Day 1
1Why Podcasting
18:13 2Top Reasons to Podcast as a Business Owner
19:06 3Students Goals for Podcasting
19:58 4Q&A
07:54 5Interview with Guest Srini Rao
19:33 63 Questions to Ask Before Launching a Podcast
23:55 7Listener Avatar Exercise
18:25Student Hot Seats
21:58 9Interview with Guest Bridget Chambers
14:25 10The Foundation Formula
19:16 11Show Theme Creations
08:39 12Keyword Research
32:15 13Interview with Guest Abel James
26:24 14Content Curation & Creation
40:46 15Content Strategy & Q&A
13:02Day 2
163 Formulas to Create a Magnetic Show Title
40:38 17Cover Album Design
42:39 18Video SEO Formula with Wendy Stevens
34:11 19Video SEO Formula (Part 2)
36:22 20How to Create Epic Interviews
23:32 21Your Delivery Style
43:43 22Doing Epic Interviews
19:05 23Setting up a Home Studio
07:57 24Interview with Guest Jason Van Orden
11:42 25Setting up a Home Studio (Part 2)
09:18 26Using Audacity
13:25 27Exporting Your Content
17:19Day 3
28Hosting Your Show in Libsyn
41:31 29Uploading & Scheduling Episodes in Libsyn
35:14 30Interview with Guest Rob Walch
33:48 319 Steps to a Successful Launch
41:58 325 Surefire Marketing Strategies
34:19 33Marketing Strategies Q&A
13:46 34Mock Podcast
19:26 35Monetization Overview
07:21 36Interview with Guest John Lee Dumas
23:18 377 Ways to Monetize Your Podcast
34:45Lesson Info
Your Delivery Style
Let's talk about our delivery style I get a lot of questions about this well, chris, I don't feel like my voice sounds that great or I don't think I can, you know, ask certain questions and I think we all have a fear of how we actually sound I mean, I think it's his natural human nature part of that is just understanding to get over that and to get out there and take action. And remember, if you think about a lot of the hollywood actresses, the celebrities, what are they most known for? Oftentimes that some other faults it's not like, you know things that we don't think it's like the perfect thing it's other things? And so what? I want you to think about it, like think about how many crazy voices there are in hollywood too off people that have it people resonate with them, so you have to realize that you have your own unique gifts in your own unique talents with your own way that you deliver and you use that style. So I want you to be ableto own that. So the show style that we're going...
to talk about here is really just when you deliver kind of like what we did yesterday with that exercise with your content when you lay that out, you want to have a show outline, so if this is for the thing solo show style okay so if you're gonna be doing your own podcast by yourself with your tips you want to make sure it's great engage in contact because you want people to keep coming back to them so make sure you have a show outline just like we do with jill yesterday and we had her put out her top idea for a podcast then we actually layered that out with what she would be talking about that way then you're never just stuck in front of a mike trying to ramble on and then you also know what the next idea is so you can thread that together and have that story really flow for the listener and actually go along with you I like to have no if you're recording in front we're going to go into that in this next this next module but if you're gonna record right from your laptop or your desktop have it up on pages or on a word document you can have it right in front of you you can have a piece of paper whatever makes it easier for you to record with just note noise that that'll get picked up on your microphone so I always like to have it on the computer on dh then you khun document times for listeners is this wall this has been a really great thing you could have that back on your show notes were you reference hey five oh, five I talking exactly about this principle I was talking about or, you know, whatever the case may be, where I go into where you can find out more about the course, something like that, so that way, then it's easy for your listeners just go right to that episode because you'll have people that come in from the blawg find it and then be like, okay, she's talking about this, I want to actually hear her talk about that or vice versa. Um, another thing like we talked about one topic per episode, make sure that you, if you're doing solo show where it doesn't overwhelm them with too many steps to many action pieces, so, like what wendy just did that would be like twelve steps toward assuming it is twelve stops will be twelve podcast episodes, so each one she could go really deep with and have twelve episodes that could be spanned out over three months that you actually really learn how to do video ceo. So that way, if you do twelve steps, what happens in that podcast? You don't have enough time to really give enough content, it overwhelms people, and then what happens? They go they go find somebody else because it's just too much contact so keep in mind if you could get them to take one step in one action remember it's just taking baby steps that's what everything is and if you could help your listeners do that and get results it's going to pay you dividends in the long run okay again we talked about ten to twenty minutes but have fun with it that's where you want us to have the stories in you know have analogies I'm always trying to get better at this myself because that's how people learn so if here teaching a principal have a story of maybe a client that you had go through this or something that they did and show that transformation like we talked about earlier everybody loves to see a good you know um what was that before or after same type of thing you can demonstrate cause people learning different styles and then focus on the benefits for the listener so again w ii fm what's in it for well I'm not sure what I was saying there but what's in it for the listener I'm said that listener factor okay, so interview style now if you're going to do this now I used to when I first started out because I was coming in from a completely different industry where it was not as much speaking there's a little bit different I did a lot of proper my interview, so you've heard shri de the other day where he doesn't really do a lot of prep, and then he'll just go right into having mohr that authentic, really raw conversation. But shreve's interviewed over four hundred and some gas, okay, and so it's comes from your different background of what you already good at what your skill sets are that you understand, so some of you may want to start like me, were you researched a lot more on the expert and what