Day 1
1Money: Your Relationship Depends on It
30:02 2Time to Take Back Control
25:45 3You and Your Money
30:16 4"Predict" Your Financial Future
29:07 5Taking Real Action with Your Partner
36:32 6Money is Not a Dirty Word
25:57 7Identifying Your Beliefs
27:36Examining Your Beliefs
27:12 9Creating a Lasting Change
36:53 10Conditioning Habits
17:33 11Changing the Meaning
23:42Day 2
12You, Your Money, & Your Honey
15:44 13Understanding Your Spending Type
38:21 14Dominant Money Type Breakdown
25:57 15The Know It & Grow It Money System
39:05 16Kym Gym System in Real Life
24:37 17Multi-Millionaire Self Talk
31:10 18Old Talk vs Multi-Millionaire Self Talk
23:54 19Owning Your Self Talk
30:38 20Money Talk Rules to Live By
31:29 21Setting the Intention
23:29 22Breaking Down the Money Rules
27:18Day 3
23Designing Your Future
20:39 24The Vision: Dreamstorming
32:50 25You & Your Honey: Capture What You Want
25:14 26Aligning with Your Partner
34:07 27Making Big Decisions with Your Partner
29:46 28Money is Attracted to a Plan
26:34 29Commit to Each Other 100%
25:41 30Revisit, Revise, & Recommit
31:05 31What's Next for You?
22:12 32Support & Setbacks
27:04 33On the Road to Success
26:36Lesson Info
Support & Setbacks
Number one. Simple number two. Support. Okay, I want you to have help. So, here's, what I here's what you need. You need a mentor. What I suggest is that you get a money coach. Isn't it easier to get where you want to go when someone has already been there and they guide you and take you along the path so you don't get lost in the fear and aki forest in new zealand four that would've been cool. Get a money coach what's important. Remember, someone asked someone online asked, you know about their business, and if I need to, I need help with my business when we this is when we're on beliefs. Remember that. Remember that, who do I get help from? And I said, make sure it's a coach who knows how to shift beliefs because a lot that's coming up with your money like those things that you you may not expect right now, but that will happen on monday or on one's there sometime. Those things just are going to creep up on you. You need someone who can help you get to where you know you should be. A...
nd since it's around, your money makes sense, there are money coaches. I'm not the only one if you're having challenges in your relationship. Get a relationship, coach. They're out there. You don't have to do all of these at once, but I want you to remember if you're gonna fix your roof, what do you d'oh higher rufer? If you're going to fix your money, what do you, d'oh, hiram, any iron money coach or a certified financial planner? If you're some peace some of you your biggest challenge is that you don't have any money so a certified financial planner not going to help you that much typical sze certified financial planners are really just gonna focus on what assets you have and how to help you get your plan make it grow right so if you don't have a lot of money and it's a lot of probably around your beliefs you definitely want someone who can help you with your beliefs around money and money coach if you have like you feel really confident our bit it's like I really feel good about my beliefs about money I'm proud of those beliefs I feel like I'm good well that's not really the issue the issue as you know it's our relationship isn't where we want it to be though you might need a relationship coach telling you it's just it's a sorter path when you have a guide you can do it but it's a much shorter path when my husband I decided to go into business together I'd already been working with this coach jeff would told you about making multiple millions per year I chose a coach who was already successful in what we wanted to dio speak and coach I didn't get a business coach who doesn't speak and doesn't coach or business coach who doesn't speak usually business coach's coach if you have money, you have assets that you want to make sure are protected. And, by the way, don't talk anything about this, but it's, very important. You work really hard, your money mask, right. You make certain amount, you spend a certain amount. You keep a certain amount. Whatever you end up keeping, you want to. After meeting saving at the end of the month, that goes somewhere in some bucket that will help you get your goals. Hey, you're milestones, right? But if you don't have someone that could help you manage that money and I would not advise to go try to do it yourself like go fix your roof you don't if you don't know how to fix your roof if you haven't taken all the courses and spent you know nine months