Business Diversification
Ian Shive
Bootcamp Introduction
06:35 2Storytelling with Stills and Motion Overview
14:35 3Elements of a Well-told Story
22:12 4Storytelling in Motion
34:19 5Choosing the Best Gear for Your Outdoor Project
16:24 6Gear for Drones
02:53 7Gear for Motion
05:23 8Inside Ian's Gear Bag
20:07General Advice for Preparation
14:19 10Virtual Scouting
03:54 11Weather
10:17 12Permits and Permission
03:09 13Model and Property Releases
04:43 14Health and Fitness
03:04 15Checklist
03:20 16Location Scouting Overview
15:18 17Location Scouting in the North Cascades
15:24 18Drone Introduction
14:59 19Drone Safety
03:26 20What Kind of Drone Should I Buy?
02:58 21FAA Part 107 Test: How to Prepare
06:18 22Telling a Story With a Drone
06:15 23Drone Camera, Lenses and Movements
04:34 24Selling Drone Footage
02:39 25Why Does a Photographer Need Motion?
10:59 26Establish the End User
06:35 27Identify Your Audience
03:12 28Build a Production Plan
05:28 29Create the Story Structure
04:26 30The Shooting Script
07:08 31Production Quality
08:37 32Composition for Stills
08:04 33Composition for Stills: Landscape
08:15 34Composition for Stills: Telephoto Lens
14:48 35Composition for Stills: Macro Lens
07:50 36Techniques for Capturing Motion in the Field
25:15 37Lenses and Filters for Outdoor Photography
26:20 38Capturing Landscapes - Part 1
28:12 39Capturing Landscapes - Part 2
23:36 40Capturing Movement in Stills
32:17 41Shooting Water, Sky and Panorama
29:40 42Understanding Stock
20:45 43Editorial vs Commerical
03:57 44Pricing Stock
05:40 45Producing Stock
14:49 46Shooting for Social Media vs Stock
11:37 47Choosing an Agency
08:58 48Assignments and Capturing Stock
13:49 49Stock Photography Market
05:28 50Create A Style Guide
05:30 51Stock Shoot Analysis
21:29 52Workflow for Selecting Final Stills
27:43 53Initial Editing in Adobe Bridge
21:02 54Reviewing and Selecting Motion Footage
11:02 55Keeping Track of Your Story Ideas
22:40 56Script and Story Structure Evolution
04:34 57Editing to the Content
05:00 58Music as a Character
05:41 59Business Diversification
07:07 60Business Strategy
04:57 61Pillars of Revenue
17:09 62Branding
06:36 63Partnerships and Brand Strategy
05:12 64Galleries and Fine Art
03:11 65Budgeting
05:21 66The Future of Photography
26:12 67Q&A And Critique
1:09:39Lesson Info
Business Diversification
I want to talk a little bit about the business of outdoor photography. And before I dig in, um, I wanna have a few Ah, general statements about doing business. Is an outdoor photographer one of the things that we frequently hear and see a tandem, and it's it's changed a lot, but it's amazing how, um how the blend of creativity and business really don't go hand in hand very often. Um, you know, you as a creative person you're focused on creating, and you're not always focused on the business side, but it is vital to the future and the success of your creativity. The fact that it will that will have a chance toe persist that you understand business at least enough did they get the help you need from other places, whether it be a stock agency, an agent or rep accountants, lawyers, all the other stuff that will help you do the job that you need to dio um, you know, a lot of husband wife teams out there. I mean, it just go. The list goes on and on ways to do it, but you still have a sense o...