they're doing? So I like to do prep on the interviewee. The other thing I like to do, and this is what helps you make epic interviews and could help people tune in to your podcast for your interviews, it's finding the questions that other people don't ask or finding something that that experts working on that they don't actually always gonna talk about. Because a lot of times people invite people to interview where they're talking about more things that there are promoting, so if you could excuse me, not priority but things that they usually talk about so that's a way to help with that. So I check out their personal bio. Get their entro if you could give great introductions, they love that it's great, and you they'll actually want to share that more it's really, really powerful that way so and then ask list of questions your audience would want to listen to. So remember that avatar exercise that's where this comes back into play, where I want you think from the shoes of not where you're at, where your listeners out so you always want to meet your customer, your prospect, your listener, where they're at and help them take them through that process. So if you think about that, if your listeners are, maybe they're they're mean, typically with our listener avatars for clients, sometimes there just like us, but they were just a few years previous, so think about where they were at that way and the questions they would want to be knowing. Now the the thing I really love about this that's, why I love the engagement piece, where you have the twitter, where you have google plus or anything, where you start to ask the questions off what they want to know, because then you have your content right there for that expert, it makes it so makes your job so much easier and it's actually even more rewarding, rewarding because then, you know, you're giving back the content that they're actually looking for and they'll thank you for it and then they wanted them, they wanted to connect with you, the more they wantto ask more, they wantto find other people that they can have on your show and ask questions that way. So here's a point where you want to practice this is be conversational, not reading a script, because if you are doing an audio podcast, that is one of the differences where I suggest starting with audio because when your video, you don't have a script in front of you, really, because if we're going to teach you how to do skype recording calls, but if you do that, you don't necessarily you can have a script in front of you, but that they can see your eyes going across the screen. So with audio, you actually can have your script in here and actually reading it and where it can be a little bit more conversational for you. So make sure you practice those bios practice those intros if you are doing video for sure and they make sure you practice them for your podcast. One thing I want oh yeah, once I got on the one thing I want to suggest with that, though, is a lot of times the bios and the about paige are read like a textbook and I don't mean it textbook way, but that's that's expert positioning for that expert to show their massive credibility when you do it on a podcast, try to bring it to life where it's not so aka lady, where it's actually maur bringing that person toe life for the listener does that make sense? Okay, so that's where you might wanna have someone on your team or yourself take that bio that they give you if it's too wordy, because the other thing too is I like to make it my style of speak because otherwise sometimes I can't speak it well that it sounds bad. So if you actually could turn that into more your voice of how you're going to bring that gust on and then tie that into kind of your brand and how you why you're bringing them on, that helps a lot too kind of can connect the dots for people. Ok, so, yeah, what was your question? Conversational part? Um, a lot of interviews, it seems like there's a fine line between that person answering and then you responding with you add a little, but you don't just go right into the next question, but there's a fine line between then you talking too much much? Do you have any guidelines on that that's something I'm always working on it? It's funny I have listeners that are like love that I just kind of give a little bit and then some people want mohr so what I suggest is for you when you're when you're going into interviews, you wantto connect the dots for your listeners but also you want to give your your expertise, your ideas and play off of that but don't go too long because what'll happen is it frustrates the person you're interviewing, but it doesn't keep the flow of the conversation going and that's an art that's not something that you could just necessarily teach you just have to practice you just have to get out there and start working on that and be be patient with yourself, how fun with it and just try to go with the flow as much as possible, but really you're candid thoughts that's what's the power of a podcast is where it feels like you're sitting there having coffee really talking like you're just friends sitting there in having that conversation so just the best thing is practice just to have fun with it and then but it's nice to already know some of your questions together because you can kind of lead that into the next thing that you're doing to keep the interview going yes so I was interviewed once and I actually really appreciated this the person who was going to interview me asked me for seven questions that I would like to speak on, so I gave them to the interviewer and and it just really helped the conversation exactly. So one thing with that and usually speakers people that you're in every will have that on their website they'll have a media or speaker ket, and you can go get those questions. The one thing that I like to do is tweak that, though, because everybody asks the same questions that's, like abel, was talking about that's, where they go in the media and it's the same thing over and over and over and over again, the podcast you want to bring you want to bring something out of that, that guest that nobody else has that brings out flavor to your podcast to do that so you could have a format to your show where you ask specific questions so that each guests have different answers or you can have it words that freestyle but that's that takes practice, though, and be able to the art to be able to bring that out. And so if you need more to have some of those questions out there, I'd just like to tweak him a little bit. Get my