training like see if peace do and taking that rigorous course then you're probably not going to be is good no one cares more about your money than you so you don't want to they do it and don't let me look at it I don't care not going pay attention but you work together team do wealthy people have coaches I told you have so many coaches it's crazy I just love go just they help me get there faster I'm impatient okay I want to get there faster give me the shortest path I don't want to do this to get here this is x marks the spot this is where you want to be most people they don't have someone to help they get they're getting closer all the sabotage getting close sabotage huh and then they just always sit here instead of just going yet their ups and downs coach helped me give me give there get support I'm giving you my support I'm all three of these how are you gonna work with me? The first thing is there's a twelve week integration program I made that available to everyone because I want to help everyone I know not all of you can hire me to be your personal private money coach relationship coach and certified financial planner I get it but I want to make sure you still get this especially right when you leave when you're really motivated you're really excited you're ready to take action and then you need that those touches to keep going little reminders but this isn't the answer it's only twelve weeks first of all and it's just gonna be little things you still have to do the work does that make sense how to get support so I want you to write down have this in your manual I believe there's a space here it is one thirty nine we're going to skip ahead and come back to it who or what is going to support you maybe this coach maybe it's not just the money coaches accountability coach maybe you're like I'm cool with my beliefs around money and whatever but I just need accountability I know what to do I have the manual but I probably won't do everything because life gets in the way so maybe need accountability coach so I want you to write down right now who is your who that you know who a partner a friend family who is that person that's going to support you first if you're in a relationship I hope it's your partner but maybe you're not there yet and it needs to be your best friend, maybe my friend rate would be there for me from a list of someone that's. Fine, you write yours, it's, not my plan. It's yours. Right down right now, who do you want to be? Your coach, your mentor. Which one? What kind of coach are mentor? Maybe it's, a different kind, maybe someone a lot of your business owners you really want to focus on growing your business. If you grow, your business is going to affect your personal finances. That's. Why my husband loves working with businesses because it's awesome effects everything in your life, you grow your money, your income, and you could do all these things makes a lot of easier when you're your business, grows, maybe need a business coach, who's, your coach, your mentor. If you're ready to have a financial advisor, you have money to invest. Who do you want to be your financial advisor? I would recommend having a certified financial advisor why I'll tell you why. Not just because they're certified, but wouldn't you rather have someone who has worked really hard to make sure that they can do everything they can to know everything they can about money and finances, so that they can happy and they don't know everything? We don't know everything, but you might as well get the best. I used to be a financial adviser, just a financial adviser. I wasn't always certified, and I thought, I want to raise the bar and to be it shows character to go through that rigorous training and take that exam. So you want someone who's helping you manage your money. I think you want them to be certified. Why not? What programs? Well, I gave you one twelve, the integration program. I have group mentoring. Maybe you can't afford to hire me as your private coach, but if you like my style, my craziness, and you want me to help you get closer to your goal faster, then their ways that you can work with me in a group I could be less expensive, maybe it's appropriate. Maybe it's, not, I don't care. Could be anyone's program other gurus out there and then other, what do you need to support you? This is you, your plan, your life. But get help, like, just don't just not hire rufer. I'll go to myself because what happens? You do it yourself the time, by the way, this is a good, just a good point. What can you what can't you outsource time with time? Doing what? What can't you