Day 1
1Make Money on Instagram!
36:19 2The 7 Steps to Instagram
41:11 3Stand Out In Your Business
30:08 4Branding & Messaging with Canva
37:05 5Making & Finding Connections
23:21 6Discovering People, Places, & Things
32:05 7Geotagging That Gets Your Attention
29:32Building Traffic Through Bit.ly
32:27 9The Power of Tagging in Instagram
37:30Day 2
10Selling Products on Instagram
22:58 11Artist Selling on Instagram
31:00 12The Value of Partnership
35:24 13Your Profile is Your Storefront
17:12 14How to Get More Views on Your Account
40:05 15Merchandising for Photos
34:00 16Brainstorming Ideas with Students
21:19 17Instagram Success Story
19:04 18The Power of Custom Hashtags
21:13 19Sales Process & Managing Inventory
23:11 20Instagram to Facebook with Nathan Latka
25:32Day 3
21Leveraging the Size of Your Audience
21:52 22Instagram for Professional Photographers
34:49 23Direct Messaging With Strategy
20:41 24Instagram Effeciencies: IFTTT
26:14 25Instagram Effeciencies: HootSuite
15:51 26Instagram Efficiencies: Iconosquare
17:19 27Building Your Tribe
27:56 28What To Do With New Connections
46:07 29Connecting With a Larger Audience
16:57 30Social Selling
28:30 31Social Networking Communities
16:59Lesson Info
How to Get More Views on Your Account
I'm gonna go through some slides now. And really, you know, talk about the key points of launching your business online to get so that you really get eyeballs on your account and getting eyeballs might be something as silly as this. Like I Okay, so the story behind this is I live on the cape in the summer and I'm near the water and there's a house on the water rebuilding their house, and this Adirondacks chair is on their lawn. And I'm the girl that asked for forgiveness, not permission on dso this. I was going for a walk on the beach, and I am so getting on that Adirondacks chair on steroids and we're taking pictures. So this went this goes with my branding because Adirondacks chairs are all over Cape Cod. And I was with some of my friends. And so not only did I get on the chair, but all my friends like I'm taking pictures on that chair. True eso. This might just be what you need to get attention. It's not literally selling, but it's representative of your branding, right? So you guys...
are smiling at me. Can any of you think of something that you could do this that works for You mean chop thinking of pouring chocolate over me and turning yourself into a chocolate covered Johnny chocolate guy? Make sure you went or Sprinkles. Yeah, yeah, let's hear from you doing handstands. Oh, were Oh, so that's kind of my little brand. Did you post the one that we did? OK, so for those of you that haven't been on Paul's account, awesomely more humble, we at breakfast took some photos. And of course, he's doing a headstand, and I'm holding his feet or his legs, so you should check that out. So that's your that's your brand? Think so. This is a perfect example. I love it. So for me, it's often my hashtag on my heat sign like this, and that's why I get my nails done or it's me holding the sign and people be like That's so sue or someone has your hashtag sign. I'll be like, Yeah, because I sold it because we sell those signs to We do custom signs. So So it's finding out, and it doesn't have to be complicated. It just needs to be you, right? You coming up with an idea. Yeah, I love to Dio, I'll do like it behind the scenes vote of me and action. So we did an amazing shoot with Jill Boudreau and we were wanting to get her shoes, but I didn't have a ladder. So I was climbing up on the car and leaning over the door and, Rachel, your assistance behind me holding me up. And what I'll do is I'll do a dipstick. So I have the behind the scenes in the actual photo side by side. So people see the mayhem that happens behind us. That's a perfect thing for you. Constantly brand. Exactly. And people love to see it because they see this beautiful photo and they don't know how you got in someone's holding to tush. And you're up there. Yeah. Your camera takes great pictures. Well, I good. I like that. Like that. So strategic commenting And we talked about this a lot. I just have to keep hitting home on this point on. Gonna talk about I really want to give a, um showed out to Keith who you all saw yesterday on that first Google hang out with Theresa. He does such a beautiful job it strategically commenting. And I do know that he has connected with my connections and reaches out to who is connected to me and then, um creates opportunities to meet them in person. So, um, example of that is let me see if the pictures air here. So if you look at the photo on the far left, Keith is with me at my live events. And then he's with Ted Rubin with the ice pack on his head in Boston. Ted Ruminant is an international speaker and Ted Rubin and I did a video that's on YouTube. He was one of the experts and my course talking about how we use his Instagram and Keith. It's like, Wait, you were Ted Rubin. He's here in Boston. So he strategically commented on Ted Rubens Post that he was with me. He's like, you know, Sue. I know. Sue. Wait, You're in Boston. I live in Boston. Can I get together an interview? You for X? So Ted Rubens? Absolutely. I'm at this conference. Let's do