perspective, the best thing I like to do is it the best time to get people for your show is when they're promoting something, so whether that's a book, a program whatever the case may be and then what's great is they'll have questions for that and then I like to go in and get actually quotes from the book or something they're talking about that's a principal or or like a really good tweet able and then expand on that conversation from where that came from to pull that story out of them from a different point of the question that that makes sense so it's not just the same stuff that you're reiterating time and time again that you know every other podcaster that's interviewed that it's the same questions ok to break that up for you so let's see here, listen in on other interviews I like to do that find the voice finally other people have interviewed them on that's what's so brilliant about what sri does is he really dives deep to find people that are just so unique for his podcast and so he's very he's got a very specific process with that but what I suggest here if you know that some of the people you're bringing on your show have been interviewed on a lot of other places trying to find questions that they haven't been asked that you think your listener in your audience would really like because that you will people will tell you they like we really appreciate the questions you ask and how deep you dive with that and don't be afraid to go with that where the moment of that conversation's going as well, because your gust will play off of that, too. If it's, if it's really important to what their causes and what they're talking about, the they'll actually appreciate that, that you're helping them go deeper with that. Because most interviews it's short, it's quick, they don't get enough time, and so if you could let them expand on, that, it really creates for a really unique conversation. We have some questions coming in in terms of the style of interviewing and techniques for getting a great a good interview. Yeah, I'm sure, he said, asked when you're interviewing people about their life work where there are several facets of different times, how do you know what to focus on? Do you pick one topic and, um, like what they're doing currently, or do you dive into one story? Also, how do you keep the interview on focus yet talk about different things in their life? Yeah, so that is the art of me in the interview for that's part of our job is to keep them on topic on focus and then be able to know when to transition out of that. So I think for the story part, a lot of seven can you read the first part of the question again? Absolutely, um I said when you're interviewing people about their life work where there are several facets at different time life work so if you're talking about there the whole whole life's work but there's different facets that you'd want to touch on how can you include everything without kind of do you have a hell of a place yeah you structure the sentence you prefaced what you're going to be asking them about so you could be talking about their whole life work but then say I want us to dive into this angle of your life work first where you made maybe you were transitioning from corporate america over and to be an entrepreneur and then after they're done with that then you can weave in their next transition or whatever that that is but setting that up for the expert and I've learned that the hard way just ask one question don't tryto have too and one or where there's two parts to a question I asked the first question left them go through that because you never know where the ball is going to go and then they forget your end of repeat and you may forget it and then you're like okay, well we were just going over here now so and then and then ask the second part of it so that's what I do like to have a little bit of a structure but be open toe letting that flow and sometimes they're going to answer all your questions and then you're gonna be like, oh ok, so then you just gotta freestyle off of that so um the great questions of you say that I've got a two part question way all do I do it all the time? So you got the interview? They're great, but what I want to know is like how do you get the interview to begin with? How much more do I need to go and ask like enable james, you know, to get that and then the second part is once you kind of had the interview lined up, is that something where you prep with somebody beforehand? You talked with him beforehand saying this is going to it's going to happen or do you just you connect right then and there on dh you just start going? How does I don't know the etiquette? I've never really yep so exactly so I'll go into that right now for the most of it's really, the best way again is when people are promoting something that's a great way, but what I want to back track though, is when you first are looking if you're going to do an interview show what I want to do is go to your rolla ducks and put on all the people that you know and you want to categorize them and I don't mean to sound like precocious on this by any means, but like you're a listers, you're b, you're c of the level of what I mean by that of how your touch, if you can actually connect with that person directly, like you would send him an email and, you know they're going to respond to you directly, okay, so what I mean by that then, is when people are doing promotions when they're doing book launches, when they're doing anything, they're so much more open to saying yes, no matter how big your audiences, no crime. So the other thing that you want to think about is when you're doing this list, I want you to think about who are the right guest for your listeners and for your show. And then also, who are you really excited to interview? I mean, it will come across in your interview if it's somebody that you're really interested in connecting with, you know, it's gonna be great for your show. You want to learn from a swell on because that's, one of the best things about podcasting with interviews, I can't tell you how much information I've learned just from my podcast, just from the guest that I have been honored to be able to interview and that's great information, because your cure the listeners will be learning through you. And through the questions that you ask. So after you've compiled that list, then when I want you to do because that rule of ducks that's where I started, just people that I already knew that already knew me somewhere. Big names. Some weren't on dso. What's great about that. Those