John is an excellent instructor.
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