it. At this time I saw this whole conversation unfold, and so Keith was able to meet up with Ted, get that interview, and now two of my friends are connected in a way that's real person relationship subsequently, when when Keith was here recently in San Francisco. He knows that Justin is my awesome producer and he sees me with pictures with him all the time. Could have so much fun. And he's like, Can I meet up with you and do a interview? And Keith did just that. And if you go over to his count and you read The Post keeps not only Post strategically, but his comments is description off what he's posting is really relevant, and Keith has really made a lot of success with the numbers of followers and the quality of followers. Another example of what happened is I uploaded a graphics with 14 experts that were part of a bonus that I was giving away from my course, and I had Keith as Brian Kramer and Brian Kramer. Is Keith under their picture? So the graphics were mixed up. Brian and Keith had not met each other, but because of my mistake with my graphic team and I had it on Instagram, it was on Facebook, and Brian's like, Wait, I'm not Keith, I'm not Brian and they made light of it. And then everyone else in the pictures like I want to be soon. Oh, I want it looks so I went saying, like if they're mixed up, I want to give it up. But the really cool thing that happened is that Brian and Keith met each other because of my mistake, because they didn't, you know. And so now they're connected and that I think that's cool. So it's okay to make a mistake, fess up to it. I'm like I got so much engagement on that post on Instagram, even though it's not perfect. I'm keeping it. Or there's one word that spelled wrong. Oh gosh. And it's already 44 comments and life. Just keep it and you can say new comments. I know I have a typo. I'm human and move on. It's one instagram post. So I just love the connection aspect of of launching and and really the engagement. So I'm gonna I'm gonna show you an example of, like what I would do. I'm logged in as soon be do right now, and, um, I probably let me just see if I'm gonna get okay. Perfect. So Holly's coming on later. We love Holly, and, um, I'm gonna actually go to her post. How fortuitous. I didn't know this was gonna happen. So this morning, Holly, who will be hearing from soon? I cannot wait. Um was at my house. We did a video, and of course, it was a photo opportunity. I held up the drawing she did of my twins. She held up the alphabet that she did. That's amazing. Of all the designers with each letter, and she already she posted this this morning. She already has 412 likes, um, and 10 comments. I don't Did I already comment? Yeah, I commented as instigate alive because that's what I dio. And I said, I can't wait to have you on again. And so I was one of her many comments. I love that Montoya got in there, and she also said, I can't wait to meet you. I started following you after the first creativelive course. Um and so you so natori a Did you see this pop up in your news feed, or how did you know that this post happened this morning? Yeah, I was in the in the newspaper that results starting the new speed and you knew to connect. So a plus student in the front row, everybody else step up your game. And so, um, and then Salmon Kate designs was also on the first show. And I love that they, you know, they're cheering for each other. These connections are made, and everyone's giving instagram love on the post. And everyone can't wait to see Holly get on it again. Um, so So I would go in here and, you know, I've already done it this morning, but I would basically wrote right exactly what? Or to save time, I would talk to Siri. And I would say it because I don't always type some. Always like this is so much fun. Makes sense to everybody. So let's see somewhat comments unroll here. So that's, you know, that would be an example that would work really well, um, and be authentic. And I'm not gonna go into Holly's feed too much, and I'll see if there's anything else up how this'd Okay, So we talked about the mason jars. I did not plan this. I had no idea this was gonna happen on DWI. Love. Simple green smoothies and those air them stopped on the refrigerator. And I really need to have one of these after lunch. OK, so and then up. OK, this is good. This is all good. So here we are, Catherine and I and I would go in here cause I haven't seen this yet. Share. Give her some love and I'm logged in his to be do. And I would say, you know, love having you in the audience. So that's how you strategically comment loud and clear. Right? Okay. Who in the audience has gotten into Holly's accountant giving her some love? Okay. Okay. So, um, so all good examples. I'm gonna go back to the keynote. One of the things that I always say to people is to really search for people that you already know. So if you're stuck on, you know, I don't have followers on again. Connected people that you know are on instagram who may be your friends or maybe in a focus group with you or part of a community, whether it's b school or for me, its sale to your success or agents have changed. These are communities where I've spoken at or I'm now part of the conference of the trade