The Authority Platform
1Class Introduction
08:09 2Generations Matter in the Way You Sell
09:34 3Business Has Changed
22:52 4Move From Selling to Serving to Solving
19:51 5The Authority Platform
19:20 6Your Elevator Pitch
06:26 7Stop Selling and Start Connecting
32:48Hot Seat - Elevator Pitch
27:09 9About Beate
07:42 10Platform Building Overview
16:49 11How to Cut Through the Noise
15:17 12Interview with Andrea Reindl
24:14 13Workshopping
18:47 14Questions
05:50 15Why Peer Approval Matters
09:56 16Creating a Word of Mouth Campaign
22:30 17Hot Seat - Word of Mouth Campaign
41:54Social Networks
18The Why of Social Networking
12:17 19How to Build Influence
24:24 20How to Tell Your Story
26:50 21Hot Seat: Put Your Story Together
19:37 22Finding Your Voice
04:18 23Where to Find Topics for Blogging
16:05 24The Blogging Formula
11:37 25The Blogging Amplification Model
18:53 26Workshopping - Blogging
21:30 27Your Personal Brand
09:05 28The Fab Five Social Networks
23:46 29How to Use the Five Social Networks
35:17 30YouTube
10:53 31What You Can and Can't Post
06:32 32LinkedIn Overview
13:44 33Skype Interview - Clint Evans
22:39 34How to Build Your Profile
23:36 35LinkedIn Links to Group
10:23 36Top of Mind Awareness and Misconceptions
10:26Lead Generation
37Your Website is More Than a Portfolio
33:56 38The Call to Action
08:33 39Hot Seat - Unique Selling Proposition
24:36 40Workshopping - Unique Selling Proposition
12:04 41What is a White Paper
13:13 42Why You Need a White Paper
18:45 43Skype Guest - Uros Rojc
29:58 44Be The Authority
10:29 45Misconceptions about Media Relations
17:59 46Skye Guest - Shannon Rose
38:26 47Workshopping - PR Pitch
21:31 48Great Leaders are Made, Not Born
10:14 49The Authority Playbook
59:11 50Accountability and Review
12:34Lesson Info
The Blogging Formula
Let me take you through the blogging formula, so in the workbook on page forty, I have made it easy because I've actually given you the exact template that I use with what goes on it with how long the headline should be, what the format off all of it is, which is why, if you have not gotten that workbook and missing up so let's go through the blogging for male, so there has to be a catchy headline. We talked about three, five, seven, nine and twelve you don't always have to do that, but I'm just, you know, if you starting out with the blogging and you don't sort of know where you are with that that's, just a great little helper to write the block post articles because it makes it easy if you to get your head around right down the headline, think about sort of what the summary is of what you, what you want to talk about. And then what inspired you about this what's the outbound link you can you can set and then there's a second and inbound link, and the inbound link goes to another piec...
e that you wrote yourself. So you want to say, like I have said in my article, ten reasons why storytelling is so important. And then I link to that article that I had written, whatever three months or a year ago so that, you know, the content sort of starts linking to each other. And then I would say, as you know, we had said, you know, earlier by the example of cats, so we say in the creative life course, this is what I learned from here, the three things that cat taught me and, you know, in the outbound link owes to the creative life course. The inbound link goes another article about, you know, ten things everybody must know about storytelling that I wrote, so I have the in bound in the out bundling there has to be obviously a photo and illustration off some sort on it. And in the photo and illustration part is tough, as it might be for some of you to listen to, but I really recommend you not just be spending too much money on photos, illustrations, that is where we're sort of the dollar the dollar stock comes in. I take actually a lot of my own photos because my own brand is a lot about showing where I go and what I do. So I'm the queen of sunsets and hiking pictures because I share that because it's one thing you can really safely share nobody really has to be in it so you don't have to show your family if you're not comfortable with it. Well, when I show my man he's usually sort of not very recognizable somewhere in the background doing something really goofy um so so it's clear that I am with somebody but I am not, you know, violating sort of the privacy and maybe I'm not ready to share that yet. Um, about, you know my relationship, so but I do take selfies when I'm hiking always a great cell thing to do or if you are an inspiration or whatever like you could go to gallery shows and you could you take a picture of yourself in front of the gallery and saying, you know, here's something that's really moved and motivated me to see so it's about what is the hero what's the journey what's the travels of the hero what are you going through? What what do you see? What what, what matters to you so I post a enormous amount of travel pictures just because that's the lifestyle I'm selling that's what my brand sells my brand sells the other side, right? So if you follow my methods, my ideas, my formulas, then you will come out on the other side and then you two can go on great vacations and gone gratification and you can go skiing and you can go to all these places and have a fabulous time which I truly have you know and this is one of the reasons why I do what I do because it enables me to have the freedom to pursue also my personal interest then we have text the body off the off the block post should not be more than five hundred words sometimes you know, maybe six to seven hundred andrea said you know do less less is better just because people don't read that much is not that difficult to write so if you stick with that you know he has two summary that's what I want to say here the three teaching points that I'm putting in it he are the you know and then you you do the math so you have the intro with about whatever one hundred fifty words each point is about one hundred one hundred twenty five words and then you have the summary at the very end and in the summer you must have a call to action what do you want him to do what he wanted to do? Do you want them to comment? Do you want them to go somewhere and by something you want them to go check something out you want them to engage with you? Do you want them to ask you a question? You want them to suggest the topic you to write, to write to you what is that kind of what's? The kind of thing that you want from them