outsource? Hey, partner, time with your partner. What else? Partner. Family and friends, children. Oh, you know what, hema list. Hey, melissa. I'm just gonna have rina hang out with you tonight. You guys have fun. I already told her everything that's going on in my life, social, catch it. Yeah, yes, she'll catch you up, coco. Coco, you guys have fun. All right, bye. Can you imagine? Spending time with your partner, family, friends. What else? You might be ableto outsource your business to some degree somethings, and you could should figure out how you can do nothing, how you can leverage and delegate, but a lot of stuff, like maybe one on one time with your clients. That's, something I'm not willing to outsource, so, for me, time or coaching with clients, I want to do it myself. I want them. I want to make sure they get the results. Sorry, but I trust me. So you can think about this, but isn't that cool? Some of the things you can outsource your things, like managing your fine, managing your investments. You don't have tio, but you most likely will have a better result if you do that. Because if you're not the expert, you're not going to get expert results. Make sense. Okay, cool. I'm going to show you the next one what possible setbacks? Do you anticipate? On the participants. Falling into old patterns, falling into old patterns, is it possible that will happen yet? Where do you wear this underwater? Is it possible that at times you're going to feel with money, for example, like you're underwater? Yeah, yes, hopefully you're wearing a mask, so you still see what's going on with your money. If you're underwater and you're not wearing a mask, you may not know how to get out, right, maybe stuck underwater, and sometimes you're gonna feel like you're underwater, like you can't get out. Remember me? I was underwater hills and water as underwater, the ocean brought me down, I came up top down here, all I wanted to do was what breathe so sometimes. When you're underwater, you might feel like you can't breathe, but that's the most important time for you to breathe, man. Maybe you're deep underwater, and this snorkel might not work for you your way underwater. Way below the surface, right. When you're way below the surface, is this gonna work and gonna be able to get air, and you're like trying something, please to get air? No, no, you need scuba. You need a tank full of air, so you adjust, you're deep underwater, maybe your hundred two hundred. I don't know three hundred million dollars in debt, and right now you feel like you're underwater if I get a regulator, start to breathe. Most important thing you need to do when you're scuba diving instructors will tell you matter what when you're nervous, when you're scared when things come up that you don't expect shark dag happened to me, I was scuba diving, I saw a shark and I was like with my camera and I was like, cool, I got closer and I was like, what am I doing? What did they tell you to dio no matter what, keep breathing there's going to be times where you feel like these setbacks really pushing you under and you're gonna forget to breathe, stop center yourself, literally take a breath and I'm just take a step, okay, break this out, call your coach. What can I do right now to move me closer to my goal? It could be any number of things and maybe sometimes gonna be overwhelming, so if you don't know where to start, start at the beginning, what a great place to start my money and my emotions. I'm noticing that my emotions are getting pretty charged right now, I'm feeling really depressed. That's. Okay, what I want to be? I want to be happy and excited. What's next to the money values does that make sense? Setbacks are set up for success. Remember? I just told you when you get pushed way back even though it's way back sometimes it could be a slingshot. My husband, he was making millions of dollars per year. His partner turned on him. He signed a form in his name front. What happened? Doesn't matter how money dollars they spent in court. How much time they spend in court? By the end there was nothing left that happens all the time. Setback, it's pulled back. Coulda stayed underwater. He could've stayed underwater. You know what the first thing he did when he got out ofwater. Remember? He has a daughter, right? It was totally did not have money started. Make money again. First thing he did that life insurance most important thing to him is passed on the legacy. Make sure that if he's not here, that his daughter would be fine. And then once you got married, you put me on it. Make sure were all okay. He had a huge setback. Bankruptcy