they fit with my model of what I was looking into to teach. So that's where it's going to help you narrow that him? Okay, then the best way to do that is then once you, even before you're launching your show, I liked they stacked the deck with some of those. And we all have people that we can connect with right away. We all have that. Okay, so then you can have those in the camp to set up your podcast. Then when you launch as you grow your show now, in the beginning, you may have some really great stats right out of the out of the gate if you don't that's. Okay. Okay, so what you want to do is you want to focus, and I think I go over this. Yes, we are shaken. Jump ahead. Okay, wait. It's after this so we're just gonna do it right now, but what happens is then you want to actually showcase your, uh what your show's about what is your cause so people will be more motivated, not just I don't I don't want to say it that they don't are looking for your number's in your downloads, but if you have a really strong cause that you're off their marketing and promoting, they're going to want it, they they will want to sometimes step into that and share that, then you want to share your downloads, how far we like your span, um, your listener a lot of people ask him just even just your demographics, like they're not even worried about sometimes all of exposure it's more about your demographic if it's the right fit for them and what they're doing on dh then also make it easy for them to share. Let them know how you're going to promote it, what you're going to dio um, you know, I have a lot of I do a lot of images I've got treatable it's facebook links make it really simple, and I sent a package to that expert when I'm done, if they want to share any of it, I just make it, and even if it's just one tweet that's great because it's actually them engaging without ensuring that content and most of them will just make it easy for them to do that and let and it actually serves them. It serves you because they you know, that that you care enough to actually put that all together to help them, no crime, that you're not just trying to get the interview for your sake to grow your audience. So, yeah, uh, question I have is, what if some of the a listers on your list are not all available in the beginning of the podcast? Maybe summer available in the beginning when you're launching and some are available, maybe a month after it's out? Well, you're constantly going to keep interviewing if you're interviewing people so and that's that's totally gonna happen. I mean, that will happen. So because there's always gonna be more people you're gonna want to interview and then as you have more guests on your show, people will be like they're going to seek you out then then they're going to be like, okay, I want to interview on your show. Can you take me now that that's what I'll start happening? So just that's? What? I like to have a list, and then I like to have a game plan. Of whom I got sarin, who my experts are because then you already said it, then you're not worried. Oh my gosh, my podcast comes out two weeks whom I'm going to have on the show it's already set up and you already know crime. Could you just go over again? What that I called thank you packages at the end when you send your guests? Yeah, and this could be be creative with us. This could be really, really fun for you, so I send over. I have it's just email to standard email that everybody gets but it's actually customized for them so it's their lifestyle shout outs is what I call them based on their interview, and then I create a quote so on my block, you'll see the banner with their image and then what? That that interview is about? And one thing I do on my interviews is it isn't just like that experts name it's exactly what that podcast is about in my audience really loves that because they know exactly what they're going to get from that podcast interview. So I put that that's what I do for my tribe and then from that that I have, um I'm trying to think here just to thank you, you know, thinking them about coming on the show, personal connection, that we had to make that personable, and then I go into having a facebook blank. I've got a quote image that I make a quote, a picture of them with their best quote from their podcast interview people love quotes and love sharing that turn that into a tweet able, and then I have a pinterest link and that's about it trying to remember exactly, but but it's, just a little package, and then they have that, and then their team usually well either share that, throw it up on facebook for you send the tweet able is out and share that with their community on that interview, and then what I like to do is a lot of times people get interviewed so often, yeah, remind them of what was different about your interview, like, what was this? Something different that you talked about it? And I've noticed that's helped me get more exposure, sometimes with that, because they forget, and if they just throw it out there and it's just another interview, if you can say, oh, this person, we talked totally about this that was different than anything else remind them of that because that's going toe it's going to change how they promote you on the social networks that which will help bring more people in on listening to it. So that's just a nice little thank you package really something standard. You can have a va dio take that off your hands and keep promoting your show and sending that out in time. So let's go into vocal brandon, then for you owning your own voice least I think this is one area that aa lot of people they get overwhelmed with, where they critiqued themselves too much because I know when I first got on the mike, I was recording, and I'll talk about this later today, when you actually, like, see your voice it's like when you're watching it. It's kind of weird this's a weird scenario for me. So what happened? The miss st is that you become so hyper focused on yourself, and I don't want you to become audio files where you like, cutting out every little breath and every little thing because it doesn't matter. As much as we think it does when we first get started, when people are listening to a podcast that's what that's part of how a podcast iss is that really raw, authentic nick's? Now, if you're coughing and likes claiming stuff and it's hurting people's ears, you know that's a different story, but for your voice and your your inflection. I want youto own this, I don't want you. This is like what sh really was talking about yesterday