The Authority Platform
1Class Introduction
08:09 2Generations Matter in the Way You Sell
09:34 3Business Has Changed
22:52 4Move From Selling to Serving to Solving
19:51 5The Authority Platform
19:20 6Your Elevator Pitch
06:26 7Stop Selling and Start Connecting
32:48Hot Seat - Elevator Pitch
27:09 9About Beate
07:42 10Platform Building Overview
16:49 11How to Cut Through the Noise
15:17 12Interview with Andrea Reindl
24:14 13Workshopping
18:47 14Questions
05:50 15Why Peer Approval Matters
09:56 16Creating a Word of Mouth Campaign
22:30 17Hot Seat - Word of Mouth Campaign
41:54Social Networks
18The Why of Social Networking
12:17 19How to Build Influence
24:24 20How to Tell Your Story
26:50 21Hot Seat: Put Your Story Together
19:37 22Finding Your Voice
04:18 23Where to Find Topics for Blogging
16:05 24The Blogging Formula
11:37 25The Blogging Amplification Model
18:53 26Workshopping - Blogging
21:30 27Your Personal Brand
09:05 28The Fab Five Social Networks
23:46 29How to Use the Five Social Networks
35:17 30YouTube
10:53 31What You Can and Can't Post
06:32 32LinkedIn Overview
13:44 33Skype Interview - Clint Evans
22:39 34How to Build Your Profile
23:36 35LinkedIn Links to Group
10:23 36Top of Mind Awareness and Misconceptions
10:26Lead Generation
37Your Website is More Than a Portfolio
33:56 38The Call to Action
08:33 39Hot Seat - Unique Selling Proposition
24:36 40Workshopping - Unique Selling Proposition
12:04 41What is a White Paper
13:13 42Why You Need a White Paper
18:45 43Skype Guest - Uros Rojc
29:58 44Be The Authority
10:29 45Misconceptions about Media Relations
17:59 46Skye Guest - Shannon Rose
38:26 47Workshopping - PR Pitch
21:31 48Great Leaders are Made, Not Born
10:14 49The Authority Playbook
59:11 50Accountability and Review
12:34Lesson Info
Be The Authority
But you feel it, you feel what I feel. I felt that the first time I talked to him, this is something about him in the way he approaches things that any translates into the photography and the world has to know about it. So if a kid from a town off one hundred fifty somewhere in eastern europe that most of us don't even know exactly where that is, I can do it. Come on, people, how hard can it be? So now what I want to do is workshop for just a few mil moments and minutes we have left in this segment and let's, just start on page sixty one, writing down your ideas about what your white paper is page number sixty one so and sixty one is it going to be a white paper and insides paper? Is it going to be a special report? Is it going to be an audio podcast webinar, or is it a video siri's so let's, write down some of your ideas and for our life streaming audience. Same thing for you now that you've heard from a garage. Now, we've gone through some examples in here with our live studio audien...