f or should have a sense of responsibility on understanding the business and the fact that it is a business. Um, if you're going to try and make money from it and whether that's making money as a hobby or not, there's certain things you should understand. I want to say that, you know, I've encountered people who feel Andi justifiably so that the creative works that they make are so important to them, and they're very protective of it. You put so much passion into it and you put so much time energy, money, thought and care sacrifice. As we've talked about in this class, sacrifice is a huge part of it. But don't protect it so much that you quash your opportunity for him. Don't protect it so much that you know you're a guard dog around your work. I've seen that attitude so many times by photographers where they're very hostile because you want their work. Well, why do you want it? Are you gonna pay me enough? Are you gonna do this, right? Yeah. To slow the process down at the end of the day to a lot of people in the buying community who want the images, its product, they don't think of it as your passion or your creativity, said He's good at that. She's great at this. They're good at this. They don't think necessarily or no. They don't necessarily go out into the field to understand. Do you think that that that, um, you know that vet who's buying an image for an ad understands what went into getting that incredible shot in all the years of experience and equipment cost that went into it? They don't understand that. And so I think in general it's important to have a good frame of mind and a pleasant one when conducting business that allows you to, um, express those things and share those things. Help educate and, um, and have a pleasant approach. Ah, kind approach to doing business. Of course, there's nothing wrong with asking for what you should be getting for the work that you do, but I do think that there's a right way to handle it, and I've seen it done very poorly way too often. I think it's overlooked way too often by a lot of creatives, so doing a good business is very important above all else, so I just want to say that as we get started. But there are also other things that are very important to actually having success at having longevity. You know, When I started tandem seven years ago, I ah, it was we were kind of rounding our way out of one of the worst economic times our country has seen. Certainly in my lifetime that I had to endure as a as a professional. I had started my own photography business only three or four years prior to that. And including on any worse, you know, that would have been what already almost 2007 when I started to set out in 2008 was when the United States went through its It's real struggle. Obviously the world went through a lot of struggles. So, um, for me at that time, I learned that, um, I could have seen that coming. Just quit. Very good job. At the time, I started my business. I didn't really know that that was happening. I wasn't, you know, I wasn't privy to That wasn't part of that. Has a lot of people weren't. And, um, I realized that I wasn't able to go back. I wasn't going toe have, Ah, Plan B. I was going to go forward on my business that I had set out to do my business of photography, and I wasn't intending to have a photo agency of my own, So I needed to think about other ways Teoh make money as a solo photographer in the market. And so for me, the way I started do that was starting as an investment. It is an investment. Ultimately it's investment in your future. And so when you make investments, do you put all your money in one company? One stock? No, you don't put everything all in one place. You have diversity and diversification. And so the importance of diversification in your business and in this business model is very, very important. What does it get You gives you revenue, security and increased revenue. If you're relying on one outlet with one client who pays you really good money and for some reason, that photo interchanges jobs, that outlet goes away. Now what? You banked everything on one. Well, you don't want to do that with everything you wanna have. Multiple clients and only multiple clients want a multiple clients in multiple industries across many different channels, and I'm going to show you a lot of what those channels work like, but that is very, very important. You want to have a lot of diversification and gives you revenue, security, meaning where it comes from. And chances are you're gonna have increased revenues Well, because you're gonna have it coming in from multiple places. And if one dips, at least you have another one. The tandem model is built on that. We have a slow month in stock. Our software side keeps things running. Our original content films side keeps going. One of those has a slow period or were in the postproduction process. New money is not coming in. When we finish a project, we have the software side. We have the licensing side. The three things work in tandem. What I did that varied activities to occupy slow periods, right? Diversification means if you're slow, maybe creatively and you're not doing editorial, maybe you could be doing commercial advertising, right? You fill your gaps, fill the time I've done it to the point of, uh, wearing myself out. But you can definitely occupy your so periods by diversifying. Have varied activities have very different ways and, you know, in the way I'm gonna talk about that is like retail fine art prints. Right? When you're not shooting an assignment, take a day and go finish that book you're working on or at a day to the book you're working on or start a book you want to work on or build a calendar or start learning how to print, make prints. Cell prints find a place to sell prints, lots of different ways to diversify market saturation. Another good reason for diversification is market saturation. It means it gives you the opportunity to have your name in many different places. Do you want to be in one place, or do you want to be in many places? What is going to be better for your marketability? What's going to be better for your visibility? And ultimately, which of those is gonna give you increased revenue and revenue security? It all ties back into the diversification
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Ratings and Reviews
Ian was an amazing instructor.; very fun, enthusiastic, encouraging, and comprehensive. I hope to be able to return as an audience member for another of his classes. It is a privilege and a gift to have access via Creative Live to such a wealth of expertise. Thank you!
Cindee Still
Ian Shive is a dynamic speaker with a wealth of knowledge he is willing to share. He has had a magical path that led to his success. He touches on so many aspects of making, selling and creating images as well as how to market them and make an income from your work. It is so much fun to be part of the studio audience. The Creative Live staff are always so warm and friendly and they feed you like your on a cruise ship! Wonderful experience.
What a great class this has been. Thank you Ian Shive and Creative Live! Recently retired, I have set out to learn everything I can about photography and pursue this passion to capture the beauty in the outdoors. Creative Live has served as an amazing educational platform to help me learn everything from how to use my camera, the fundamental technicals, and learn about software and tools. This class brought it all together. At the end of this class my approach to photography and my images are different. Ian shares so much valuable knowledge that will change the way you go about taking a picture; from scouting a location, to thinking through the story and adding elements to an image to evoke an emotional response. My personal growth has been significant and I have changed to the way I approach creating an image from an Outdoor Landscape to an Outdoor Experience. Loved every minute of it, sad the class is over.