his net worth was tied to his self worth. What happens when your net worth goes to zero or negative yourself worth also meets you there often times negative right doesn't have to he decided he decided no longer I'm not goingto be depressed about this and not have angry this is not who I am my net worth has nothing to do with my self worth my net worth will go up I know it will I'm committed I'm going to do this I'm going to make it happen I have control of my life except right self worth right and then the network starts to come comes with itself forthe first b do you have oh my goodness robin this is all coming together still it's all coming together I want to read some something in in the book here is in the manual page one thirty eight it says setbacks are set up for success warning you will have challenges along the way you've had beliefs about money since you were four five years old even earlier and your behaviours as well date back almost a sfar please expect to hit some bumps along the road instead of beating yourself up or worse giving up enjoy the ride laugh at yourself be gentle and kind to yourself use props not in there but I just added that make it fun give yourself permission to make mistakes but never give up money mastery is a lifelong journey continue to improve yourself and your financial situation and relationship will improve. I'm going to say that one more time, because this is the course right here in the sentence. We've seen it happen here, folks, pretty obvious money. Mastery is a lifelong journey, continued to improve yourself, and your financial situation and relationship will improve. Khun read the rest. Make sure you get help and I'd love to help you see what you got there. Money mastery talked about money master from the very beginning, I told you a story about the richest man in babylon. Our cat had to learn right. Number one, pay yourself first, but ten percent of his income, and he invested. It, lost it ups he had. A scuba instructor do his roof. Right, it was really a what was it, a brick maker? Do his investments get jules, right? What was the second thing he learned? He's saved again, ten percent isn't I'm reminding you that I know you've heard it? I'm reminding you, because this is what's going to come up for you, and this is mastery. He made ten percent because he lent money to a shield maker. He got interest, and then he spent it. On final feasts. And then he finally learned two years gone by because he needed two more years to save up, already lost, and to change his habits that clear about his beliefs to shift them and shift his behaviors become aware and take new actions. Get abundance. Oh, maybe he reconditioned himself consistently so that he could change that's what he was doing for two years. Maybe he got clarity, maybe improve his own communication that was going on in his head, began to create a vision. What does he really want? And then committed to a plan? I'm just guessing maybe he did that. Is it possible? Is it likely? Then he didn't. He went back to al commission album, is hired him to run his estate, to manage his estate, and he was a mouth, a wealthy man, he became one of the richest men in babylon. I'm reminding you, because it's, so important, that you see this as a journey, I could 00:20:04.079 --> 00:20:06. tell you a million times, and then a week from now 00:20:06.25 --> 00:20:07. you might forget 00:20:08.54 --> 00:20:10. they're three levels of mastery. 00:20:15.6 --> 00:20:17. Number one. Understanding. 00:20:22.06 --> 00:20:22. I know that. 00:20:25.56 --> 00:20:29. How many of you have heard pay yourself first? Everyone? 00:20:31.06 --> 00:20:33. Does that mean I'm not gonna ask, but it's, everybody 00:20:33.05 --> 00:20:34. do it, everybody, you know, who's heard it. How do 00:20:34.84 --> 00:20:39. they do it? No, I know that they understand it. I 00:20:39.4 --> 00:20:39. know that. 00:20:43.26 --> 00:20:46. I know I should do it. I know someone told me that's, 00:20:46.34 --> 00:20:48. a smart thing to dio. I know that's, probably why 00:20:48.57 --> 00:20:50. I don't have money. I just don't do it 00:20:52.46 --> 00:20:53. two. 00:20:55.56 --> 00:20:56. Emotional. 00:20:59.36 --> 00:21:02. That's, when you feel it in your gut, this is what 00:21:02.62 --> 00:21:04. you are experiencing right now 00:21:05.66 --> 00:21:11. something has changed. You have had an emotional change, 00:21:12.56 --> 00:21:16. hopefully you at home as well. You have changed something 00:21:16.9 --> 00:21:21. inside you has changed, but now you're like no longer. 