show where there is a community that's built around a hashtag that we talked about earlier. And you want to get in there and start and start commenting. So what I want to do, I'm not gonna I'm gonna log into my other accounts. I actually, I'll stay here. Yesterday is asking when you switch between them, do you have to log in and out every time You dok u dio? I'm just gonna go back. We're not gonna go to my phone. You I'm gonna log into my account. I want to show you guys how to find those followers from your phone. So just give me a second. Any questions coming in? Yeah. I mean, one question came in earlier about when he was talking about shipping on Baby will clarify this just now. Why is shipping not a knish you for you when you're using Instagram? You've mentioned that a couple of times I heard people that building shipping to their price point so that it doesn't become an issue. I think when you ship something, I mean, Johnny can be attested. It depends on if you're shipping out of country it could cost. It's so hard to say what the prices so I recommend on instagram building it into the price. So you're not feeling like you're paying twice as much for something cause the shipping so high? Because I made a phone call back toe work in Australia and I said to everyone, You've got to change everything now. So the gift box and we were selling it $20 is now at 29. 95 on the first thing we put was shipping is free perfect straight away on ditz work. So I would just change it if everyone's out there thinking about it, Yes, Just do it. Yes. So one of the ways to, you know, find your friends right away If you're not sure what to do, I'm on my phone now. I'm gonna go to the top gear and this is the back end where you can find people to follow top top tier right here. You can also go to post that you've liked, but I'm just gonna show you people to follow causes a new feature here so you can connect to your Facebook friends or you can connect to your contacts, or this is actually very new. As of recent, like past two days, I think they also tell you suggest people to follow. And, um so Vivica von Rosen's a friend of mine is gonna click in. And that's what exactly what you would dio and Scott. I know. So this is just quickly people that I'm connected in other ways that they think I might want to be following. So this is a great way to get going to start following people. The gear, the top gear, the blue gear click on the gear, it takes you to the back end of instagram. Find people to follow is what you want to pay attention to. He didn't know about that. I knew about the friends. We're not like the suggests did. Yeah, this is not good. So I'm while I'm on my phone is gonna take you to the back end. Was not a good picture from yesterday. Okay. I want to take you back to, uh it's to get a live. Just I'm gonna show this on the phone while I'm here. I can't since I am logged in as soon be Zimmerman. I cannot go and literally show you the back. And but I'm gonna get off my phone. We're talking about people I'm following on its two gal. I've and I've mentioned several times that those are the people that are here in studio, on stage on Google. Hang out. You will be able to find everybody and you absolutely hands down should be following everybody, including our wonderful host on DSO. Let's go back to the slides and I'll show you what that looks like One more time and and it's just really important to Some of you were not clear on this, and Catherine, even in the live audience, had asked me. So following the red box around translates to the back end of who I'm following here on this account. So look, find somebody you like. No admire, um, or is in a similar spaces. You Who are they following and spend some time in there and say, wow, you know, or this makes no sense for me, but it is a great way to find new followers. But before you just start following them, look at them and leave a comment. I wouldn't just like follow with no reference of, like why you're following. Say, you know what I came to you through Instead, Gal, I've watched you on creativelive your friends with her friends with her. They will fall you back if you show that connection. And you leave that in the comments, but not just randomly Boom, boom, boom, Follow. Follow follow. I mean, everyone watching should be doing that because you're feeling connected to the live audience, um, and start following them. But but generally, that's not what I'm saying or endorsing to do. There needs to be some connection. Authentic connection. Yes, I've been loving cause we were talking about this on the way over. A lot of us were up late last night going through and responding to all the people who've commented because we're just like everyone watching, and it's really cool. So I'm, like, literally messaging someone. She was like, I have an anchor tattoo. Send me a picture of yours. So I'm doing this. And then somebody else chimed, and she was like, Look at my anchor jewelry. What do you guys all into Nautical, too? Absolutely. So it's really cool because we're making connections with people you know, don't Just like you keep talking about Don't span people, like, make honest connections because the world connecting with