and he just nailed it, he said. You know, people are copying the same type of styles over and over again, and that brings no flavor to who you really are. This is your own platform toe own bring your own uniqueness, your own unique geniuses. I like to call it and bring that to life and have fun with it. So first, you know, your audience wants to feel you are talking to them so instead of using, you know everyone, y'all, whatever the terminology is, you know, focus on you, your what you're going to understand by this, you know what this experts talking about that you can implement in your business today, okay? You want them to feel right there, like like you're there with, um, then, um, let's see, here they're too needed for education, okay, just remind yourself that they are turning in for, you know, education for solutions, for entertainment. You want to make it fun, you know, you want to make it engaging. Now, I do want to say something on this, because a lot of people that that I coach will be local. Chris, I don't have your personality, and I don't want you to have my personality. I want you to have your own unique flavor. So I have a friend who has a podcast that talks on accounting and he's, not like super flavorful, I mean, flavorful and, like, buoyancy like that. But he has tons of listeners at two name because of the content that he provides and how he delivers it. How he teaches it so just own who you are. And make sure that you get better just at present in speaking that's the only thing that I can't touch there but don't worry about trying to sound like somebody else because you're never gonna it's never going to be authentic for you anyway and you're not going to have fun you're going it's going to stop you're gonna be like I can't do this it's gonna wear you out more when you show up for your authentic self you could you could be on the mic all day long and have a blast with him okay, so make it fun we talked about rambling though time equals value now even though people will listen longer on podcast if it's not getting to the point where it's not there's no real direction to the podcast or it's not that fun conversation direction I don't know what we want to call that the ten gentle kind of conversation that happens with great master minds if it's that that doesn't have that value people won't listen, so make sure that you get to the point on your solo shows what you're going to teach him teach the principle and don't do anything more you don't need to fill that void with with stuff that you don't need time so I did just talk about not worrying about the extras but some of the extras we wantto worry about, so if you're saying all the time or if you have a lot of the middle phil this is where you want to start getting better at listening to how you present and how you talk so on like I say so a lot like that's one of mine so having that in your in your liberating that out now I don't want you to be going in an editing every little thing okay? You're going tohave breasts you're gonna have one of my clients was like I keep hearing my lip smack and you couldn't even hear it you know it's like we almost become to like senses sensitive for that type of stuff and then also on your interviews with your podcast when your excuse me interviews with other experts you could add it them out to make them sound really, really great that will help you as well, but typically there pretty polish for the most part on what they're doing unless they're rambling too much and that was a question so I want to come back to that. So when people are getting off target with this is an art as well this could be very tricky to dio, but if people are going on and on and on and you're trying to wrap them back into it it's trying to find that nice break where you could actually break it off like a tangent, you know have them go off into the next question or say that's you know the best way I think is for you to step in at a point where you can change the direction of the conversation and sometimes you have to wait a little bit but it is a little bit of an art there so try to listen up for what that next question is being be conscious of that and how you can actually shift that conversation then if it's not or you could just break him in the middle it's a kind of clarification question and rephrase the question that may help us well so let's see here and then number four then again I keep talking about this but to the point but with examples and analogies that's how people learn especially his audio because we don't have that visual component with us so it actually in our minds every story that you guys have each shared like when you first you know came on explaining where your background as what you're doing, you take people there with you and they create their own visual picture in their mind so the more you could help plato that the better of a teacher that we'll see from you but also they'll have a better experience with your contact with your podcast because remember we remember that stuff how many of you can think of a song that takes you back to a place at some point in your life yeah so that's what we want to do with our podcast and are content is have them feel into that and then when they hear that and then when they hear your voice like you guys were talking about this this at lunch like my voice you hear that and it takes you somewhere so same thing that's gonna happen for you and your listeners of that recognition and that credibility okay so I see rammer jammer yeah that I mean that's a gun just rambling kind of like okay I made a point and keep going on and that takes practice it kills interest just give you respect for your listeners all right let's see her so next then share your journey in your personal stories this is one of the best areas and what probably I love this the best about podcasting because that's truly what podcasting is is just your ability to have a platform to tell stories but this is so important and sharing your personal journey your personal story for the listener to tap into and understand so I suggest if you do have an expert show and this is personal preference but experts are great tohave because they'll be searching for other people search for other expert names they find you and they come into your podcast but then there's a certain point we're having your own solo show woven into that is really powerful because you remember you're like the storyteller guide you're bringing them along with all these experts, but there comes to a point, and this may be a couple months or this