00:21:21.84 --> 00:21:23. I don't want to do this anymore, even though I used 00:21:23.68 --> 00:21:28. to think way back when three days ago that I was that 00:21:28.28 --> 00:21:31. it caused anxiety to look at my money. I now see, 00:21:31.4 --> 00:21:35. I've chosen I've made a new decision that no looking 00:21:35.9 --> 00:21:38. at my money empowers me. 00:21:39.66 --> 00:21:42. I've just I've gone through this experience, I've 00:21:42.18 --> 00:21:46. experienced it. And so I had an emotional reaction 00:21:47.26 --> 00:21:51. where even though I was afraid to tell my honey that 00:21:52.0 --> 00:21:56. I was scared that he might end up like my ex husband 00:21:58.46 --> 00:22:02. that's a hard one to say she did it that's an emotional 00:22:02.65 --> 00:22:07. experience it's in your gut, you know, you got to 00:22:07.07 --> 00:22:09. do something to change and so you start taking new 00:22:09.1 --> 00:22:13. action and even though a lot of the action I was just 00:22:13.77 --> 00:22:16. writing things down and it was cerebral, 00:22:18.18 --> 00:22:22. you took no action. You had a new response, you start 00:22:22.73 --> 00:22:24. to feel it, things start to change 00:22:26.68 --> 00:22:30. hey, you're on your path to mastery wu three 00:22:33.48 --> 00:22:34. physical. 00:22:42.38 --> 00:22:44. Physical is when it's in your body. 00:22:49.38 --> 00:22:54. It's. Just it just is it's no longer an option. It's, 00:22:54.94 --> 00:22:57. no longer a decision, because it's just already done. 00:22:58.84 --> 00:22:59. It just is, 00:23:01.38 --> 00:23:04. and I wrote this down. This is your new standard. 00:23:04.98 --> 00:23:08. You may not be there yet. This is your new standard. 00:23:09.18 --> 00:23:13. It has to be consistently conditioned, so that it 00:23:13.19 --> 00:23:14. becomes a pattern in your body 00:23:16.08 --> 00:23:17. pattern in your body, 00:23:18.58 --> 00:23:19. physiological 00:23:21.28 --> 00:23:23. and a part of your identity, 00:23:25.14 --> 00:23:26. erica's great example, 00:23:28.08 --> 00:23:31. erica said that's, not who I am. I treat people well, 00:23:31.36 --> 00:23:32. and if money was a person, 00:23:34.78 --> 00:23:38. boy, what they be, matt, really mad at me. 00:23:41.48 --> 00:23:44. It has to be consistently conditions so that it becomes 00:23:44.03 --> 00:23:48. a pattern in your body. Some days you may feel bad 00:23:48.41 --> 00:23:51. about money, and you may look at your money map, and 00:23:51.73 --> 00:23:52. you may have to go. 00:23:54.72 --> 00:23:57. I don't know. You might have to do the cabbage patch, 00:23:59.12 --> 00:24:01. the running that came to the running man heels. You 00:24:01.79 --> 00:24:05. might have to shift your physiological body. In fact, 00:24:06.0 --> 00:24:08. every time you think about money, you just do this. 00:24:10.7 --> 00:24:12. You have a different experience. You want to start 00:24:12.88 --> 00:24:16. getting into your body and a part of your identity. 00:24:18.9 --> 00:24:21. So make sure you have that map on the wall. To remind 00:24:21.26 --> 00:24:22. you of these things. 00:24:23.6 --> 00:24:24. Milestones 00:24:25.9 --> 00:24:27. you get to choose with these are 00:24:29.0 --> 00:24:32. one thing I would suggest is a milestone is to get 00:24:32.21 --> 00:24:32. a coach. 00:24:37.2 --> 00:24:38. Maybe you're thinking, well, I don't have money for 00:24:38.98 --> 00:24:41. a coach, and you're telling me I need to be smart 00:24:41.67 --> 00:24:44. about my money and not, you know, spend my money 00:24:45.44 --> 00:24:45. well, 00:24:47.3 --> 00:24:49. first of all, it's, funny cause I hear a lot of coaches 00:24:49.15 --> 00:24:49. say that, 00:24:50.76 --> 00:24:53. and coaches, you don't have a coach, just doesn't 00:24:53.37 --> 00:24:55. make sense. You need a coach, right? You want people 00:24:55.57 --> 00:24:57. to hire you, you should hire someone. 00:24:58.8 --> 00:25:03. When I first became a financial advisor, I was making 00:25:03.06 --> 00:25:04. about two thousand dollars a month. 00:25:06.64 --> 00:25:10. Maybe less that's. When I hired my coach, 00:25:11.8 --> 00:25:13. it was a stretch. 00:25:14.9 --> 00:25:16. I won't tell you how much he charged me. 00:25:17.7 --> 00:25:21. It was a stretch some might have said it wasn't a 00:25:21.28 --> 00:25:22. smart financial decision. 00:25:25.0 --> 00:25:26. I wasn't paying for a coach. 00:25:30.0 --> 00:25:32. I was investing in my future. 