watching you know what you're doing. Is your job fantastic? Loving it? Yeah. So my recommendation is that you should follow at least 200 people, and I say 200 because that's how you get inspiration in your news feed. Um, on the instigator live account. I'm Onley following people that are associate with this course, and they're the only ones showing up in my news feed on that account. But on my other accounts, I follow people for different reasons and they show up in my newsfeed for different reasons. Some of them might be students of mine. Some of them might have bought my course. Some of them might be people that I know people whose bios I've done or coached. So I follow anybody that I'm connected Teoh. So I can keep an eye on them all the time, you know? And I feel like I got their back. So this is the magic number. When people say to me, how many do you recommend? I bro, And I'm not saying to go out there and just follow 200 fall. Make sure that the right followers don't get to the number 200 just to get to 200. Make sure that they're people that are going to give you value in your news feed. Um and then Hillary said this during the Google hang out and make sure you let everyone know that you're on Instagram. It's not just Instagram and Jen also said this yesterday from Jen's trends, who we just gave. She gave so much value when she spoke to us, she's like, Announce it. You've gotta let people know on your newsletters on YouTube on um, you know, linked like Google Plus Lincoln, you can make an announcement that you're on these other platforms. I'm gonna tell you something that I do to make that announcement. But before I go there, let me show you. So on Facebook, you can search Instagram and authorized the app. So you have the widgets on its on Facebook and you can move up in Facebook that would it so that it's at the top instead of the bottom. So people see your instagram photos on Facebook on your account, so so on so I have over 1800 photos here that air seen on on Facebook. So this is a way to let people know that you are on instagram when they're on Facebook. If you search instagram on Facebook, the APP comes up, authorized app and then you're it's one of the apse within your page who has it on their Facebook page. And you don't think this is paid for the ticket there? Yes. Will it work on your Facebook business page or on Lee, your person? It's only your personal page. Yes, yes, yes. So But you know you Yeah, you have your friends there and you know that I have more. I have five. I know about 5000 friends are really my friends. All of them. No, but I from maxed out and I have to keep the leading the ones that aren't active. So my I get most of my traction on my personal page, my business, a page. I have bands and it's just harder. So I'll strategically post to my business page because I'm talking Facebook now because for S c o, it's better to share from your Facebook business page to your personal page to get more likes, comments and shares is how you get more eyeballs on your Facebook posts. I know a lot about Facebook toe eso. So just to let you know that if you want to grow engagement in Facebook, you want to start on your business page. So while we're on that flight, I thought it would be important to let you guys all know that and then to the left is in tag board, which you can find on a website. You can claim your hashtag. You can't own a hashtag, but you can claim it on tag board dot com, and you can write a description. So if you search the hashtag the instagram expert, I gave a description of myself for who I I forget what I wrote at the time. I even claimed Sue be doo all my unique hashtags, I've claimed What you can do once you've claimed it is that you can see where that hashtag sits on any plant like where it's being used so I could do a little hashtag research based on the amount of were based on how it's being used. So tag board dot com Great place to go to give a description to your unique hashtag. And then at the top, you see my buttons that sit on my website and make it very clear. I have a landing page on my website, soupy Zimmerman dot com, that you all should be checking out because when you sign up for my list, you will see that I have on opt in the seven things not to do on instagram. So you all get that. Pdf when you sign up for my list on my website, and these are my buttons that sit on the page that you land on. So I make it very clear that I am on all of these social platforms and where you can find me. When you hover over them, they turn red. So that's why Instagram's Red and that links to my instagram expert account. So that's the one that I chose because that's the one that I really want to grow, because that's the one where I give tips, tools and strategies on how to use Instagram Soupy Deuce, my store that daily I G is my quote soupy. Zimmerman's my personal. So this is the one that gives, I think, the value to the audience I serve. So that's where I take people. Um so giveaways for newbies. So this is really something that we use on one of our accounts called Soupy Jewels. And just to let all of you know, soupy Jules is an account that I'm gonna soon merge with Sue be doo. But if you want to go look at it is it's my jewelry