may be a few months in where then you can start having your own showcase of you as the expert you is the talent you can either have somebody else come in and interview you, or you can say, hey, we've had a lot of interest on this podcast because you can you'll see the stats you'll see who's downloading who's subscribing how long they're listening, and then you could spin off of that and say, well, this actually is an area that I focus on. You could talk about your expertise, giving examples and opening that up with your own personal story, because in interviews, style shows we don't always have the time for our story to come out, but it is important, especially because you're the guide for that, for that gassed in crime, a question that came in related to that from jonah asking if you should sprinkle your interviews with other podcast content at the beginning, when your interviews might be a little limited. Yeah, you know, you can definitely do that. I think with so you talk, is he talking more about having his content of the front and then going into an interview? Um, the word that that jonah used was sprinkling your interviews with other podcast content, so if you're starting out, you have a small list of interviews starting out, you would kind of stretch maybe the content with other podcasts. Yeah, I think it kind of like a theme, so yeah, you could definitely do that. So if you have a theme for, like, the month, if you're talking about that, if I'm following that correctly or or what I was thinking is if some some podcasters that they've grown their audience, they'll have, like their their news update at the front of the podcast will be talking about things that are going on in their business updates teach a little bit, maybe covered a few questions, things that have come in from their email from their blawg, and then they go into interviewing that gas. So it's two parts of that, that process of that podcast? Yeah, another interview question here from purpose, catalyst and they say, when you in the interview, we have a lot in common you're very familiar with each other. Is it acceptable to make the interview more of a free flowing conversation? I know earlier we were talking about comedian that's the first thing that comes to my mind, it seems like they're just sort of making it up as they go along. Yeah, is there any value to having those free flowing conversations, or should these really be structured? No, absolutely that's that's the beauty of you designing your own podcast, how you wanted to that is really true, I think power of podcasting and why we're able to have that connection like I call it is because you you're like a fly on the wall it's like behind a closed door scene that actually would be public, but it is public and so that's what people really like. So if you could have it, mohr that conversational on the flow off the cuff, and be open to that that's, really where the comedians have their art I mean that's the art of what they dio. But if you can play off of that in your own podcast, it really makes a difference because nobody wants it just here person, a talk person, be talk person. I mean, you know, so that's where we want to have that education, that or that entertainment aspect of it and have fun with it. And how you're interviewing? Okay, so some excellent story. So when do you talk about earlier your signature story? And this is so, so powerful for bringing in your tribe to knowing who you are and for them wanting to work with you. I know what I'm in the beginning, I wasn't sharing my story, and when I now that I've started to branch out into sharing that story, so many more people have stepped up and said, oh my gosh, chris, I didn't know this. I relate to this. I relate to this sorrento list, I was exactly where you're at, I know what that feels like, and then now they see is me is someone that can help them move forward in their business, same thing that you want to do to have that. So this could be some of these stories may not be ones that you're sharing on your podcast, but it's, that pre video that you share out on youtube, that then that's. How you can showcase what the power of your podcast is is just like what he's talking about for that signature story. So any story that has struggled to victory now I want to talk about these as these air great for you to share these air great to get your guest to pull out. Okay on your podcast when you're interviewing them, so try it like I said, we talked about go deeper with your gas because that's what people are looking for their looking for that kind that really heart wrenching content that really helps people see where they were at and how they got to where they're at so that struggled the victory story uh that david vs goliath story a lot of entrepreneurs have that or people that you're interviewing bringing that in um ah ha moments what shifted for them in their business? What was that? Ah home um what was that thing that moved them forward got them over the hump because that's where a lot of people will tune in to hear that and then stop by step solutions anything where you have step by step you khun guide people through and hold your hand and walk them through that that's that's very, very powerful and again that can be broken down ended multiple podcast of so what I mean by that is you could have a seven star process but then that stop one there's still a lot more steps that go into that that you could expand on that and give great content because again, if you could make it simple and easy because the biggest thing we have to remember is we all make decisions from our crocodile brain from our our um what's that the lizard brain there's all different names for it all different experts have different names for it, but we really do so what that means is it's going to hurt me or just going to help me? So if you could make it simple and easy for them to start moving forward, that will actually move them for so any questions on vocal brain ing tips anything so far that's come on, you know what I love to dio what will you share some of your tips that you've had just from your experience with podcasting and what helped you know, with your vote anything maybe you had to overcome and then what you've learned now that you've, you know, with your show, wow, yeah, there were a lot of things along the way and, you know, in the previous segment we talked about, um, outsourcing and things like that, and the big thing for me was outsourcing my editing, which I talked to some of the students in the class about because I was really excited