so again and in the in the workbook what I want to do is one more thing. So you have to call to action and then at the very bottom off your block post you write your blur the blurb about you, so be articulate is a respected speaker, author and career coach. And she's written a book happy woman happy world she trains corporations, engendered equality and women leadership as well as she you know, depending on where this goes, I will, you know, adjust the blurb sort of accordingly. And stafford, you had that question earlier is, do you adjust the story? And and so let's, just bring that back up just asked the question that you asked me earlier, as you mentioned earlier, that you have multiple client bases, summer corporate, and then at the other end of the spectrum is individuals that work with you within that spectrum. You adjust your story to that particular audience so you might not share something super emotional with a corporate client that with the individual working with you, you may have ah, more emotional connection, and I'm so glad you asked that because that is so key in everything, and that just shows me on on how clear you are about this already is that's exactly right? It really depends on the brand on what the brand portrays so in the corporate world the brand would be more the woman that has, you know tried it in the corporate world and then seeing what's wrong with it that is out here now to fix it because this woman you know, deals on the women's code side with all the women that have, you know, gone through through the corporations and see what's really happening so so the corporate brand comes in and says I'm here whereas in the you know what I you know saw in the in the creative, entrepreneurial world and especially the photography the brand is well, what do you know? Half of them are women and they have other problems they don't have the corporate problems, but their problems are how am I going to run a business, be a mom, have a relationship, make my relationship either work or find one or fix mine and take care of myself? It's isn't even humanly possible. Oh, wait the women's code we're here to help so you know somehow in that and the and the women you know is sort of the triangle that goes through all of this which fits me perfectly well because that's a big part of my story so wherever wherever you find so the hook for what you know what this client is looking for and that's why it's so incredibly important to do what we did in the authority platt from day saying what's the conversation in the head of the person that I want to read because if I know what they're thinking what are they worried about? Do you think what we talked about that the corporation that is all male dominated what where was eighty nine percent men in sea level? Do you think they worry about that they're sixty three percent of college graduates are women they better they should so here's eighty percent men sixty three percent women coming out of schools what is going to happen it's going to be a disaster if we don't address is him you know because that's what I watch out for the trend the numbers that's why I said in the workbook my google alerts based up uncertain criterias and why I follow certain innovators with the outrageous ideas because what if there is something to it you know and that's why I probes the benefit ofthe working with me with you with you with you with you with you with you and with you is you know this stuff so when they work with you you come with not just your skill but the whole background off the knowledge off the research off what you're bringing in what you accumulated that's what? Saves them time and money. That's what? Make sure the authenticity at the authority blocking off follow up your thie authority in your subject is because you now have everything at your fingertips. And like stafford said to you, what do you share? Whatever's appropriate that's what I share and if it it, if it totally if it totally bombs, I might delete the bark post or I changed the headline. Or I write another block post and that block post goes the block post I wrote that totally bombed here. The three reasons why my last block post totally failed. I didn't make it about the people I was talking too much about myself. I picked a subject that was important to me but clearly to nobody else. Here are the three things I want to tell you and how you can avoid making the exact same mistake I just did. And that might, you know, be sort of the winner where people go like well, you know that's really no she's like she's. Like putting it all out there. So in the blurb to go back to the block and formulas in the blurb you have these pre selected blurbs, they're relatively short. Where you talk about your key accomplishments, this's, thie, instant credibility. Going back to the kick started video we saw earlier with a brilliant comment. One of our viewers made the instant credibility the blurb ist instant credibility. Why? Because remember, as you growing, other people might be linking to your article. So if they're linked to you, are they may not know who you are, so don't be afraid, even if it's your own block to have you blur on your own on your own bar post, right, so that is entirely up to discretion.
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Ratings and Reviews
Beate Chelette delivered so much value with so much style and grace that it was a "no-brainer" decision on the 2nd day -- I needed to own "Grow Your Business as the Authority In Your Space"! This is material I can really go back to and mine for nuggets over and over -- PLUS, I can't wait to get a closer look at the workbook (and start trying out the exercises of course!). Beate's surprisingly broad expertise coupled with her polish and professionalism made each day's programming a true joy to watch. She is a wonderful role model for all of us nascent women entrepreneurs -- and obviously, men will find her lessons just as empowering. Thank you, CreativeLive and a special thank you to Beate Chelette!
Outstanding lessons and advice on how to make your sales become real. The advice on how to link yourself to others via Linked-In is compelling and easy to begin. I like her advice about doing at least 1 thing every day for your business. Barry L Walton
Amy Fletcher
I love this course and dip back into it frequently. I would highly recommend this course to entry-level and mid-career academics, particularly women. More courses please from Beate Chelette! Cheers, Amy