account of nautical jewelry just to see how I do contest there. Um, and I've done a lot of contests that I'll talk about in a minute. But right now I want to show you this contest that I did with both Lindsay tia that you heard from yesterday in the Google Hang out. This is one of her bags for lobster bag and with Holly Nicholson's Who you're gonna hear from Holly Nickel. So you're gonna hear from soon, and you can see my anchor scarf and barely see my anchor earrings. But we all collectively did a give away. So for those of you watching and those of you in the audience, you definitely want to get your eyeballs on this unique hashtag that the three of us came up together. We are the Boston babes. It was the Boston babes Give away. And we had rules that we set up for that Give away. And you need to decide what rules you wanna have That will work for you. So I am now excited. We just during break. We decided to do this because we thought it would give you so much value to show you live how to do a giveaway. And Asia is gonna come up from the audience, and we're gonna We're gonna workshop this together. So welcome up a shot. It's not Asia. I know in Ash. Doesn't matter. It's all good. Yeah, it's good. So I'm glad that you're here, So this is a spotlight. You're in the spotlight. How does it feel? Good. Red light friends. So we talked about this. I want you to think about what you want to give away and the rules that we're gonna have in place. And I'm gonna workshop this with you, okay? I'm not gonna post this on instagram alive. I'm logging out of my soup. Zimmerman, I'm logging into instigate alive. So why don't you talk about what you were thinking of giving away and why? Well, I do this. So we were talking about well, what would be something that people would be interested in? And somebody said, Well, a 20 minute session with me and I thought, Well, is that really like Is there juice behind that? Like, it's somebody really gonna be interested in that. And in January, I'm going to be doing a spirit mastermind, which is one day is all the Spirit Day, where you connect with your intentions for 2015 you know, think vision board. What's my purpose in life? And then Day two is the business day. The where you clarify what do I want it? What's my purpose and what's my ideal client? And what's my goal for 2015 revenue? Why? So it's kind of like roll up your sleeves and, you know, do the actual work. So I thought that that would be something that people would be like really interested in. It's higher value, like it's like $ you're ready this way, and I am. It's very, very intimate, though. Okay, so very selective. Very selective group of people. I mean, this is Onley open to my current clients. Um, so it's a very special thing. And if people and if the person who wins can't make it, then we were thinking we would have them, um, Google hangouts. Skype in OK, one internationals. Yeah. So where is it being held in Massachusetts, You know where exactly? Yes, I do. You know, secret. It's a secret for nothing. I'm on my phone now and we're gonna I'm going to show you the soupy jewels account only because I want to take you to a I want you to see this as well as we worked out. Now you can state facing the cameras, but But you can turn this way a little bit so I can show you some examples of contests that we've done and the rules of the contest. So So just a pause here for a second. So on this account, I sell nautical jewelry, starfish primarily anchors, and we do a double tap Tuesday where we want where we give away for free this jewelry. And so we were doing it frequently. And then we realized, Oh, my gosh, it's so much work to ship it and get to the post office, so we we haven't been doing it quite as frequently. But here's what happened when we did do it. We got a lot of people liking it a lot more followers, and we ended up selling six or seven of the item that we gave away for free because the people that didn't went when still wanted it. So I call this the lost leader, just like the grocery stores do when they put the bread out for $99 to get you with nine cents to get you in the store and then you by $50 worth of stuff, you know, it's a loss leader. So for us, this was the bracelet that we gave away. And so here's looking at the rules, so we would have three rules. I don't recommend having more than three, because when you have too many rules, it's too confusing. It's too much work like you want to make this easy and again if you go look at that hashtag Boston babes giveaway. Lindsay, Holly and I made it so clear and easy with what our rules were. So what we're gonna do here right now? So number one was like this picture by double tapping really easy. Everyone should do that too, was follow us. So we want to grow our followers and three is tagged three people that you think would wanna win. Now there was always a bonus, which would be to repost it because it takes a special effort to repose, which I'm gonna teach you when we're done doing yours so that you guys know you can download the free app repost Wiz, which is my favorite repost abs and I've had a few of them and they've been kind of glitchy and repost with I like the best because the avatar of the person that