about the podcast I've been wanting to do it for a really long time, but I kept having this fear about editing and learning how to edit and having to do that on top of all my regular work, and so then fortunately, one of my friends who also started a podcast at the same time she referred me to her editor and the minute I hired him it was like a weight completely lifted and I got really excited I started inviting people to be on the show and I actually meant from I should be more of a balance between tips and interviews, but I got so excited to invite people on the show that I haven't now I just put out episode fifteen I haven't done a solo show since episode four, so it's been really great, but the interviews it's definitely a skill you have to hone and learn how to get better at because you'll get people on the show who you know they're excited about what they're talking about and they just go on, go on, go and you're watching the clock like, oh god, how do I break this up? How do I so it's definitely a challenge, but it's great to hear the stories and even when I'm interviewed on podcast, I love showing my story and so people I think really relate to that, so don't be afraid to share your story would sort of be my encouragement, and then it also helps the audience feel like they can relate to you more because they're learning a bit more about you and not just about what you're promoting or what you do through your business yeah, I love it, I love it brilliant so I have an idea for something I sell some more things I want to go but I wanted to see are the two of you be open to doing a mock interview and just yeah so who wants to be the person that gets interviewed? I told you I want this okay, you want to be interviewed who wants to be the interviewee or the interviewer? Okay, you telling me tio we'll do that okay, so let me finish up with were defined great expert goss and started doing a hot seat with me interviewing like doing that I want you guys to do it. So jill, while you're thinking about this let's talk about the topic that you wantto let's what's the why would you be bringing her onto your show think about um I mean the topic idea that's what I mean, the idea for shouldn't really be about what I wanted to talk about yeah, what well I'm gonna have you come here and do this but I'm gonna have you write down some questions why I'm going through the rest of this thinking you're okay, all right? Um maybe how you'd want to project yourself and your image, you know, tied through what we're talking about like all your promo videos and you know your your signature style basically and what you wanted to what you what your authentic style is I feel like I'm already is going to start interviewing her now we're sorry marnie yeah well I want you so you know what what she would be doing it you're gonna make up a list of like five seven questions I could help you to find well yes I think I need help with that so right that you maybe you're the transformational tuesday you'll be that person how about you okay well dio before apple I mean like in a style yeah ok well that'll be great okay awesome all right I love that you're loved a play along with us okay so well in this and you had to answer your question with that you guys will do awesome but practice mock interviews have that set up especially when we go into the technical side of it make sure your skype works make sure it's that upright and like what evil the perfect example that he talked about yesterday have your studio set up now I have my office that's where I'm at but it's always set up I just always work in front of it but I really like his idea of having a complete different set up if you can plan because there are times when you know I've been able to get on skype but like one of my interviewees didn't like know how to use skype like she thought she did just like I thought I had it installed and I don't so fortunately I was ready with my like conference line information so I could have her just call in there and I could record the call but just having a plan b you know, my wife has gone down when I'm supposed to have interviews like all kinds of stuff it will happen you have to roll the punches that's part of being an entrepreneur a cz well, just knowing that stuff's going to come up but having a plan b so and I'll go over some different options that you can have for that and then also letting your guest thank you for reminding me that letting your guests know how they're going to be interviewed whether it's going to be video half the time the guys were like oh, I forgot video I got to put a shirt on a lot of work for both we don't you know the harbor people dress but it's okay, if you're doing a video, let them know it's going to be video remind them give them your skype I d if it's audio let them know that too given the call in number and then I always send the questions I'll be asking so they've got a format so they understand some of that if you're not doing it that way a lot of people will be off the cuff they're totally fine with that, but just make sure you remind them question I have is what's mauling around in my mind since last night is I'd liketo have a combination of live spots, I know a few people who were doing podcast where they're doing that where there and maybe speaking before an audience and they break away and said, okay, guys, part of this is going to be part of my podcast, and they're recording on the spot on their iphone. Yeah, any tips I'm recording on the spot with iphone, so, like when he's talking about we actually did recordings last night just on the phone so you have the ear buds, it has the speaker and then there's a little. I don't have my phone with me, but there's a little the forget what it's understudies tab or the little record? Yeah, well, that's what it is looks like a little boy smile when you push record and it'll record that right there, so if you're recording teo interview, then though, it's a little bit different because you can't really go back and forth with an iphone, so there are other techniques like video, audio things at home record and then put in front and record that, yeah, so they're all over the place that way, but if you just want to get content from them, asked the question and then have them have them talking to the guy go back and forth a little bit I was thinking some of the audio's would be a trade shows yeah, because I'm in a lot of trade shows and I I've come across a few people in the last six months we've said ok, when you're doing this podcast uh can you come back around? I'm