ce what's on that white paper lead magnet off yours, what do you feel comfortable with and remember back in the social network stay, we did talk about all the different engagement points off what you can bring in so what's your medium that you want to go out let's make a tangible tangible plan hey brennan insights paper cannon insights paper be a white paper the insides paper is more a corporate term because it gives you insights into you know, a deeper insight into a particular topic a white paper is a more sort of general kind of term that so but inside is very specific corporation so anybody who wants to create something for a corporation I would call it an insights paper and if you do a google search for insights papers, white papers you will get actual results because people do call them insides papers it is an actual term okay, while they're doing that, I really appreciated how you asked euros about his confidence because I think one thing when I think about the word white paper or incite paper that there's a little bit of fear that says like who am I to write this like who am I to be this authority kind of about everything we've been talking about but can you can you talk a little bit further about overcoming that fear of whom I wonderful? That is a brilliant, brilliant brilliant idea to dive into that a little bit further, so I've been watching your comments so just to reiterate build authorities our hashtag you can't connect on social media and a lot of the comments I've been getting on linked in and on twitter and some of the personal messages have been receiving in the other throughout the other segments is that the word confidence, confidence, confidence, lack of confidence how do I find the confidence I'm in my own way confidence does keep coming up over and over again so you have to fake it till you make it the confidence part is do I have a right to be here? Well she has a right to be here I have a right to be here they will have a right to be here because they actually choose to show up so they have a right to be here if something genuinely interests me which is why I said to rush right about the millennials because there's so much misinformation and negativity surrounding the millennials spread by the evil baby boomers they just don't get that but if there's eighty million of them we either going to choose to go to war or are we going to connect with them? Mine preference would be of course the latter so the confidence for kourosh wass when he came and we talked for the first time and you joined the photo was intensive he was charging a fee for services that I don't even really wantto I don't want say the number it was a double digit number that's how bad it was and he kind of knew he was good but he didn't know how to talk about it he's probably been told not to brag he's probably perhaps he went to a peril kill school where says it's really bad if you talk about yourself or you come perhaps from an environment in europe where it is frowned upon if you brag about yourself so the confidence builds because what we doing now is we sort of circumventing thiss whole talking about yourself by creating this platform around you that makes all these points that support you in the middle elevating your opinion because if we cite sources that support a point you're making you are an authority by the pure fact that you making a point that this source is supporting now if we have one hundred sources and stuff in the market that's actually happening which is what we're doing we are thinking deep into what's going on in the market what's relevant is the reason why we're in business this is the how this whole authority thing works together why am I here? If I truly one hundred percent believe that my teaching makes an impact in somebody's life like rush who am I to withhold this information? We have a moral and ethical obligation to take what we stand for and shout it out in the world and say look at me for the right reasons I'm here to make it better faster, smoother reach people move people make him skinny and making better make him feel better make it motivated make him do something, make him go outside. How can you not be confident when that end result is here telling us it changed my life that's the confidence that's the confidence that authority built because you not claiming some forgive me bullshit that's somebody else said and you digging it back up this is your stuff is your stuff because it's a belief that got you there in the first place it's a reason that makes you do it? It is a deep fundamental belief that says I am here for a reason that's my confidence my confidence is the reason the reason that what I do makes an impact my thank you notes my impact might my support off my mission and that's the confidence the confidence comes from this is not for nothing I am here for something and even if it's unclear what that something is I'm feeling it I'm feeling it and you're just gonna have to stay the course follow the process follow the formula get the workbook so that you have the tools you need to put it together and there will be the day and the day you know, just come just promise you where the day just comes in you go here it is it's happening it's, all coming together, and it comes by thank you for saving me time and money. Thank you for not making me throw money at three different problems, but deploying their citizen pre gate to fix my problem. Thank you for saving my company from meaningless pictures, and from just following this mindless trend. Thank you for making us feel something. Thank you for our clients, thanking us for putting pictures out that actually represent l a brand. Thank you for having me sitting that m r I machine and no go fricking excuse me, freaking, but as I think we have to believe that for making me go freaking bananas, thank you for teaching me are not howto waste my time on mindless stuff. Thank you, thank you for helping me be mindful online. That's the confidence.
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Ratings and Reviews
Beate Chelette delivered so much value with so much style and grace that it was a "no-brainer" decision on the 2nd day -- I needed to own "Grow Your Business as the Authority In Your Space"! This is material I can really go back to and mine for nuggets over and over -- PLUS, I can't wait to get a closer look at the workbook (and start trying out the exercises of course!). Beate's surprisingly broad expertise coupled with her polish and professionalism made each day's programming a true joy to watch. She is a wonderful role model for all of us nascent women entrepreneurs -- and obviously, men will find her lessons just as empowering. Thank you, CreativeLive and a special thank you to Beate Chelette!
Outstanding lessons and advice on how to make your sales become real. The advice on how to link yourself to others via Linked-In is compelling and easy to begin. I like her advice about doing at least 1 thing every day for your business. Barry L Walton
Amy Fletcher
I love this course and dip back into it frequently. I would highly recommend this course to entry-level and mid-career academics, particularly women. More courses please from Beate Chelette! Cheers, Amy