you re posting from shows up. So you're really giving them an authentic shout out with their picture in it as well? So it's helping the person that gave you the content. Okay, so those were the three rules with a bonus. So let me just see if I can show you one more just to get your your thoughts going here again. We stylized the jewelry on buoys, so it looked more authentic to what we're doing. So those that's how we did it then and When we first started doing it, I actually had my graphic team do some for May. And I thought it looked to commercial. Um, and this was back in the day when iconic Square was static. Graham. So we're dating ourselves here with this post, but you can lay it now that there's all these great third party APS, you can create a contest which I'm gonna actually probably doing ward swag for you right now, is we? Workshop this. So I think the best thing to do how cute is that? I think the best thing to do is go into notes and, um, talk about what your rules would be for you. And we came up. We already came up with your hashtag. We amazing cheated. Okay, Morgan did during the break. So we wanted a hash tag that no one was using, so we used her name. Okay. Is that okay? I love it. And then I got it all cued up with the right line it here, and I'm saying tag, three people repost, so I wanted you to come up with what rules do you want And I'm just basically creating while you talk to me? Yes. So I think it would be great if they followed me. Russia is now. Okay. Um So you really like people tagging three people so that you get more If you tell people to take more than three, it's too many, um, for them to have to commit to figure it out. OK, who should I talk about you like? That is one of the rules. Because that way it gets more. Your Yeah. Yeah. And although all three people that get tagged well, absolutely. Go check out the post. Okay. So I think the first thing was follow you. Yeah, OK, Um, Russia is now. Yep. And you're saying number two is gonna be tag three people, huh? Ok, okay. I think repost would be amazing. Okay, So repost, um oops. Reposed, um, is what you want. Should we say, um, that a bonus? Or is that so, um, followed and use this tag. I think you need to use your tag. So Okay, so then that's three things. So Okay, follows. I'm selecting all here, so follow. Usha is now trapped. Tag three people a tag. Use the hash tag. Okay. Ah, shop. Great. And then I like the bonus. Okay. Opposed. So we put this. What do you guys think? Yeah, it's got everything. OK? It should be like, if you're limiting this to your current customers and you're asking to tag three people. How do you know that if they tech or does that make a difference? You see it that they've tagged him? I didn't make a difference. If those three people are her customers, if they are her customers or if they're already found her either one. Well, I mean, it's just the idea that they're that they're calling their friends. And I'm gonna show you guys, I'm going into the emoji app to find the number three. I want to show you where that is. It's in numbers. So, um, putting that they're so it stands out a little bit differently than the other three. Yes, Catherine. So I think the idea is that when just the act of tagging means that you're being actively engaged and you're tagging people that you think would want to see her content. You know, no one's gonna tag people that wouldn't see value in what she's sharing. Okay, so those are your rules and repost eso repost gives you an extra chance to win. What do want to say? Yeah, maybe we do. Okay, So if you did it as an entry, right? Every person who does this gets an entry. You get to do every points because this listing to get it's up to good. How do you say that? A little bit more clear. We post this to To increase your chances of winning double your chance of winning. Okay, increase your chances of winning. Okay. You like she likes that. Okay, done with that. Okay, so we have this. Now, let's create the graphics. Okay? Can we do in award swag? I know you love words, Flag. All right, let me just show you guys on my phone. I have all my instagram maps in my folder. There are four folders ward swags in the middle, and we get a little word swag demonstration. Okay, so let's, um, choose one of their templates. But, resident, do you know what? When you, um So you typically use I used this one. Great. Perfect. Okay, So, keeping with her brand. And what do you want to call this? This is the image we've created the description, so it would be so Would you name what it is? This spirit mastermind giveaway? Um, yes, Yeah, but yeah. So you want to call it that? Yeah. Is that what it's called? Sounds good, but we need to write. Okay. Spirit mastermind giveaway. Right. Your client see that? Will they know? Because, like for me? Look at that. I'm like, what does that mean? But will your clients know exactly with them? What? I mean, what do you think? You know of a mastermind? Eso if their spirit mastermind now, I think, Yeah, I think this. I think this works fine. OK, OK, so, um, there's a question to be very specific since there's gonna be people who don't know you necessarily or what you dio something like weekend retreat or weakened spirit. Weekend