00:25:36.54 --> 00:25:39. I just knew I needed someone to show me the path. 00:25:39.79 --> 00:25:42. And I didn't want to go like this and come back like 00:25:42.62 --> 00:25:46. this. I done that long enough. Yeah, sick of it. 00:25:48.25 --> 00:25:49. And even though a stretch, I did it. 00:25:52.1 --> 00:25:53. Now, you still don't think I'm not going to do that. 00:25:53.87 --> 00:25:56. Fine, whatever is appropriate for you, but it's, okay 00:25:56.91 --> 00:25:58. to stretch yourself, 00:25:59.1 --> 00:26:00. even financially, 00:26:02.1 --> 00:26:05. this course costs money, it's hardly anything. I can't 00:26:05.34 --> 00:26:08. believe it. This course costs money. If you purchase 00:26:08.32 --> 00:26:09. this course, you paid money, 00:26:11.12 --> 00:26:12. and some of you maybe didn't purchase the course because 00:26:12.94 --> 00:26:14. I didn't want to pay the money. I don't want you to 00:26:14.87 --> 00:26:18. pay the money. I want you to invest in your future. 00:26:21.42 --> 00:26:24. Now willing to invest in your future how I can have 00:26:24.11 --> 00:26:24. what you want, 00:26:26.42 --> 00:26:27. but maybe your coaches, her mom. 00:26:28.96 --> 00:26:31. And if your mom's like my mom she's probably gonna 00:26:31.68 --> 00:26:32. pay you. 00:26:36.72 --> 00:26:39. Maybe it's your sister, maybe it's, your friend, someone 00:26:39.44 --> 00:26:41. just to hold you accountable, at the minimum, have 00:26:41.89 --> 00:26:44. someone that could help you move forward. That's going 00:26:44.52 --> 00:26:47. to hold you to a higher standard, 00:26:48.62 --> 00:26:51. someone other than yourself, so that you can step 00:26:51.51 --> 00:26:53. into who you know you can become.
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Ratings and Reviews
as a participant in the course, and now a week later, going back thru watching the videos, following along with the book, doing the homework again, i have to say i am still 1000% overjoyed that i put my business launch on hold to attend Robyn's course and Attend to my Life and my Relationship and put them first for the first time in my adult life. i went into this with an open mind, believing whatever i got out of it would be greater than what i came into it with and by the end of the first day i felt like i had won the lottery! i was terrified to sit down and figure out our net worth, believing we were Billions of dollars in the red. but lo and behold, when i just put the battle ax down and did the work it turned out our assets had us sittin' pretty. Imagine my shock! my entire outlook changed, my beliefs were able to shift and i've been able to make grand changes in the way i deal with money in even the smallest of ways since then. i found that piece to be so phenomenally empowering habits i thought i'd never break are totally conscious decisions now, before i reach in my wallet i ACTUALLY THINK do i WANT to spend this on that right now? or would i rather SAVE it for later. I don't even have to have a goal in mind. the image of our assest growing is a serious turn on! Robyn's light hearted approach really brought my guard down, she gave me facts and knowledge first, when i was handed that 150 page book, i said to myself, "self i said, knowledge, cool." then she walked on stage with her sense and humor and i said, "AND Robyn's funny- BONUS! i'm definitely learning something, let's go!" and learn i did. I'm thrilled at the follow up and i'd say to anyone considering if they should invest in this course, it's unorthodox in the least, and if you're open and willing to do the work, it can, as i am living witness, be absolutely transformative. personally and triangularly- that being between you, your hunny & your money. take it if you dare to break free of whatever bonds are holding you from living with your love in your highest purpose, calling, and love light! If i could gift one thing on this earth this moment to everyone i love it would be taking this course with Robyn. (holdin the space, prayin n holdin the space...)
I absolutely LOVE Robyn Crane. What a great teacher. My man agreed to go through the video course and complete the workbook with me based on a clip he saw one clip of the course. We've gone through half the manual workbook and have been able to communicate better outside of the work, already. I am feeling better about talking with my spouse about money than ever, and we're both learning more about each other's ideas about money and our beliefs. Wow. That's an eye opening experience, I thought I knew what he thought about money and goals but I was surprised a lot at the answers he wrote in the workbook. Sharing with eachother is key-- I'm so pleased with the results and we're not even half way done! That you Robyn and thank you Creative Live!
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