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Develop Your Style

Lesson 25 from: The Adventure Workshop

Alex Strohl

Develop Your Style

Lesson 25 from: The Adventure Workshop

Alex Strohl

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Lesson Info

25. Develop Your Style

Lesson Info

Develop Your Style

(bright tone) (camera shutter clicks) Alright, you've finished module two. Here are some quick things you can start doing tomorrow. Clean your preset folder. Build three presets that work for a different time of day, sunrise, midday, sunset presets. I've talked about Photoshop a lot. It's really useful, so if you don't have it, get it. Set up a system to handle your files after a shoot and start archiving all these files offline into the cloud. If you wanna develop your own style or strengthen it, get going with these presets. Get going with Photoshop, know to use it better and smarter. You'll kill it. (bright tone)...

Ratings and Reviews

David Corrochano

There's a lot of useful information on how to start up your bussiness or your carreer as a photographer. Great advices, he shows his personal workflow, from the beggining of a shooting till the end. That was what I was looking for. The editing process maybe could be reduced in only one chapter. Worth it.

Student Work