giveaway. I like that. You know? So it's very clear, like spirit mastermind. What does that mean? Way? Yeah, Good point. Thank you. Julie way added that. Okay, so now we get to pick the text. I love leagues, but this is all about you, not me. So you tell me what you like. I There's all these great um type styles that you get to choose from in ward swag and ward swag is my favorite app. I think it's to 99. It's more like I mean, I used this one alive, but then consistent. I do keep my fun consistent on all my tips. I you shout out. And so I want. So I would have I would pick a type selling music consistent that matches up to you. Which one is it? Sorry. This is the one I use That's on that. Yeah. And, you know, I don't use ahead. So this one? Yeah, that's good like that. I like white. Do you? Yeah. And then I usually invert. Sometimes I invert it. Okay, so the invert button on ward swag is the one to the right of the color. Um, okay. Okay. Well, actually, this is a transparent that you can change the background or the foreground. The middle one. You converted like that. Is that what you want? Yeah, that's that's a lot of what I dio my post. Does that look the way you want it to look? What did you want it with silicate color? No. What would you like? Color or inverted color? color. Okay, so we're done with words Wagh president done. And it's gonna This is 1/3 party app. Close shared Instagram. You could also tweet it share to Facebook. We're gonna open up Instagram. That's the Post. I always tap on the starburst to make sure that it goes there. And now we're gonna go back to notes, and we're gonna talk about and I'm gonna let you do this. What? This is You can even talk to the phone. Um, right here. Um, it's gonna show up in stick alive. Oh, is I wanna do Is demonstrating. Um, how did you give away? Right. And I'm gonna actually, um, put your user name to give you an extra shout out. Thank you. Yes. So everyone's gonna see it. So that's what I have here. And then we need to get rid of this. So right here is where you're gonna go in and either talk or type what you want. We've got the call to actions, but we've got the tag, this use this hash tag and then, um, Tech three friends uses hashtags. And what was the only did that the bonus was repose. So these are the elements. You can quickly create a contest from 1/3 party app, whether it's ward swag of one or one of your favorite text overlays. Instead of using one of the templates that come with words swag, you can use a photo, and you saw me very quickly show you that you could do the transparency. So, like in camera, you can fade the background of the photo and have the text be bolder or vice a versa on ward swag. There's a lot of features within the APP. I'm gonna actually be doing a demonstration later on another feature. But in this post, it worked really well to have the high energy color, I think with the weekend giveaway. So 2015 weekend retreat and business mastermind Day One spirit. Is that what you mean to do this? And then day two Oh, are you? How many is it? Three days. It's true. Okay, Whatever you want, it's your post. Um, anybody else have any ideas online? Does instagram limit to you as to what you can actually give away there any rules that they have in place? That is a very big question. I have never heard of anyone getting in trouble for giving anything away? I would think No, I think it all has to be legal right on. And I don't know. I've never heard of any buddy that came from Snap Gold. Makes a very great question. I don't give away. And then is there a difference when you have a competition? Sashes Giving something away is a competition. Well, I mean, it's how you can create a competition however you want it to be. And you can call it a contest to give away competition. It's all in the Burbage. How you do it, Paul of you don't get a give away. Um, I actually want Teoh. Do we give away And I've been talking with my sponsor on getting in on that. So we're right now in the works of what's in your mind of what you'd be giving away, Um, either some products from the sponsor and some parts of the sponsors that you're getting products, Mom, Right? Yeah, Or or I don't know, still thinking about OK, so you're thinking about it, all right? But I'm also thinking about how Teoh present to give away. I think that's my helping you a little bit. Yeah. Okay. And this, we just really just thought just like I am like, brain, you know, we're on the seat of our pants here, but it's all good. You guys are learning. I know you are. Okay. So you happy? I mean, all the spelling. Good. I think so. So, like, I I just put a little description of, like, day one its Spirit day. Think, Um, yeah. Think 2015. Intention vision boards clarified part. Best A to Business day. Ideal client 2015 revenue goals and business plan. That seemed like kind of clear of Yeah, she is on the fly here, and I love it. Okay. Um OK, so it's all good. I'm gonna hold on my thumb, select all copy, and bring this over to Instagram. And so you see here that it was designed and warts, right? I'm gonna keep this here often. I delete it so it's not part of the post, but word swag sometimes picks post to feature when you tag them and use their