gonna be at sudden such trade choking interview me there I think that would be different I'm open yeah, I met a bus driver who was totally captivating hilarious guy I think he would really bring a lot to the show. Yeah, he told me he clams up anytime he's done radio interviews on tv I'm talking to him on the bus I said but your flowing now what if I bring it to you? This is okay if you do that, you got it could be part of your show too that's what I'm thinking well, just like what chase is doing with the cash cab I mean or whatever it's called I can't say that what way? You know jumped in a cab in taking it, taking on the go with that medium and that's what people love today is that just what was bridget talking about disruptive marketing roses off like oh, wait what what are they doing? What is that so I love that I think that's that's great, okay we have an interview. Tip, actually come in from the chat rooms, and I'm curious what you think about this. Um, alfa optics, who is a former journalist, said that they always, like, think I feel it's, a good idea to leave sometime at the end of an interview toe. Ask the interviewee, if there's anything else that they feel is important to mention absolutely brilliant tip. Great, because there'll be things that'll that you may have missed, like you have the conversation going. And then if you come in and ask the next question that that interview we wanted to share or if you don't have a list of questions. And you don't have they have a specific thing that they want to talk about a wrap up or bring together it's a brilliant question tohave that opens that door up for them to fill in any void or any gap and toe end on there called action as well of what they really want to take home with the interview and you leave that door open for them in a nice manner so absolutely brilliant brilliant tip okay, so we've got those so those are the tips of voice tips you know, practically no this is the time old, you know, mr robinson looking the mere smile, but it it really does make a difference people will hear when you're not smiling this is like sales one on one when you're on the phone make sure you if you you know if you want to have a beer in front of you by all means I suggested I think it's great uh I have to always remind myself, especially with webinars and things where nobody sees my face because that vocal all of this projects out through your voice and how people connect with you and they can hear when you're not talking with the smile and you're very bored and you don't have but then when you started talking with a smile I didn't really change much but it actually it brings it to life, so have fun with that you could get serious on your podcast, but then make sure that you've got you've got the ups and downs, it takes people on that journey okay, monotone too slow or too fast, too fast is my problem all the time I talk way too fast, so kind of slowing it down a little bit too slow is another problem for some people to, though, if it doesn't have enough riv them, you want to have a rhythm, a pace to your podcast of how you interview, how you engage because that's, that energy that people want to stay tuned into, because, though they'll keep listening to you, I mean, I have had, like, joe rogan's podcast, I'll listen to that, I mean, some of his podcast for, like, four hours long, you're like their doesn't say, but I'll notice I'll be like not wanting to turn off my phone and get out of my car because I'm so engaged, I'm like, oh, my gosh, I've got to go, but you what? It's still keep listening and that that's a great podcast. So that's, what keeps you engage with that? And your listeners will do that they'll actually pick you up back off where they left off the apse that I reference with the mei teens this to trap the when they stopped the podcast, when you come back into that capital, actually pick up right where you were at, you don't even have to remember I was at minute, you know, thirty seven, thirty seconds or whatever, so it makes it really easy for you to pick up content and go, go back to it rambling man, we talked about that a strong inflection and pronunciation, I don't mean where you're over pregnancy, aiding everything but where people can understand what you're saying, so sometimes we have in our slayings and things where it just it doesn't flow as well, so make sure you do have that inflection. Um, one thing on inflection, too, though, is that you couldn't take, you know, you can take your listener by the hand, how you take them to the story. So if you've ever noticed, like when parents are talking of their kids, they get really soft because they want the kids to listen. So the same thing there, if you can, actually and I don't mean go that's after your podcast, but were you actually, if you're point, you're really driving a point home, you know, change your voice changed that inflection. Get them to laugh and then make the point when you get people to laugh and then you make your point, they remember it longer. There are they remember it even more so have fun with that and use that playground of your voice tau actually really entice your listener and then confidence on your topic just, you know, a lot of people when you're first getting started, your you may and anything that you do live or anything, you're always gonna have a little bit of nervousness and that's good, because you want to have that cause, you know, you're pushing the envelope of moving forward, but just have confidence in your topic practice practice. If you're doing a solo show before you go on the mic, you know, sometimes my best performances are just live raw, and then sometimes they're the worst and then sometimes it's better when I've recorded it and going through it and then I come back and do it a gun, so I like to have a little bit of a step by step guide, so I know what I'm talking to my own topics, so I don't miss a point because sometimes you can't connect the dots, you might miss a point but also will help you have more confidence in that topic and that just comes from practice and just having fun with it.
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a Creativelive Student
This is the best $149 I've spent on my blogging/podcasting journey so far. The course was so rich, so jam-packed with information and ideas. I am on fire with ideas (couldn't get to sleep last night because so many ideas were rattling around my brain!) and truly inspired to go out there and do it. I'll be posting my podcast launch on the Facebook Group when the time comes. Thank you, Kris!