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Shooting at Blue Hour

Lesson 4 from: The Adventure Workshop

Alex Strohl

Shooting at Blue Hour

Lesson 4 from: The Adventure Workshop

Alex Strohl

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4. Shooting at Blue Hour

Next Lesson: Creating Harmony

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Shooting at Blue Hour

(soft music) So what time of the day do I shoot my photos? I mostly shoot at sunset or sunrise, and after sunset, but if you want to be a professional, I think you need to be able to shoot at all times of the day. 'Cause if you're hired to shoot something and the lights bad, you gotta make it happen. So if that means shooting at noon, you gotta be able to work with that light and make it happen. Also, I love shooting after dark. What is called blue hours. Once the sun has set. For me, it's like a second day begins. It's actually funny, when I'm shooting with other people, most people just pack their bags, after the sunset it's finished they're going home, for me it's like a second day that begins. It's the best. So when the sun's behind the horizon, for me it's a new beginning and I love it, it's probably my favorite time of day actually because you start seeing the lights, the headlights of the car or the lights inside of house, and the best part is shooting all that hand held. So i...

t means using high ISO and using a lens that's pretty bright, 1.4 if you can. I just love walking around after dark and shooting hand held. It's just very liberating and has an atmosphere that you don't see very often. (light music)

Ratings and Reviews

David Corrochano

There's a lot of useful information on how to start up your bussiness or your carreer as a photographer. Great advices, he shows his personal workflow, from the beggining of a shooting till the end. That was what I was looking for. The editing process maybe could be reduced in only one chapter. Worth it.

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