hashtag. So who knows? Maybe you'll be featured on board swag. I know Ben Long. He was part of the course the first course he did a whole ward swag demonstration. Okay, so gonna pace this year. But you know it, actually, it's gonna interfere with something I'm teaching. Yeah, because I want I want to do this sentence at the beginning that I talked about earlier. I think it's really a good one. So we're gonna tag. So, um so here's the deal. Like I would tag 20 people that you think would want this. Yeah, that you know. Okay, but we're not tagging because it's to everyone out there someone's gonna win on, and then I will tag instead. Gal, I've because that's where it's all happening. And I'll tag creative life because if it wasn't for creativelive, we wouldn't be given this way. Right? So now we're pressing done. I think we're good, right? We could share this to Facebook or Twitter. We can say that for later, and I'm gonna click the blue button and press share, and there it is. So instead, gal, I've is demonstrating how to do a giveaway at Asia is now taking right over to your account, which is fabulous. You are, like, one shy of 900. Who's gonna be that on. And then we listed what the description is which came up. Beautiful. The one thing that didn't fall perfectly was that one or ASHA. Thanks for being a great demo. Yeah. Thank you. We didn't just get a quick comment in from from online. We just need to verify this. Check this out for yourself. That's in. There are FTC rules in the US There is a difference between a contest to give away in a sweepstakes. Some illegal summer? Not so. Just check that out before you actually think you have anything that we need to make sure.
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Ratings and Reviews
What a phenomenal course. Thank you, Ann, and the team at Creative Live for this jam-packed class. I'll be honest, when I signed up I wasn't sure how there could be three days worth of information on Instagram. However this content-rich class was filled to the brim with wonderful ideas, tools and inspiration for cultivating success on the platform. I'd been struggling with attuning as to how to best use Instagram for my business - I didn't want to be posting pictures of my lunch, cat or shoes; and I didn't want to simply recycle graphics from Facebook. What I really wanted was to learn how to fully utilize this platform to build my tribe, market my business and connect with others. This course delivered all that and more. Sue is a great teacher and her heartfelt style of marketing and sales really fits with my own approach to business. Every day I learned dozens of ideas that I could immediately implement and my mind is buzzing with inspiration and ways to authentically use Instagram to connect with my tribe. I've been recommending this class to everyone I know. I loved it so much that I purchased Sue's first class, Instagram Marketing for Small Businesses. A lovely bonus of taking Sue's classes is that you can connect with her Instagallive tribe, too. I've been meeting wonderful people and making great connections in the community. If like me, you're a solo-entrepreneur looking for a way to bring authentic marketing to your business, I highly recommend Sue's classes. (P.S. I was blessed to get to attend this class in studio at Creative Live. It was beyond amazing. If you ever get the chance to go to a Creative Live event in-studio or take one of Sue's live classes or events, do it. You will come away feeling inspired and energized for sure!)
Thank you to Sue and to Creative Life and everyone who helped for this course. I enjoyed every minute. So many great tips, amazing guests, useful informations. The amount of information is amazing! I could watched all over again. I'm so grateful for Creative Life community to have such a great course like Sell more with Instagram with Sue was. the course really have helped me grow my Instagram account. I have leared so much from the first course, but now I learned even more and I'm doing on IG better and better every day.
a Creativelive Student
Buy Sue';s course. It's a no-brainer that you will NOT regret! Sue highlights real people with real businesses and demonstrates how they are building their brands and sales on Instagram. She walks you through the process of effectively setting up your Instagram page, teaches you about different types of accounts and how to determine what is best for you, highlights how to develop strategies for growing your presence on Instagram, and shares information about how to implement engagement strategies. Also included: the importance of being authentic and how to do that, providing value to engage followers, running contests, encouraging user-generated content, creating graphics, the best apps for creating graphics and managing accounts, how to get and interpret analytics, how to improve your account based on analytics, and so much more. Her enthusiasm is contagious and you'll look forward to the new content and audience interaction in each new video. These videos are FUN to watch! Every business should be on Instagram, but first watch Sue's course to learn how to be there effectively and sell your product or service. You will not regret this purchase!